March 23, 2025

Time.part 8

Time the feudal lords of planet earth and the cosmogony 
Jail me not in your painful wilderness 
But in your Eldorado of beautiful fortune.
Your armies of metamorphosis,
O change and silence are brutal to the labours of earthlings
O liegemen on your farmfields 
Your farmfields of seasons,days and nights ,
Are dual commissioners in the concession of the cosmos planetary mode unobliged ,
The moment of truth do no deceive them 
Let them know those who prefer to be your friend
Are nothing but the grand objects of failure.
And those who oppose time,the golden fruits of technology 
Are blessed before time is ripe
And to forecast timeline into the posterity 
Yet unknown
Is to become the worst enemy of time.
It pays time to gather your losses and time losses when you gain.
He mocks you when you loose and lament and weeps like a child 
And when you dies he laugh ever more
The most sarcastic creature ever made 

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