March 27, 2025

Terror banter.part two.

She woke up early in the morning only to find out his brother in the forest ruminating.Gazing out of the windows saw him aloof with gigantic books in his hands as if macerating the morsel in the taste of gourmet.All of sudden went out to meet him .
"Brother been looking for you."
"You left the houses in the cities to daddy's servants
And here you re chewing thesauruses and websters as if they were meals 
I didn't see oxford with the largest collection of words.A million words or more.why?You re always different"
"Not drop dead gorgeous supercalifragilisticexpialidocious of my own likings "swiftly coded in his tongue like a streak of lightning.
"Dad is late.i hope you won't kill me in the forest mansion with difficult words such I have never heard before in my entire life.
Chei.So,this was Dad' s intention you should evacuate me as if like matter back to village"
"So you barely know.Now you know.Jade is gone for good.Has he disvirgined you?"
"Why re you asking such nonsense?"
"Me your brother spewing a bollocks a mishmash of bolloney?"
"I don't have your time "
"As you can see I am memorizing my Poetry.Plead thee leave me alone if you can't keep quiet.By the way in the last assignment I gave you how did the Normans came to england?Have you finished that?"
"Too tedious brother "
"So you have not read my studious guide?"
"I will I wanted to see you lay.You have been in three days sleeping in the summer house reading yourself to death.What's going one bro? Obviously is this the highest form of learning ?"
"Anyway listen."
"Uhmmmm you re not looking the books here like ten hours now been peeping from the window.What re you saying ?I hear you this is not motivational speaking?Or do you recite vocabularies?Oh my gosh"
"You re making noise this is holy ground you might be incinerated alive.Shut upppppp"
"Indesinent in deep doo doo, indicia so indicible ,impetuous bimbos indurate indumentas of bolloneys.How come inducia , inenarrable of fractured ineslatic collision lay the inequilateral and in embryonic bait to infaust mademoiselles with infection exhaustion psychosis from the angular vector of infectious chlorosis!
Begone jade! begone jade!!"
"What re you saying jade or jade?Jade again"he grouched timoferously.
Infestuous infinicete Not ever the ink stones of inkslinger supposed innuendos able to quel the dissipates of the public realm !Innosculate now as inquisitress in the evergreens for inradius inpatrimonio of thy boodle's inotropic positivation.More of medulla natura than of rerum Natura.Inverted or reverse perspective plead thee from my pavonian gesture I rant in pavonine pavisade of my pavlovian permutations.Take my isochronous and isomorphous routine as your isthmus to my archipelago. Quarantine those tilts of pegooses,ninnies,perksnifferies,pedageses"percolutionary, illocutionary,locutionary frightens her from her perlustrate jar of parboiled anger.
"You madness done!All this big words my fears?"
"Are you a perfectionist?"
Of course I am a perfectibilist.My gene - Sesquipedalianism!"
"Perfecto obscene"
"Yeah a perfectibilitarianist"
"Uhmmmm I m'a die .Sesquipe...."
"Not Perkin's violet ,or a mauve,or a philogaster".
"Tell me those jargonised verses "
"Never over my dead body"
"Bad association is evil run.Am saying the same thing I told you earlier.
Dad wishes so"
"Who has made you like this ?"
"White man.You picayune how dare you?"
"I LL probably burn this house down one day"he was so angry and gashed a stick browbeatened and smashed her piggyback into the mansion and returns back .
"Go back to the thesis.Piaculum.Piacularly.I want it finished in record time,a week at most.Stupid girl.Am a pickle man through pickleballs don't disgrace my genealogy.We produce the most brilliant minds in the land."

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