March 23, 2025

Handy men.Part 1b

Handy spandy battered the handymen where the hangman's knot of their morass was burnt in an effigy 
Haplocaulescent machupelahs beyond the mere machismo of a mere nomenclature 
Though not like jackanapes,monkeys,apes or jack-a-dandies neither jackbooted jackmen,a jackeened  jackass nọr a famished jackeroo jackeroing unpaid in the stinking ranch ,or jailbreaking jailbirds recumbent or jacent to acrid denunciation or j'accuse jacketing in the wild but jaculation jacobinised in jacobinic terror .
Had he not in Janis Claudia at abesian coastline make them jajmen and nobilities from mobilities thereafter, terror recumbence may lapse into nether.Had the handymen not recourse to terror auxiliaries as succour to invading abesian men at arms, pyrhic victory may have been the jankiest of pyrhic failure. 
His taunts not his jaunts his jaunts not his taunts to hauntingly as jauntingly rollercoastered smashhit.
And so the streets and cities launder him praise
"King Atesmus! king Atesmus !! long live king Atesmus!!!"
As palasmus handymen launder him eulogy to the jaywalkers delight hoipoloi's remarks
"Did you tell this wonderful story?"
"Probably you don't know that story better than abesians themselves lilliputians in our shore?"
"Jawhawkers at Alupluto later warriors turned princesses and princess at Ambergust."
"He announced them first class Citizens "
"Yeah mind you ambergustines in the ghettos were pledged Eldorado of new cities to innumerable vitiated".
"How dare you discredit the new kingdom?"
"Oh you re probably anesian too or married to one?'
"No government of the united people "
"You probably don't get it.Here's the problem at Ambergust "
It is you jet lagging rather"
"Problems don't get solved in alien nations usurped by foreign powers.Ambergust was overran by the alien marauders from Nevalon mother country as it were with Alupluto "
"But at alupluto ambergustines were labelled marauders.Bastards like maximus etcetera now a king too."
"Yeah you re right.System of government was at first main bone of contention they hardly a model workable.If it be democracy let it fronted by marsocracy and if still be monarchy let it be fronted by marsocracy.Then let economic power takes proper charge and whisk political power to second fiddle.Above all leet not economic power be usurped in concept by political power where social power became the basis of public system or public order.Otherwise this triumph could be treason in the first place.
Three nation states at the bay of alupluto be independent minded of a workable model.Then there shall be everlasting peace."
Palasmus overheard him three paces away from their public gatherings.
"Oh did I hear you well?Your thesis treacles me.Do you have a paper ?"
"Of course "somehow adulated as the duo moved closer in private conversation and palasmus exit his ottoman to hocus pocus him in threesome several paces as trumpets and cymbals blasted their melodies in the well publicized coronation parties across the nation .
"So you make an interesting proposition?Where are you from?"
"Am from Nevalon mother country"
"Oh you came visiting on this account the celebration mood"
"You thrilled me about this whole mess governmental systems not functioning."
"Oh yeah a perpetual disease. Foreign system hardly work in alien soil where the customs are heterozygous and differ .Each wobbling nation states in the bay of alupluto be embossed with different system and requires different sacrifices."
"So what do you suggest to make the new king function?"
"Marsocracy with complementary market system marsolism "
"This is interesting and you know the state dinner is coming up after the king's dinner new shakers in power convening.
I fear the clash between the two Wizards of abesi quite growing and Gallicia wanted to rule too."
"Continue "
"Am the father of the hatchet men "
"The well publicized conquering handymen?"
"Exactly you re in the right place.So we take your program to king Atesmus,in the best interest of Justice and equity "

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