Those who heard the commotions were guttersnipes and street urchins thousands of kilometer away in the outskirts of the egregious centers . Medicine men and witch doctors engrossed in their arts not so far apart from the feverish thrills of this perhaps happax legomena appertured and knotted with conjugal bliss being tied up in the local churches at numeric proportion juxtaposed over a vague distance from the forest ripped apart by 🔥 fire where cavaliers stood at neglible distance of the fast encroaching gloom.
As the inferno amplified its momentum,the street gangsters engulfed in the nearby robbery scene a stone throw from the graveyards enclosed at the church yards,ignited workers stampede as they stampeded in the mad rush limbs mangled and bruises on broken legs, groaning pain pang of the murderous stampedes .A late chorister was curious in her rush to the church yard lowered visage over the clownish and haploperistomic Colleen poking fun in the parking lounge.She was compelled with her gesture to inquire the direction.Looking round the clusters of menace, contemplated on the barking dogs.Then the walking forest inferno wincing towards the churchyard.Amazing!
The horses stampeded in the enclosed ranches and shrieking noises that never went beyond the vanishing distance to gravitate the ranchers to return in haste and quel the diabolical inferno.The horrendous tumult was out of this world.
Barreta hadn t seen this type of wild wings before flying terror from the fringes of terror.She took off her sun glass and wipe out with her handkerchief her sweaty face and then readjusted his once direction less visage.
The gangsters in harambee flocked the scenes trooped out of the bank premises hordes of pyrates being chased by street jobbers and areaboys
shouted the handy spandy to
"Ole!olé!!ólé!!!" meaning mauranders.Street gangs brandished cutlasses,matchetes and big sticks consumed with harpactophagous mien to bully them down as they ran towards the hellobious East wings at the town square.Hellacious helleballoo enveloped the hellscapic scene of the hematoperitoneumhematophagous folks.They wanted demise and jungle justice not filigree of hemimetalmorphosis in the Hercules stone .
The lady in the heteronymous but heteropathic callous feet moved closer to the car as she laughed a little more hysterical on seeing her attention gesticulation like goofs of pointificates with no words
"Can't you speak"as she gestured her the direction and harrumphed stunts in the hebetudinous of his heautophany.
When she looked back at the hand in glove direction,a couple of dogs from the basement joined in the chase.But she was immobile "What the fuck about me?Am going to the church"and grouched him behind not minding the robbery scenes in need of gumptionless exigencies in the harrum scarum of hamstrung hamulus .
Then she sighed a relief on entry the church premises, deranged with melodious blast of mellifluous cymbals and elated crowd .She had seen the fire raging at close distance to truncate emergence of beautiful dreams.Halterbroken with hammer and tongs,as stiffness of fear broke down her halidom.
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