March 12, 2025

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 71.

The elusive fight of human right and security of fundamental human right is a lifelong battle in the lifespan of any society and it drags for so long specifically for the purpose of Justice and often interpreted in the purview of depraved human justice .This however to reiterate this aforementioned substance undiluted in the most original concept often distribute the bonafide certification for the principled ideology of every known brand of justice and justice administration ever contrived in the society of mankind.
This prickly mass of lamentations I believe for the umpteenth time,we share consensus is quite indisputable when juxtaposed with pure egalitarian mode of human rationality.Why does this lacuna drags on for so long irremediably?I think for the fact human Justice like we debated and the concept of human justice frauded and buttoned by prejudice denotes its in-depth essence of irrationality.That is to say humans barely use their brain inspite of marvelous technological breakthrough of mordern time.That mortals suffer from dearth of human rationality that hardly exist in the same wavelength in which we disputed that human justice hardly exist if it does it is pure savagery and pure imperialism.To have encounter with upright men in the administration of pure justice their intellectual output is purely egalitarian mode of Justice and hardly exist any way beyond miraculous encounters of the gods.
This savagery as the fundamental fabric of mordern civilisation with the advent of 🤖 robotic engineering and artificial intelligence clearly dissipates to zero and risk taking over by robotic savagery.We envisage positive robotic savagery beyond the human apprehension of positive savagery which I doubt in the first place.That mortals are not capable of positive savagery and not risk retaliation with negative savagery.For instance at the end of 400 years of slave trade the white people using the coloured folks got a civilisation and what if for instance black had full civilisation or probably superior civilisation in succession won't they avenge their sins or retaliated?Take a look at the long list of world wars as it were from the ancient civilizations down to the mordern times empire fought and won only for the looser to later retaliate and it goes on indefinite.Not so with robots and who knows when they begin to get self awareness they could turn to negative savagery and probably wipe out mankind from the surface of the earth provided they functions with irreplaceable batteries.The most mysterious elegy mankind wish not sing.Who would be alive to sing for the robots with irreplaceable batteries could afford to live much longer than mankind.

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