March 23, 2025

English folks.part one.

The twosome began to Converse "but first what are you gonna eat?"as he gestured and beckoned the chef for a gourmet's recipe The chef was Infront of him in minutes as if triggered by lightning 
"What are your orders sir"
"Give me a ragout of white asparagus,lobster and potatoes in a satiny Beurre banc crimsoned with chervil ".
"You seem to have a good taste like cognitive cognoscentis."waiter retorted 
"And you menu would you order?"
"Just some pastries and pie and 🦀 crabs and am okay"
"Okay gentlemen I LL be back in a jiffy "dashing like to revert back with the package and the foodbills.
"Do you know the first two historians of the English people?"as Jade took a bite.
"Yes I do Horsa"
"Is that your final answer?"
"I thought you would be speechless and you impressed me every time.So intelligent"
"See Horsa the jutlandish from now Danish region."
"Oh my gosh !Do you know something some folks never to know this complex story till they die"
Let me expatiate.The first two historians Horsa and Hengist.They came from Jutland .you re right.They came to defend the king against the Scots and the Picts"
" tried too.interesting !"

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