March 23, 2025

Time.part 15

We re not to retaliate with the moment of truth 
The currency whose frequency of expenses
 in the prime energy of light fuels our very existence 
The formative impulse begins with migration from the unconscious age 
Origin of mothernature 
Mothernature implies fate,faith (science of gravity and resistance) and probability 
 three weird sisters of mothernature.They form the cradle of ontology through their procreation, strategic interaction and evolution.
How did they born silence and change?
No ever comprehend this age supplanted over abstraction field let alone its discovery!
The birth of motion begins the adventure of time in the womb of change formed by the weird sisters.
Silence exist before mothernature the true environment of existence and non existence 
It portrays the fact of the three fields of cosmogony or existence only two fields supplanted in the two ages of conscious and subconscious ages were truly designed and evolved 
Not the abstraction field of the unconscious age the cradle of mothernature that procreates existence 
Existence as it were is simply utilitarian field and empirical fieldm̀
As the enclosure and enclave of subconscious and conscious ages.
Omniscience for sure could measure the two fields and ages 
Whereas mothernature non existent entity comprehend three fields and three ages
Does mothernature exist ?
Of course it could be demonic knowledge as hagiographers might call it sacrilegious statement 
The strategic interaction between weird sisters formulated concept of notion and motion


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