"We shall be freed from the furlough 's threat,the king's axe ,the pink slip,the heave-hos, the bum's rush and we shall die or win to secure everlasting intergrity."
"What is my position?"
"Three countries in the bay of alupluto.Two more annexation two more kings.Never again to be honchos, kingpins,jefes, foremen, taskmasters, superintendents, potentates,magnates,czars,gaffers,bigwigs, cognoscentis,hangars,big cheeses,tsars,overlords."
"Risk of a lifetime.We shall be burnt at stake should we fail.It is too early to dream.The king's mission a frollick of great swimmers."
"Dissenters face death and life .We know our ilks are paid by death or victory.Renegades,dissentients, sectarians, schismatics, Bohemians,defectors,often get crowned should they survive the perfidy."
"The men art arms might turn to be acerbic attempt to slaughter us"
"We grew up in gotcha riverbank most sprawling of Ambergust coastline we can afford to drown them after the battle.Abesians who were being repressed colonized the coastline and we grant them welfare as first class nationality and forever show us allegiance."
"The dance of death.uhmmmḿ"
The two Wizards of abesi became tripple wizards at abesi and once they had Sullivan as admirer .See Sullivan's travels had taken power in alupluto.Hence at night trickishly eloped and good swimmers entered north country in clandestine maneauver.The barracudas ,fireeaters, hustlers,attack dogs,scrapers,sharks,foxes,bullies,militants, pitbulls,livewires and diehards of abesi
Took battle back to mutineers 'enclave.Egregious hatchet jobs for the nefarious hatchet men.Alupluto citadels of power hungriots.
Neither did they vacillate nor wabble the dingy cloud not the warblers,ditherers,dawdlers,wafflers,teeters, shilly-shallies,that the pent up crimson and carthasis foment them to elope at the discreet nocturnal expedition in the absenteeism of the maximus .
The king's court two hundred miles away from gotcha shores where mutineers took off to besiege Alupluto the mother country .Now sat at gotcha and bantered with fishermen.They ravished with them.
"Great abesian great swimmers.You landed at night.I stayed awake to meet you."
"Good.Abesians do you miss home?"
"Strait of abesi was burnt down .Not everyone could swim so well."
"The monarchy still aid mutiny at alupluto?"
"He LL never try again.How we envisioned someday an abesian wishes to hijack Ostrogoth's throne and placate us with constitutional liberty?"
"You mean repression of the guttersnipe abesian massacre hadn't stopped?"
Of course nope.Pyrates refrain from mutineering at alupluto."
"Not a whole lot for good swimmers.*
"Atesmus slaughtered with delight
"See fifth column drowned like pyrates' .Not a whole lot survived."
"You get intelligence from the king's court?"
"My cousins were erstwhile vassals escaped after Sullivan's conquest.He should plan invasion with great swimmers.I go to bed night is fallen.Do you have a place to stay?"
" Don't worry tell your cousins fellow abesians seek assylum."
"Assylum? I LL be back patience"palasmus was a fisherman and survive with the fishing trade.Waifs, homeless and wanderlust littered the meadow.
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