March 13, 2025

Russian Defense system:World Most Advanced Nuclear Capabilities And A lesson to Nigeria .part 1

There is no doubt whatsoever Russia has the world most advanced Defense system and nobody no nation comes close with America for all the boastings in her favor during Biden era was placed in distant second.The blogger Ibikunle Abraham Laniyan examines the situation and the implication for Nigeria as grows bigger.

There had been conflict during the cold war era between the two Wizards and world powers mainly old Soviet union and America.They took the world by storm flexed military powers for good seventy years until the fall of Berlin wall .With the collapse of the Soviet union in early 90s broken down into 15 socialist countries that formed commonwealth of independent States (CIS), the world had moved on and Russia too not left behind but even faster and advanced than the rest of the world in nuclear capabilities.The two countries control more than 90 percent of world total nuclear weapons. Surprisingly, majority of braggadocios due to American domineering influence over global economy still argue in favor of the united states until the chief commander of the united states strategic  command Anthony Cotton quelled this doubt of which country possessed the most advanced  Defense system in the world before the American senate.
Cotton threw the bombshell 
Russia inherited largest confirmed stockpile of 5,580 nuclear warheads of which 1,710 were strategically deployed.Precisely of the strategic warheads 870 land based ballistic missiles and another 640 submarine based ballistic missiles and others possibly over 200 at heavy bomber bases.The non strategic nuclear weapons or warheads of about 1,000 to 2,000 exist that is not limited by New Start treaty.This excluding additional retired warheads of 1,200 units awaiting dismantlement.
At their historical peak the old Soviet union reached a stockpile of 45,000 war heads in 1986 as opposed to 30,000 nuclear warheads in America.Some warheads like RS-28 Sarmat(SS-X-30) a heavy MIRV equipped InterContinental ballistic missiles (ICBM);RSM-56-Bulava (SS-NX-30),a MIRV equipped SLBM; RS-24-Yars,a MIRV equipped ICBM;R-S36M2-Voevoda(SS18-Satan) a heavy MIRV equipped ICBM;UR-100N(SS-19Stilleto)a MIRV equipped ICBM;R-29RL(SS-N-18 Stingray Mod 3) a SLBM;R-29RMU2(SS-N-23Layner)another SLBM;RT-2PM Topol(SS-25 Sickle) a mobile ICBM; RT-2PM2 Topol-M (SS-27),a mobile ICBM;R-29RM (SS-N-23 Sineva) a certified SLBM;R-29R(SS-N-18 Stingray)a verified SLBM.They re a huge pile at least to name a few.
 Today single warhead missiles by Russian strategic forces which are being assigned increase in warheads volume,are now being replaced with  missiles equipped with multiple warheads.
In the 2022 nuclear posture review the United States says China and Russia are modernising and expanding their nuclear feets enjoined Washington to pursue similar program to prepare for possible costly arms race.Take for instance the united states' at its peak between the period of 1945 down to 1991 the stockpile reached peak of 32,000 warheads still below Russia's.The peak was reached in 1966 of warheads of more thirty different kinds and dimensions.After crash of old Soviet many tactical and strategic warheads were dismantled and arms control negotiation like strategic arms reduction talks or unilateral initiatives was responsible.Some sources put the total number of warheads to be 9,400 nuclear warheads but only 2,468 were operational and 1,968 deployed in strategic mission and some 500 in non strategic mission including 200 deployed in Europe and this was in 2010 of nine different types under two types of bombs.The three types for ICBMs two types for submarine launched ballistic missiles SLBM and two types for cruise missiles and some types existed in several modifications.
Soviet nuclear stock pile reached the peak in 1988 with 33,000 operational nuclear warheads in addition to previously retired 10,000 warheads but not dismantled.As at 2010 the status of most of these 12,000 warheads was unknown though only 4,600 was effectively deployed perhaps due to lack of mission during the period.2,600 on strategic mission and rest deployed on non strategic system.The British with 350 warheads in 1970 reduced to 225 in 2010 and France with 560 warheads at the end of cold reduced the arsenal to 300 in 2010 .
Despite western sanctions against Russian nuclear offensive rhetorics nothing has changed nor affect negatively Russia's nuclear development.Post Soviet Russia had not really carried out a nuclear test since 1991.Few countries tested nuclear weapons since that period according to arms control association .This was begun by china and France in 1996 to India and Pakistan in 1998 and North Korea in 2017.In 1996 Russia signed comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty all in an attempt to deceive Russia whereas the United States did not ratify the treaty it signed.
To launch the weapon the president is the ultimate decision maker beginning with the so called 'nuclear briefcases or cheget 'named after the mount cheget in the Caucasus mountains.The briefcases are with the Russian president at all times and the defence minister and chief of general staff.Experts reported the briefcase is a communication tool that links the president with military top officers and then to the rocket forces through highly secret coded electronic command "Kazbek" and is electronic command and control network that supports another system "kavkaz".The footages on Russian television Zvezda shows the briefcases have arrays of computerised buttons.The command section has two buttons the launch white button and the cancel red button and the brief case is activated by special flashcard.To survive a strategic nuclear attack the president is under personal mandate to send direct launch order to general staff command and reserve command units that hold the nuclear codes.The order goes down immediately to communication units down to rocket launching units or strategic rocket force units that would then launch into Europe and United States. Any critical confirmation of nuclear attack could force President Putin to activate so called 'perimeter or Dead hand "trigger system of last resort and the whole nuclear arsenal in Russia.That is to say computers decide the doomsday if Kremlin leadership were facing such proven threat.
Why did the US not ratified the treaty? They played lip service and countries are increasing their military spending and nuclear build.UK formerly with 180 nuclear warheads has exceeded it's earlier ceiling by 40percent to reach 260 warheads .France at 290 most in deterrence strategy same perspective like UK mostly deployed on Submarines.North Korea at 20 to 30 warheads with enough materials for 40 to 55 warheads and growing very fast with India at 160 warheads and Pakistan at 180 warheads both growing very fast both in deterrence strategy likely launching from Pakistan depends on what India as in the case of Russia depending on first American Israel which does not accept the argument it has nuclear weapons probably keep more than 100 to 200 warheads.Its domineering influence in the middle east is beginning to arouse jealousy and envy from other countries in the region and urgency to launch their nuclear warheads.
Since the mushrooming cloud was seen in 1944 detonated by adolf Hitler down to 1945 when it was officially detonated and tested down to 1968 when nuclear non proliferation treaty was signed only 6 countries had nuclear weapons.India and Pakistan joined because they didn't sign the treaty.South Africa in 1979 produced them too but later dismantled them and joined NPT in 1991.
Nations have the sovereign authority to enter into treaty and abandon the treaty at will.Nigeria should jettison the treaty like North Korea jettisoned the treaty and acquired nuclear warheads.Infact some signatories were accused of lack of compliance though none produced nuclear warheads .The best example for Nigeria is north Korea we shall the deadliest weapon in two three years based on public private participation defense program between Middlesex Defense system corporations and federal republic of Nigeria.Iran was on the verge of nuclear break out in 2023 a different exposure compared the old Soviet states of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine in 1992 which agreed to hand over their nuclear warheads to Russia or destroyed them.Hence states with proven and declared nuclear weapons comprises of eight countries on the list beginning with US in 1945;old Soviet/Russia in  1949 ;  U.K in 1952 and France in 1960,china and India in 1964 and 1974 , Pakistan and North Korea in  1998 and 2006.Our country needs not worry about the treaty and it pays the treaty 's infidels more and quite an inequal for powers to be distributed unevenly.
The treaty came into effect in the first of January 1968 and three powers of old Soviet Russia,UK and U S and 59 other states and  agreed not to help others acquire the nuclear powers.That didnt stop Russia from helping out Iran and north Korea and china out .It became effective in 1970 lasted for 25 years after.Only three countries since 2007 refused to ratify the treaty including both Korea that ratified and later pull out.This happened amidst the consensus vote of 174 countries ratification in 2007 in the united nations headquarters in New York City.Does it make sense for the inequality in the distribution of nuclear power to coexist in the global nuclear power market and still expect NPT members to keep treaty allegiance?In the 2005 review conference of the parties to the treaty,this gross inequality was noticed and the complainant or grouch .The evidence of the grouch against inequality was north Korea pull out and that of India and Pakistan.Though it is understandable at the time most non nuclear states neither had the capacity nor the technology to activate nuclear power but now most are well informed like the case of south Africa's entry and deentry .
As understood in 1968 how many of the non nuclear states were afforded rare privilege of development of their nuclear power generation capacity particularly civilian nuclear technology?
Be that as it may as global tension rises, America is confronted with fast global terrifying proportion of foreign threat that requires mordernisation of nuclear power Cotton at the center for strategic and international studies outline stakes during the fireside chat .In a conversation with aerospace security director Kari Bingen Cotton noted the critical role of nuclear deterrence and the domineering role of American global power in maintaining global stability and that contemporary threats are markedly varies from the experience of a decade before as envisioned by nuclear planners when nuclear modernisation was begun.He adviced increase and expansion in the American nuclear program and cited china and Russia as point of departure.The cost of nuclear modernisation cost a whooping $1tr.over the next 30 years yet over $300 b.wasted in Ukraine war,about 4 percent defense budget.
The Nigerian Perspective is quite shuddering and maybe rated as insane for trying to make Nigeria a nuclear superpower in two years.
 Nigeria have everything to produce hydrogen bomb as we have more than enough deposit of plutonium and uranium to do this and be the best in the world when mated with IFA,Ogun and Sango technology of nuclear fission.Some of our forecast ICBMs include Sango version of InterContinental ballistic missiles SICBM as Nigerian first generation ICBM and we shall have 14 versions:SICBM001;SICBM002;003;004;005;006;007;008;009;010;011;012;013;014.Ogun InterContinental ballistic missiles (OGICBM)20versions;IFA antibalistic InterContinental ballistic missiles (IFICBAM) seven versions act like an interceptor in the air neutralise all form of air threats and eat them absorb their energy for its parochial landing.We should deploy 200,000 units of these three generations of national missiles defense system (NMDS) .We shall have the deadliest in living history.

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