king Ostrogoth's fast twitch and slow twitch fastuous bent
was particularly annoying and frightening,
Fatalistically In the hetrauxetic heuristic impugns the kingdom's minnows,
As stinking fatbergs slotted for warfare perdition
Hence hic et nunc by hic et unique disgust feasibility of fat Vian invenient and contempt the pomp of fatti maschii -parole femine,
Fatiloquent and hesychastic palasmus was right,why impugn fatti maschii?
Neither the fatcats nor the big shots who despised his courts
Are salvaged their habeas corpus infringement.
As they revel in the king's patronage.
The abesians,Lilliputians, Tenerifes,abolimachas etcetera hounded With hoofprints of Lilliputians in horsegows, concentration camps,clinks,Bastilles,bridgewells,abesians in the grand canyon of jugs,Potties,calaboose, Tenerifes ducked in the sucker of pokeys,hocks,nicks,work camps, abolimachas harrangued in stalags,slams and guard rooms,wallows in dungeons and prison camps,hulks ,keeps, reform houses,oubliettes, gulags, glasshouses,woods,quods,bridewells,tollbooths and penitentiaries,cages,jugs, bullpens,tarry long in training schools.
Two third of ambergustines in deplorable state resides in hoovervilles, encampments, shantytowns,favellas ,laagers,tentages,farmers hounded in coastline same natural harbor for fishermen,in plantation,farm settlements,abesians wobbles sometimes with soldiers in rams hacked barracks,
Bivouacs and campsites compete with plantations as abodes in the worst case scenario of banana republic.
Misery plagues Ambergust 's horror struck diameters in globular,discoid,discoidal,ovoidal, elliptical,bulbous, forum,oblon g,disciform,disklike,spiral and ringlike proportion.
Like hootenannies,misery sings beyond hop,skip and jump to infer gilded chambers of plutocracy
Hardly speaks beyond the smidge, o the smidgen,
O yonder the crum,stone's throw,hair's breath hairline,truffle,mite and shouting distance?
Nope it gallivants like repression not sparing the servants at the king's court
Funky Frith skittish tremulants,soiled, timorous,afright hysterical tangled mass of lily livered jittery and pussillanimous
In betrayal of venturesome giocosos
Ubiquitously flies in every quarters and provinces.
Sticky wet hooligans,stinkers breastly brainteasers on the prowl
To betray the extinct evergreen n' evergrescent pearls of the creampuffs,cinch,roses,snaps and cakewalks, sitting ducks and kidstuffs.
Nirvana a fugitive taunted bade cheerio in the space
Bites and chops hardly cringed beyond hors d' oeuvres,
O mouthfuls ,specks,morsels, crumbs, dribbles,tittles, nibbles,flakes,streaks,minims,splinters, tidbits ,droplets of driblets in vacuous alimentary canal
Slaps of ha'ppenies, smithereens,Jennings,tidbits,parings,modicum,smidgings,smidgeon,flakes,ounces,shards,halfpences,nuggets,motes, flyspecks, snippets, granules, particles,licks,patches flexed hungriots'alimentaries.
Mountains of bushels,scads,wads,pecks, ,buckets,stacks,rafts,gobs,hunks,chunks,lumps as profusion and abundance far away in antiquity.
Drought rode them on horseback ,terror in helter skelter,in gadarene, marauders as in Alupluto flew hotheaded and headstrong , mischief and perfidy did not spare the makeshift spontaneous in the king's court,off the cuff, offhandedly madcap ,slapdash, precipitous, gallivant for the intermittent raiders,
Does the farmers ever count the gain stolen through gavelage?
Half of the bushels and silos for gavelage
Worse more than liegemen at Alupluto.
Horsewhipped flagellants,horsewhipping,spanking,thrashing as if peasants were to be threshed,flaili g, tanning,smacking,pounding,strapping,rawhiding,thwacking,quirting,mangling,cobbering,fustigating,pommeling ad infinitum prowls.
Fiefdom the hoydenish, manlike mischief from king's court flexes repression like Damoclean arts .
Antics masqueraded through toploftical horsemen and 🐎 imperious horsewomen,pointificating wranglers, vaqueros cattlemen, stiffnecked herdsmen, overweening cowboys, orgulous cowherds,self assertive cowpunchers,magisterial and extroverted cowpokes,high falutin bukaroos,condescending and bumptious waddies, supercilious cabbaleros and presumptuous gauchos , whopping,whapping,bunging,slugging,whupping, blackjacked lambasting ,knouting and walloping minnows.
O fiefdom the sacrilege of the king's conscience,hovers,sails afloat,gliding and drifting in showboating, reveling, hotdogging, gamboling, wassailing,mafficking, roughhousing, rollicking, frollicking,disporting, shindigging as cocktail partying, housewarming,bakes and teapartyings, keg parties,hen parties,kersfees,wafting of clambakes,soirees,house parties and blowouts,klatches, icebreakers,kaffeeklatschings,bacchanals and saturnalias,as public realm groans.
O the king's playground repression,happy hunting ground,navels,omphali,Nexus, loadstone or lodestone,hotheaded hotspot of broken realm.Hence pandemonium, ballyhoos,shindies,rumpus, hurricanes, ruckus,rows and storms,alarums and excursions,bobberies, williwaws, hullabaloo, hubbubs,clutters,hurryskurries, battle royales,corroborees, bobberies,squalls, kerfuffles,tizzies,welters,hoo-hahs,hues and cries, cacophonies,howls,melees,dithers,lathers,frays,pitched battles,dins,howls,rough and tumbles,contretemps,catfights,handgrips,kick ups,crossfires,jousts, squabbles,melees,frays and scrimmages, narcissistic melees, 👊 authoritarian,high and mighty fisticuffs fly in the face of vengefuls and the king's venom.
Peddlers on the streets, concessionaires,blackmarketers,not the safe haven of Nirvana as pickpockets and bringandage havoc the public squares at Ambergust where the squirearchy unpronounced as it were at Alupluto.
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