Areniculous:The cavalry approaches us there's no action from the king yet
Manpower:Another war imminent.
Areniculous :What could we have done in a fogbow with no fogbuoy?
Manpower:Grammar again !
Areniculous:you bullshit old fogeyism
What do you know in a fog eater beyond demise?
Manpower:What is that?
Areniculous:See the cavalry and regiments splitted to three and grew in velocity .
Manpower:Speak Animus.You haven't spoken since.
Animus : Maximus is raving with fellow battalion excluding Tumulus and allies most faithful soldiers.
Areniculous:Guess who?maxi....
Areniculous:So,Maximus strike again.The bees and wasps must return to battle .
Animus:A fogram's foggo.old folks little sense.
Lassicus : Should I counter them with my fleet.
Animus:Behold I order you strike first divide your soldiers into two let the first batch approach.Will you avoid fighting him from the rear?He detest nothing less than open fields if you you LL never finish him with your blazing and we send you fighting bees thereafter.
Lassicus: Fighting bees wouldn't work for Maximus had changed the men apparent clothing into brassy metal and gold.
Animus:Really!Let us see.
In less than an hour bitch from the rear poke fun from behind and distracted his 🐎 horses stampede in the plain field.The rest vigiled from the garrison where ten thousand angels masked the castle and a battalion fast footed from the porch into frontline battlefield.
Animus:Who should refine as the grindlestone ,grindstone or grinding stones to smooth the defeat?
Manpower:let me go.
Animus:Hurry my dear
Areniculous:Did I not hear maximus had met Atesmus for the battle in the north country ?How come maximus we see here to fight king Sullivan's.All gone too soon for the purpose of victory that deterents that deter nothing.
Lassicus:The Leper's Straw has revealed details to secede and the maximus confidence came from that plot.Atesmus had informed him of the plot
King:The defence of the realm maximus at last show his colour .
The battlefield Infront of king's palace took several weeks.
Maximus shed the blood of a four thousands valiant guards and spared none till Animus line remained three thousands and a thousand had fled.The massacre could have 🐝 been much more brutal until his request was granted.
Maximus:I shall not play second fiddle to thy kingdom grant me domains at abesi my birth place so shall thou know peace at thy tent.
Animus negotiation had failed and requested to meet king Sullivan in person.The Bees trenchwarfare malfunctioned and when Sullivan's travels pelted them with bees a vast chunk of them birth themselves in the water streams
O water streams 'dives to quell the stings of the hornets and wasps and bees.
Some had sprayed with power nuzzle and bombarded with wasp nets beneath eaves of fighting camp houses,weary of retaliation .
Even guard bees bump them no warning and drenches in rainy weather was particularly protective.
Aloof and irritable now in the rainy weather not in the sunny weather that prompted the sarabesa's massacre
O they avenge the massacre when bees and wasps were particularly at their worst venom.
Animus was startled the bees and wasps malfunctioned.
Did they breathe by inhalation through holes in the external carapace?
Diginus maximus right hand man had interrogated him his bees dread and probed his vacuous fright.
"They hardly sting beyond ten feet apart
Unless we committed bees giving over your heads
To predate with their attack beyond fifty feet,
Though varries markedly depending on the ratio of their anger
They probably returns to their hives
And to the honeybees that stung with soldiers
Fallen to the ground did not die immediately
I probe sarabesa's massacre moonlit
But hung to the ground in circular grouch's
Compelled stung soldiers to probably ran 100 feet to More than 100km stung within distances
Over which Sullivan's travels dropped them
Persistent stings in perpetual fight
But Sullivan's tactics dropped the sting bees every 20 feet space at sarabesa's radius
Tis 20km hiatus of bees fight had commenced and stung unwary soldiers
The rest of the exhaust bees and unused volumes
In funky Frith returns to their colonies.
Sullivan's travel had relocated to the apiaries at nearby the country houses 'orchards.
His honeybees hives were huge extended up to the roof attic and eaves
Blanketed fifty country houses like a chiling fog upon taking over the kingdom
Ten million active bees pillaged retaliation at sarabesa's massacres
And with half of its stock gone dead bees for a measly grid of the fifty million bees"
And saith bees hath no lungs and behold insects as the diving beetles
Had he not doctored them to perceive men at arms as hives'threat
To unleash pheromones in their first organic attack
And lo second mass attack stings pertinently at every fucking distance of the droplets
Diginus witnessed the anecdotal evidence of the mining bee fall in a pond
And swim straight into a lily pad and
Then climb the raised rim of the lily pad
It drank the flower's nectar and flew off where on its edge the lily pad had a raised a wall
"A rarity muse.i must say"says diginus "and I suppose is an instinctive behavior of species of 🐝 bee and a form of species that lives near the tidal marshes, living off the marshes'flowers and swimming great tide."
"O beneath water those insects may gallivant a day or two and hardly dies
Not so fortunate drill for the bees beneath water to demise in a jungle of an hour"
He had unveiled the riddle of their invasive routine
"Often times when first bee has stung the rest of the other bees likely going to attack same target,
Bees and wasps detest body of soapy waters
Marking the victims with alarm pheromones to dictate the defensive stinging that triggers defensive stinging from other bees
That disrupt insect repellent cell membranes
Dissolves their protective waxy coating
Blinds them probably and dessicating them.
Perfect but sterile rose bushes, Sullivan's garden full of pollinating bees,aphid eating lady birds,queen bees'stardom,hoover flies,lawn beetle parasiting flower wasps , gorgeous big blue iridescent babes in their hives at Sullivan's garden
Had taken us captives with dreariest war stratagem ever.
His 2.2milliom hives producing 240,000 types of honeys at 90,000 bee yards in 400,000 acres of shallow abesi 🏜️ desert land
How dare you fed thyself water weary poker?
I dare you to strike him in rainy weather and be sure of pyrhic victory.shallom!"
Aggregate of a million bee yards was outlandish as it was dreary for diginus to accept
Had pressed him to battle in the rainy weather
Diginus says had had enough of Sullivan's deception
O it disgust him to the broken navel and not enough for soldiers metal golden clothing to save them from the bite
Hence recourse to water weapons.
The cavalry stood close to water when manpower's battalion followed up the battle lines.
"Why did you fear him because of bees? O you quintessential epiphany,now jabbernowled ,must you dread them,bees and dread Sullivan's jabberwocky antics so much?"he reiterated and jaculatedly jabbled at some point of forest walk studious of plant species like the queen's crape myrtle adorned with huge lilac clusters and orchid hanging on the trees.A tall trees itself with hefty spikes of lowers in June and july.Its robust leaves turn in the fall into vivid red and fall after cold spells. They accessed a couple of species Jaragua,walnut, almond,fauna and flora and the bees behavior in the wild .
His confidence aplomb from a puppetic jangler's janglings of jangled nerves beyond jactitation of jactancies returned from a jackerooing of jadestone's jaddishness.His janissaries loved him.His jaquima returns from being a jar less Jackman.As if bound by irremediable Jeepers creepers sworn to brawl in the battlefield of dreams to honor diginus's pledges and provoke ire and not to jeer his Jekyll and Hyde nor to swear allegiance to the sanctity of je maintiendrai,the citadel of the vulgars for his tour jete or jete en tournant .The jiggermen of his own jiggery-pokery jiggling and jiggety pent up for jindyworobak swooped him off his drudgery feet beyond the jiggumbob into the journey of no return.
The Invasion of the palace was successful and the king ceded him abesi
Now five kings in the bay of alupluto comity of tripple nations.offenses upon offenses gallivant a notch.None jackbooted jack-a-dandy ever craves a jackaroo.
Shortly thereafter second raid had begun at Ambergust the masterpiece of warfare the bay of alupluto had ever seen.
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