1.English law has evolved since 1066 without any major changes whatsoever.Two factors account for this uniqueness:
I.That england has not been conquered since 1066;
Ii.That the operative function and stability of the act of parliament and case law was guarranteed beyond old age.
2.Accusatorial procedure does not apply in both civil and criminal cases and countries where inquisitorial method is used the court plays prominent role in questioning the witnesses unlike in Britain to stay neutral and hear both sides.
The capacity of the court's apparatus in the historic correction of Common laws and replaced with equity was brought to bear in the international community where Britain as a global superpower played a leading role in shaping global sense of justice in the most ideal direction.The eradication of slave trade was a smooth sail and it was largely due to egalitarian political justice since congress of 1815 even through both wars that the world has had a global political stability albeit pocket of intermittent wars and crisis across the world.Infact I blame America for most of those wars especially the supremacy fight Old Soviet or Russia and America that was flexed for seventy years as the British plays the mother to international community . Sometimes misleading the British to venture into the irrational wars like Kuwait and Iraqi wars of the 90s not excluding the current Ukraine Russia war.Had the stabilisering influence not sustainable we risk much higher global crisis than we currently facing .
The contract of thoughts should not be given to nations or individual persons with bestial track record in the treatment of fellow men or fellow nations.
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