March 14, 2025

Egalitarian Justice.Chapter one

African culture quite a satire an irony of contempt to most northerners but to many scholars of African comparative history and literatures is fast becoming a household literature of some sort.His ebullient mind did not spare him for once.Ogbomoso ajilete was his bond and everlasting muse after all he was still ajilete "those who wake up in the morning and have a goal" of the city with unmatched checkered antecedence the emporium of the world greatest black warriors of all time.No black city in Sub-Saharan Africa and beyond comes close.Ogbomoso the land of the most fetish and most successful black warriors ever contrived in black history.Tunde Ogbomoso from the genealogy of kings the royal household in the ancient city was fond of ajilete and distinguished himself and his root from the rest of Yoruba cities and boasted their inferiority including Ibadan to the ajilete 's swashbuckling oddysey in the warfront unmatched for all time.He seemed to thrive more of his ambition shot to stardom as an oil magnate like the otedolas,the Dangotes of this world.He doesn't care to be confronted with allegation whatsoever that his papers were fake after all not neglecting his rationality to face them to back off and not any fabled idiom and care a fig so much that he cannot soil his royal heritage.

The momentum of his intellectual defense sparked a frenetic riot with fellow ajiletean from the humble root of Laniyan household which hailed from Okelerin the theater of masquerade in the city.As he had thoughtfully sculptured the unceremonious and the unpremeditated episode happened  . Unbroken horns stultified, grimdeath bristling,his unfractured navel with unflinching brows adamantinous diminutive frame at a gravity of inverse degree to the earth pointificating to goofs of higher gravity of taller men as he pours egregious bombshell and bellyaching.He was such a grandiose and bombastic atrioventricular bundle often at loggerhead with his ethnicity as apex scar in the conscience of the country naija.A pathetic position and the inconvenience of wooing the lost sheep back to the fold and reveled as backwoodsman his backwoods tis the scale of demise.
The archipelago of lost sheeps and the rancid riverbed in which they were laid to quench stinks that hardly dissipate.The gathering was ferocious downpour of grief and diatribes hardly spared the traduce and calumny .Tunde Ogbomoso squandered not an inch to take alhaji gold to the cleaners in a smearing campaign of no equal .He brokered convention of intrigues and ferocious indignation in the variegated commutings round the wild wild west and distraught with ancient setback of his roots.This opened a can of deadly worms he had long anticipated to sink further the esteem of the west fast becoming some of the worst jungles in black Africa.The mobs had taken over the forest of their captives and farmers and merchants strangled in their way to the farmfields for harvest and crops burgled to feed the cattle of the cattlemen and kidnappers.
The kidnappers came from the north disgusted with veils and hijab like veils like the Arab women.They stood perplexed at the gory sight of kidnappers brandishing deadly weapons beyond the afford of those who wield them.
"where did they get this brace of deadly weapons and munitions in their keep?"
"Of course the politicians were involved"
"Politicians how dare you say so?"
"I Ve told you times without number if I were to be the commander in chief,I won't hesitate to weed out politicians in Nigeria "
"How do we mean?Okay who would replace them?"
"I LL yarn you later.Too early for what?"
"We re warriors in our place and we hardly reveal battlefield secret too quickly"
" Okay"
"I pity the system that enables this league of morons to be in power"
"We never had it well with the military "
"Exactly now you re getting my point"
"And the replacement?"
"Later I LL tell you.I proposed a new political system and it solves all our problems in two good years.We can make Naija most beautiful country in the world with the most beautiful cities ever designed."
"Uhmmmm cock and bull idiotic story again."
"Do you think advanced countries had it that easy?They had troubled transition too."
"Yeah but not like ours one step forward and two steps backwards and later two steps forward then three four five steps backwards.Haba!Our mumu don't do."
"You re still supporting them as ajilete rest of Yoruba betrayed yet we fought for our brothers in every war time."
"Solution to Naija worth more than break up."
"There can be no solution.Break ups better option and that system of government might work as you propose it."Tunde counter blasted .
He had just returned from the northern travel and alhaji gold was hungry and akanmu had just bought him food as the wisest old man in the group.There was chastising look from alhaji gold cleared his throat with satchets of pure water sitting east of the conversation.He had just returned back to his metal sit to make little contribution to brt park relaxation time at 5pm.A hawker had just been restored back to street hawking after mild injuries.Alhaji gold a humanitarian had saved her from some bruises and strained ankle as the erring vehicle speeded off at frightening pace . Butchered meats from street abattoir paraded in street stalls scattered on the ground in the driveway mayhem that scarred onlookers to stampede into the butcher's stall.Some good Samaritans had picked the pieces back to the readjusted table and pacified him with solaced words .Broken bottles of beverages and breweries littered the ground ,okada riders fallen on the canvass was helped back to his feet, handkerchief rolled to clear his growing tears fallen on his cheeks cried in agony of the pain he had sustained in the stampede.Blood stained apparel removed and okrika wares retrieved to clothe him in the street of no clemency,the Naija streets buzzling in Lagos city.Carnage on the roads reveled on the death tolls.
Alhaji gold stood out in doling out soothe with motivational speeches .He had bought pack of icy pure waters administered to bruise points to allay the pain of the okada rider.The cold satchets of water bag was exhausted upon his medula for momentary and instant solace.
Mammoth gathered to poke fun often stood at ridiculous distance offered no public assistance and goofy at the outcome that went well.Wielding diverse sizes of camera to record videos to the contempt of the groaning cheeks as the event dissipate slowly.
"I thought he was the hero"an onlooker and fellow hawker of pure water concluded in the company of market siblings.
"They should arrest the driver"
"This country is not save"
Alhaji gold retorted"none ever come close to save these groaning patients from pain and death or give them first aid"he chastised them as local ambulance erupted to wield the wounded okada rider on a stretcher for nearby hospital treatment.
"I can't otherwise I ll be arrested for what I didn't do .What if the guy dies in your hands when you administered first aid?Are you a doctor?you LL be arrested immediately"
"Thank God it never happens"another hawker noted as alhaji gold returns back to his metal sit to resume conversation.Akanmu was often impressed with the egalitarian spirit  ordered mama put nearby to bring beans and bread 🍞 being alhaji gold 's favorite even prior to mayhem.He called his attention when he sat down.
"You worked so hard to save them.
You must have been exhausted "
"See what alhaji just did.He could have died before the ambulance.We don't help each others in this country."
"That was what I meant solution may not be break up .The people are wicked to each other and the new country might face the same challenge.Take it or leave it ."
"Alhaji tried I did admire him"
"Can you do such a thing saving one's life by risking your own life?"
"God forbid?"
"Exactly that's why you should not proffer solution that you can not defend."
"Boko Haram, kidnappers and cattle rearers a critical instance of such wickedness!"
They returned back to their conversation 
And it has lost the momentum and akanmu quietly and slowly after sounded applause to alhaji gold departed .Tunde Ogbomoso and ilks joined the next group of conversation, a stone throw from the first group's location.

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