March 15, 2025

The Bestiality of human justice.part one

The claim of justice among men is highly misplaced and the author in this piece disagreed with the notion that human justice exist beyond imperialism.Enjoy the reading.

Across the stretch and breadth of human history it is hardly disputed the fundamental structure of global civilization is mass slavery.Elsewhere the author has argue in volumes and here he provides a little historical tradition of civilization slavery to prove the bestiality of human justice and the contraption of political justice and the nonexistence of public justice.No man and no society under sun had experienced public or universal justice before as proven evidence  beyond the infraction of the accepted but vacuous doctrine of justice embalmed by the covenants of fraudulent justice.A carry over foundation of mordern civilisation.We critically assess the possibility of dreams via infrastructure of justice administration,social safety net and the doctrine of fairness and equity which created framework for the attainment of the talented resources, public goods and general fulfilment.
Slavery by history spans many tribes, nationalities,races,ages from ancient times to mordern civilisation.Accross the social legal and economic implication differ vastly by the nature of the inherited and hereditary system.The cradle of slavery spans from the fringes of hunter gatherer as evidence of heredity with mass victims found in every culture and human activities under sun.Mass chattel slavery was particularly widespread due to the conditions of agriculture with diverse implication for the economic and social advantage and massive opportunities it offer for mankind in general.When civilisation was begun slavery the cash cow of human commerce was institutionalized with the emergence of civilization in Sumer , Mesopotamia.This dates back as far as 3500BC.Infact the slavery features were incorporated into the Mesopotamian codes of Hammurabi (c.1750).This indicates such evidence of institutionalization of slavery in the ancient times.This spread every where from Asia, Europe, middle east and Africa till date slavery is not forgotten.It has taken a different garb inspite of the exit of old slave trade in the colonial period and emergence of neocolonialism the institution of slavery is a money spinner.This testifies evidence to the author 's empirical axiom about the bestiality of human justice and the impossible nature of mankind to tolerate the breathe of equity and fairness.
Although it was less prevalent in the early middle ages prior to resurgence of colonial era.Durng the centuries of warfare in Europe and Mediterranean both Christians and muslims captured and enslaved one another .Again basically from western and central Asia to northern, eastern Africa,to india and  Europe between 7th and 20th centuries Islamic slavery took the world by storm.Both traditions, including Islamic law and Christian law approved slavery and capture of muslims by Christians and capture of Christians by muslims and also beyond religious prejudices thrived around the world.Slaves were trafficked from non Muslim land via Balkan slave trade and comes slave trade from the north and via Bukhara Slave trade from the East.Also via andalusian slave trade from the west and via transatlantic slave trade ,from the south enroute the west mostly americas and not excluding troubled period of the Red sea Slave trade and the Indian ocean slave trade .
European merchants revived slavery from the 16th century beginning from Portuguese merchants that initiated the translantic slave trade.The phenomena success was crystal clear a fundamental fact of western civilization and few merchants dared venture far inland to avoid tropical diseases and violence .And when they did they bought commodities including gold and ivory to some extent but in most cases they turned them into slaves,bought imprisoned Africans and exported them from west African kingdoms across the Atlantic.They carted away gun, gunpowder,manillas, copper,cloth and primary products that led to surge in demand for imported goods and to more wars and enslavement of more Africans .In India ,Asia and the new world people were forced into slavery to create local work force and despite legal freedom attained where laws were promulgated that led to abolition of slavery it has assumed a different garb  entirely .
In mordern times human trafficking some sort of renaissance of this pronounced international problem so that in this 21st century slavery generates a staggering $150b.per annum.It was accelerated by advancements in mordern transportation technology and population where armed gangs and armed conflict thrives are particularly vulnerable and made human trafficking easier.In 2019 over 40.3m experienced some form of slavery worldwide including 25percent of them children.
See the statistics forced labour,forced marriage, human trafficking, sexual trafficking,house worker or domest labour.We are talking of forced labour in manufacturing, fishing, sexual slavery,mining, construction etcetera. For instance 24.9million into forced labour and 15.4m.into forced marriage. Let me burst your slavery mind you modern slave trade like I mentioned elsewhere remains the entire salaried work force globally.Only the use of robotic machines and web 3 revolution of the current internet transition could come to the rescue.Only technology can save mankind from the terror of mankind and we Ve accepted the proof and inexistence of human justice.
We Ve also proven why political justice is nothing imperialism and since the supposed human justice contrived political justice what rants of logical conclusion do we expect? Bestiality and pure imperialism.
Many of us have forgotten when external slavery left us internal colonialism or internal slavery to borrow the golden words of woke SOYINKA greatest black man ever was begun or replaced by internal colonialism.We can identify the need for public justice or universal justice that only the internet revolution and robotic revolution can provide.Does it make sense for robot to replace factory workers? If so where would the factory workers obtain living?Does the internet revolution able to choke or engage billions of work force world wide with the ongoing web 3 revolution?As man venture into life on Mars will the same robots take their place?If redundancy set in every where will mankind able to live much longer with work and exercise of their body physique?Does it mean everyone should into egalitarian capitalism with the formula that every of such capitalists rough over 8billion folks worldwide should employ robots in their factories and work place?What does that implication has on world inflation movement?Does electronic money like crypto or Bitcoin able to soak inflation?Does inflation actually exist beyond the imperial contraption of neoliberal economists and neoliberal capitalists and not by egalitarian capitalists?These are the questions the blogger solved in his macroeconomic theory of marsolism.We are about to enter into the most complex era of human history .

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