May 21, 2020


We are standing on the great walls of freedom to defend the great destiny of freedom in the great garrison of freedom,for the great milestones of freedom.We can never defend what we barely know and hardly do and to do so otherwise is to betray the destiny of the majority.Those voices not yet heard and defenceless are suffocated by leadership that denied allegiance to their root.The great cradle of freedom begins at homefront first and then sojourn in alien land where men bare their soul,to liberalise and much more appropriately defend the galaxy of freedom from aboard the stormy seas of its unborn time.Time is the most complex creation and evolution ever to exist and we are not so sure yet when it terminates the next generation of atoms for the renewals of the next generation of atoms and depreciates biodiversity.But we are so sure when the material plane is struck by ecosytem of change.It takes appropriate time investment to devise credible ideology that must be sown through time and space to defend freedom

May 20, 2020


The rostral anterior cingulate cortex(RACC) has been defined by a neuroscientist Tali Sharot as a'traffic conductor,enhancing the flow of positive emotions and associations.The more optimistic a person was,the higher the activity in these regions was while imagining positive future events and the stronger the connectivity between the two structures.'Whereas in depressed individuals the two regions show abnormal activity.Brains that expect good results tend to learn from mistakes and rebuild optimism and equip themselves with positive expectation to transform our way of mental perception to alter worldly reality.People perceive adverse events in a positive ways and it is in our own interest that we are optimists of better rewards someday.The Caudate nucleaus,a cluster of nerve cells,as part of striatum when scanned to produce brain imagine data has shown that it process rewards and distributes their expectation signals.Striatal activity often rejoices positive impulses from every positive choices.With advancem


The Director General at the Budget Office Ben Akabueze noted there would be more 80%crash in the oil revenues and based on review,the 2020 budget would contract by 3.4% instead of previous estimates of 2.9%.Then he concluded the federal government would bridge the shortfall through issuance of marginal field licences and the renewal of oil mining licences.The nation declined to borrow 850billion naira or almost $3b.from the international market and opted for local finance.This would heightens the crowding out effect and overheat the domestic debt market already with over 30tr. naira and debt servicing in the last 7years or so gulped more than 5tr.naira.The current regime expends between 50% to 60% about 200billion to debt servicing per annum.In the last fiften years,debt servicing,recurrent expenditure and subsidy cost had consumed the entire budget leaving nothing fundamental and tangible to suffering masses.Sometimes the draft budget was 80% recurent and at a time it was even 90%recurent.Reform is needed.

OIL SLUMP.part 1

The Nigerian economy to contract by 3.4% in 2020,due to global outbreak of the COVID19 pandemics and its debilitating effect on global oil prices.The total national budget for 2020 of 10.59 tr.naira was signed into law by President Muhammad Buhari a new record as opposed to 8.83tr.and 8.92tr.naira respectively for the corresponding past two years.The finance minister Ahmed Zainab in a web conference said the budget would be cut by 15% and oil benchmark would be cut for the second time.It was first cut from 57dollars as official benchmark when the budget was signed in December,2019 and then to $30per dollar.With new budget revision would be cut to $20 as noted in the interview with finance minister.Infact daily oil output was cut from 2.18million bpd.down to 2.1million bpd.Further cut to 1.7milion bpd was agreed in which the first slide deducted 320billion naira and budget figure had to come down to 10.27trillion naira.In the latest review there would be 15%cut or minus at least 1.5tr.naira from the budget.


negatives avalanche,dread defeat or failure,we are able to devise means of solving them.Neuroscientists suggest to directing a postive thoughts of the future,indepth of the brain,is a consequence driven by necessity where the frontal cortex community a huge area behind forehead communicates with subcortical community.It is not the most recently evolved portion of the brain and much bigger than in other primates but because it is most widely used compared to other plants and animal species.They handle complex functions such as language and goal settings and under functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) scanner,scanning brain images,brighten images when we make brighter choices.This happens when volunteers make and imagine specific events.However this leads to enhanced activity in the brain's two critical theory.A small structure deep to the brain,central to emotional consciousness is'Amygdala".This also includes rostal anterior cingulate cortex and responsible for modulation of emotion and motivation.


Hippocampus,a brain structure intergral to memory issues partly owns the expertise and capacity to envision the future.Patients who are incapable of recollecting the past and can barely construct future scenarios with detailed images are more likely to have suffered damages to their hippos.I do not believe that they are stuck in time but with optimism bias,subconsciously and consciously,the damage could be revoked having suffered from a long period of disuse like the rest of fellow minds.A relaxed minds recover so much quickly from this damage.There can be no permanent damage to the brain hippo as one vital tool to handle stress.This is particularly true because the brain does not engage in random mental time travel and when engaged in specific types of thoughts,is tied to tradition.We imagine performance of household activities,or interaction with immediate environment in our daily routines.They include getting to work quite early,getting children to school or going to farm and markets.Even when we are faced


that is ability to travel through time and space in one's mind.Neuroscientists have confirmed it as the most extraordinary of the human talents and we seem to take for granted its strategic impact over human health critical to our survival.Would we endure to live through stress and then forecast how our current behaviour would influence future generation?Would we attempt a difficult job,save for raining days including food and resources and plan our targets ahead?Neurospiritology accessible through subconscious mind shows we travel trillions of years in our subcoscious minds such as dreams,trance and vision,just to form an idea,ideology,decision and making choices yet in a jiffy of single lifetime.This complex data processing system is what we do in anticipation of future rewards,our basic survival.Mental time travel has clearcut survival benefits with conscious insights awareness of mortality and limited lifetime duration,we maybe poised for a soft landing,when we turn optimism bias into optimism triumph.


The truth is that the core function of the memory system is the capability to imagine the future that is basically unprocessed images with preparedness enabled for what is to come the unpremeditated.The system is designedto perfectly replay all past files and when you create awareness for them,afford it recollective ability.It basically tabulates unprocessed images taking entry of its snapshot billows,imagining future scenarios and to correctly construct them in our nebulous minds and interprete them with the immediate environment.It is possible to imagine positive impulses not being caught with negative impact so that life can take dramatic turn for the better.It is clear we imagine every prospective impulse before we act on it and we can take same approach to elevate our positives above our stressful noises and trauma.I do not disagree either human tendency for optimism is a direct consequence of the architecture of the human brains.To think positively and lowers stress we must do mental time travel that is

May 19, 2020


We are bent on reenacting the wheel also even if it meant that the future we envision,is an illusion.Nevertheless we should not understimate the potential magnitude of its clear benefits.Unarguably optimism enhances human energy,boost fortitude and surcharged faith,lowers stress,boost mental energy,grow physical energy.The relaxed minds are optimists better than pessimists to take vitamins,eat low fat diet and exercise,reduce risk of coronary infection.The optimism of the mind is hardwired into the human brain by evolution of the neuro system interacting with the immediate environment.Optimism science has opened a new frontier into the study of human consciousness.This fuel not just psychological revolution but also equiped with the capability based on that cummulative evidence that human brain is not only a mirror of the past and present but also a standard torch of the posterity.Optimism equips us with fortitude ample to survive wilderness period and when we are battered by negative images of the society.


We are bent on reenacting the wheel also even if it meant that the future we envision,is an illusion.Nevertheless we should not understimate the potential magnitude of its clear benefits.Unarguably optimism enhances human energy,boost fortitude and surcharged faith,lowers stress,boost mental energy,grow physical energy.The relaxed minds are optimists better than pessimists to take vitamins,eat low fat diet and exercise,reduce risk of coronary infection.The optimism of the mind is hardwired into the human brain by evolution of the neuro system interacting with the immediate environment.Optimism science has opened a new frontier into the study of human consciousness.This fuel not just psychological revolution but also equiped with the capability based on that cummulative evidence that human brain is not only a mirror of the past and present but also a standard torch of the posterity.Optimism equips us with fortitude ample to survive wilderness period and when we are battered by negative images of the society.


irrational motivate mankind to achieve and grow quality of human development.Sometimes we overestimate our lifetime and even envision posterity beyond their natural limit.Neuroscience believes the belief that the future will be much better than the past and the present is optimism bias.Every man is inbuilt with this innate prejudice and cannot be truly defined as pulses of positive thinking per say.From the captivating noises of little children dreaming of growing up to the old men beyond 60 that barely see their wasted time,optimism bias is a cardinal tool of human lifetime management.We are still yet to come to terms with the fact why the proliferation of private optimism outwits public optimism even when collectively sometimes society grow pessimistic?The same bias might induce us to make wrong projection,hyper positive assumptions and overambitious libido with dangerous miscalculation to plunge into the unknown deep. We agree our forefathers made such bogus projection as a gamble sometimes that paid off


to focus on those things you can control such as your external reaction to others and events,your vision,ambition and goals and methods to achieve them.The way you treat others and interpersonal relationship,alcohol intake,exercise and gastronomy,education and information hungry,and your self esteem etc.Before i rest my firing pistol,i would like to say even though we are prejudiced with optimism it is the best way to go.We manage our lives with optimism bias and thinking ourselves as rational creatures.It does not necessarily matter if neuroscience and social science suggest we are more optimistic than realistic,what strictly matters is that it helps manage stress effectively and boost life expectancy more beyond average.When someone is diagnosed with cancer,get a divorce,lose a job,smokes and exhaustion in the city and reckless drivers,challenges of working hours,home affairs,illness and death,financial and future anxiety yet we are still not disturbed.This type of optimism bias realistic or not,rational or


to finally lead to dangerous medical condition.They include hypertension,diabetes,heart diseases and consequently stroke and death.Stress indeed is a silent killer and biggest killer.There are ways to prevent stress and manage it effectively.When we recognise our limits we cannow plan,prioritise and organise effectively and reduce physical tension by proper relaxation.We can create a leisure time and engage in physical exercise.It is vital to rest and sleep and eat healthily and we are talking of balanced diet here.Also,avoid alcohol,smoking and drug abuse.We reduce the critical burden of anxiety when we disclose and share our problems with others.We share them to lessen our pain and can even get a deep laugh by external interaction.Reduce coffee and tea intake for they tense you up.Go on tourism,holiday and take a vacation.Build faith in your passion or God and research has shown those who had personal piety and consistent hardly suffer much from stress,hypertension and heart problems.It is better to focus


to the following such as loss of apetite,ulcer,headache,neckpain,hypertension,heart problems,sexual problem,aggressive behaviour,depression,social withdrawal and oblivion.When driven to the wall,such sufferers seek escape in alcohol and smoking or abusing drugs to worsen the matter.Now we identify the two types of people most likely to get or have stress.Those who are in hurry and the relaxed mind where the first class is characterised by impatience,restlessness,easily angry and temperamental,unforgiving,noisemaker,cannot be criticised,highly competitive and aggresive and a bad listener.This cannot be compared to the 2nd class of people characterised by cooperative,shy,laidback,smiling,patient,criticisable,unrigid,delegating tasks,calm and compassionate.We live with optimism bias and i would advise my readers to choose the latter and be relaxed with our human routines where the stress matters orbit.I think it is the best way to manage stress.This truly prevents long standing stress from growing out of control


stimulus as a threat,it therefore responds by fighting back or with fight reaction.Stress by definition is simply the rate of wear and tear in the human body that accompany any vital activity whatsoever.It is a responseto the physiological and environmental changes that may cause mental,psychological,physical and spiritual consequences to its victims.Stress in other words is causedby daily activity,which may include but not limited to dissatisfaction at workplace;dissatisfaction at home;highly demanding jobs taskingemotionally and physically;financial anxiety;future anxiety;insecurity and poor infrastructure in the cities;traffic,noise and environmental pollution etc.Although,there other symptoms such as dry mouth,frequent urination,tense muscle,sweaty palms,clenched teeth,nail bitting,loss ofconcentration,somnolence,palpitation and skin problems such as pimples,anxiety is the most common evidence of a stressful victim.Medical findings show that when this stressful condition persist for long,it might lead to


Mordern civilisation has reached a stratosphere of unprecedented bliss with possibilities of surpasing every record set since the cradle of industrial revolution.However it is not without its side effect given the rise in the cultural hazard and its traumatic experience as attendant risk that skyrocketed alongside the golden bliss.Hence,we live in a stressful era and we are familiar with the stress we face on a daily basis moving from pillar to post,leaving homes and returning late in the evening.We face stressful night and by the time we wake up in the morning,the vicious cycle continues.Above all,the impact of psychological stress to the human body cannot be overemphasized and the general implication on mental health.We know 95percent of human ailments have been linked to stress and understanding how to manage them,may lead to better and improved health system of the human body.Basically,stress as a stimulus that causes a response by effect maybe negative or positive.When the body perceives any stimulus as

May 18, 2020


Or placed in a well greased pudding basin instead to steam for 2 hours and grease basin with palm oil;for extra flavour and food value,add shrimps,beatened or cut meat,flaked fish or garden eggs to mixture prior to steaming.Gulash rice is another style.Recipe:1.)4 cups of rice;2.)3/4 of butter;3.)5 to 6 pieces of Carrot;4.)Green peas;5.)Green pepper;6.)1 large onion;7.)Condiments like thyme,curry,white pepper and maggi;8.)Groundpepper;9.)1 big piece of liver;10.)Salt to taste.Method:Put oil and butter into pot with water;add all condiments and rice and allow to cook;parboil the carrot,green peas,green pepper and liver;add parboiled ingredients;allow to cook and get it cooked well then stir gently to curb mashing;then let it cool for sometime before serving.The last is the recipe for Pillaff rice:1.)4 cups of rice;2.)condiments;3.)Ground pepper;4.)1 onion;5.)salt to taste.Method:parboil the rice;then put it inbaking pan and add all condiments,salt,onion,pepper and some water.Bake it till it boils and turnsoft.

May 17, 2020


and add other ingredients;there should be enough water to cook the rice and must add little and not too much;put more seasoning where needed and add margarine and stir periodically;when the rice is almost soft cover saucepan with cloth and the lid to maintain the steam;serve with vegetable soup or any sauce you desire.The next in style-recipe for Puddling rice:1.)4 cups of rice flour;2.)1 big onion;3.)2 large ground pepper;4.)50ml palm oil;5.)boiling water;6.)salt to taste.Method:place rice flour into a bowl and add some boiling water and slowly stir all the time;add grounded ingredients and palm oil;stir well and add salt for taste;it is better to add more water to make soft dropping consistently.It should not be too soft either so that the pudding will keep its shape when finished;cut bannana leaves or plantain leaves into squares and abandon mid ribs;over a smokeless fire,heat the piece to make pliable;grease with palm oil and wrap mixture's spoonfuls in greased leaves and steam for 2hrs in a steamer....


Rice as most important type of cereal is a staple for more than half of world population.It can be sumptuous dish and a delicious meal when prepared with variety of styles.This increases the nutritive value of rice,improving diets of the people and preventing malnutrition.Apart from being prepared as Jollof rice and Fried rice,there are other ways to enjoy it.Let us consider first recipe for coconut rice:1.)1 coconut;2.)1 large onion;3.)4 cups of rice;4.)1kg meat;5.)2 large fresh tomatoes;6.)100g margarine;7.)1 tin tomato paste;8.)salt and pepper to taste.Method:Shell and grater the coconut finely or beat in a mortar;Then wash the coconut in water and then strain;Squeeze all the milk from coconut into water and abandon the chaff;put coconut water into saucepan;wash and cut meat to pieces;season with salt and pepper,and add to coconut water;boil and simmer until the meat is pastry tender;grind and chop onion,slice grind tomatoes and peper;add to boiled meat,tomato paste and continue simmering;wash the rice...


Recipe:1.)200g or 3 level milk tins wheat flour;2.) 80g or 1 level milk tin soya flour;3.) 3 level teaspoonful baking powder; 4.) 1 level teaspoonful salt ; 5.)100g or 2/3 milk tin of margarine;6.) 100g or 2/3 milk tin of sugar;7.) 2 eggs prepared;8.)2 small bannanas beaten.Method:add cream to margarine and flour;sieve together wheat flour,soya flours;add beaten egg;Also add the beaten bannana alternatively with with flour;Pour into greased tin and bake it moderaterely for over 50minutes to an hour.


Ginger wine is basically the type of wine found in the north and a major traditional drink in the north.Any person with the recipe can prepare ginger wine that is very medicinal and nutritious.Here are instruction:1.)1 big pineaple;2.)1/2 tin of kanafuru;3.)3pieces of fresh ginger;4.)3 cups 0f sugars;5.)2 littles of water.Method:wash and peel the pineaple;Then cut into small pieces;peel the ginger also;wash the kanafuru;Put the pineapple,kanafuru and ginger in a pot.Let water boil for 40minutes;After boiling use blender to blend to liquid.You can pound inside mortar,if there is no blender;sieve the liquid after boiling;make a sugar syrup;add the sugar syrup into sieved sieved liquid in a pot;Also,add 2 litres of water and place on fire to boil for 20minutes;After boiling let it cool;Put the ginger wine into cooler or refrigerator and serve cold.Now enjoy delicious drink.


Please follow this instruction:1.)2 quarts of water;2.)1soup bone with meat;3.)1/2 cup chopped celery tops;4.)1 tablespoon salt;5.)1/2 teaspoon pepper;6.)1/2 cup uncooked regular barley;7.)3 cups coarsely chopped cabbage;8.)1 cup sliced carrots;9.)1 cup sliced celery;10.)2 cups sliced parsnips;11.)2 cups thinly sliced onions;12.)1can(12 ounces) tomato paste.Now combine water,borne,celery tops,salt,and pepper in a Dutch oven.Let it reach boiling,cover tightly,and let it simmer 1 to 2hrs.Remove bone from stock then cool.Remove meat from bone and chop.Return to stock.Stir in barley continue to cook for 30minutes.Add remnant ingredients;simmer 30mins or until tender vegetables be.


organisations to create favourable conditions at the national,regional and international levels to ensure the full and effective enjoyment of human rights".In the golden words of Femi Falana,the president of west african bar association in a keynote address (delivered'Declaration of Human Rights and Global Responsibility',at the Pan African Human Rights Conference organised by the Media Foundation for West Africa and the Trade Union Congress in Accra,Ghana between November 21 and 23,2008.Punch,December 8,2008,pg.50.),"The overriding challenge is for all states big or small,rich or poor to translate the important provisions of the UDHR into reality on the domestic front,by improving the standard of living of every person,meeting human needs and establishing international orders based on multilateralism rather than unilateralism...."This reechoes the primordial intention of wealth redistribution and universal capitalism and its impending global implication including the affordability of the proposed order.

PRIVACY.PART 10 court,where the judiciary itself is either deprived of legalfreedom or court process politicised.Let me quote from provisions on economic freedom:Article 21(1)"All peoples shall freely dispose of their wealth and natural resources.This right shall be exercised in the exclusive interest of the people.In no case shall a people be deprived of it".Article 22(1)"All peoples shall have the right to their economic,social and cultural development with due regard to their freedom and identity and in the equal enjoyment of the common heritage".The wordings of this bogus provision did not specifically include the reduction and eradication of global poverty the greatest threat to human privacy or existence.Everybody should be watchdog towards protection of this inalienable rights once the new macroeconomic order is embraced.Hence we void the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action.Part 1,paragraph 13 and i requote"there is a need for states and international organisations,in collaboration with nongovernmental


We provide the legal framework and basic standard as enshrined in the author's thesis'Marsolism'calling for new world macroeconomic order.Even in developed countries and some developing countries under the control of activist judiciary compeling government to carry out its primary obligation to people through affirmative state action,the population of the poor people continues to increase and economic freedom or rights though provided for are not guarranteed.Does it make sense to make such provision and yet fails to guarrantee them?This is basically intentional and strategic to country like america that evolved this strategic threats,to human dignity and these rudiments of elementary justice with the intention to exterminate the minorities from their society in the nigh future.The eight countries that resisted to append their signature to the UDHR must have their reason for abstinence.There is gross limitation in trying to use this activist judiciary to enforce this socioeconomic right taking irresonsible...


It seems to me preposterous to bestow the sanctity of human intergrity or human right protection as a whole or of the victims of abuse into the hands of illetered so called human rights groups to purposely vanguard against likely infraction and gross violation of socioeconomic justice.Most African countries by their constitution as deliberate policy make elaborate provisions on account of civil rights and political rights.The same with Nigeria where it is observed the fundamental rights guarranteed by the constitution are strictly restricted to civil and political rights.Their infringement can be challenged in the appropriate high courts.Whereas the fundamental Objectives and Directhve Principles of State Policy covered economic,social,cultural rights,as contained in Chapter 11 of the 1999 Constitution are not justiciable.This is what great charters of liberty of the investment assemblies conveniently guarrantees and for the first time in mortal history socioeconomic rights including economic freedomprotected

May 16, 2020


It is not enough to set agenda for human right protection and therefore hope for enforcement of the agenda.The giant provision of both national and international laws was brought to bear heavily on the global masses and such moral inadequacies cannot be detached from poor capacity building and the challenge of institutional support using development cycle to execute and enforce the agenda and inherent provision.If nothwithstanding the limitation of the African Charter on human and peoples rights,there is no evidence that it has taken human rights above the narrow scope of the constitutions of most countries.Being an amalgam of political,civil,economic,social and cultural rights including human development and still yet the masses of this great continent wallow in mass poverty.Without institution support of the Great Charters it is not enough to use political and legal actions to compel member states of the African Union to comply with the following articles.They include:Articles 13(1);20(1);21(1);and 22(1)...


human rights observance as cardinal program of the international politics.The United Nation had 56 members,48 stood in favour and 8 refused to sign the dotted lines when UDHR was adopted.Byelorussia,Saudi Arabia,South Africa,Czechoslovakia,Ukraine,Poland,USSR and former Yugoslavia abstained but the none against.The UNDHR later expanded to include more legally binding documents.They are the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,the International Covenant on Economic,Social,Cultural Rights and Optional Protocol on Civil and Political Rights.It now contains 28 Articles on human rights and fundamental freedoms that was begun more than 200 years when Jefferson wrote the declaration of independence,after Thomas Paine's common sense crusade and Hamiltonian philosophy of freedom created fertile soil for the birth of a new chapter in human history.From the begginning of history to the end of history,often where a cause has given birth or rebirth to effect,transition of human civilisation barely sagged.


However,it would be absurd for a rationalist to think otherwise that personal freedom or privacy are hardly synonymous by their root,identity,nature and character.It does not narrowly merely means the right to your closet alone.When slave trade ended privacy of the slaves returned.When status eroded in America for right of man,this new spectre of civilisation later known worldwide as human rights were heavily marketed by United States in 1945 when the charter of United Nations after San Francisco conference was adopted and war finally ebbed.The rights of man now woven like a golden thread throughout the entire charter as human rights.It was only given substantive content in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by UN General Assembly Paris,France on December 10,1948.It was subsequently proclaimed as the Human Rights Day of the United Nations and celebrated annually ever since.The problems of human right was presented in the charter as grievous international concern and the declaration introduced..


At the Rose Garden of the White House on May 15,2020,President Donald Trump delivers a remark and later gave a duration for the production of C0VID19 Vacination.Hear him:'Another essential pillar of our strategy to keep America open is the development of effective treatments and vacines as quickly as possible.I want to see if we can do that very quickly.'This he dubbed Operation Warp Speed that'we re looking to get it by end of the year if we can.Maybe before'.This is wild goose chase when his medical and scientific team of experts cast doubt onthe possibility.Moncaf Slaoui former CEO Of GlaxoSmithkline in an interview with New York Times concedes the goal is quite formidable.'Frankly 12m-18months is already an aggressive timeline.'he concluded.Anthony Fauci,National Institute Of Allergy and Infectious Disease Director who had forewarned emergence of pandemics expressed doubt at the timeline.Yet Fauci often cited the timeline attainable.Normally,it takes a decade to produce a vacine.It maybe too late toosoon.


added to the constitution of 1790 were not conscious of rights of man.The fourth amendment guarrantees peoples'right for security of their persons,property,papers and effects and against illegal searches and seizures made inviolable and supported by oath.We equally contend the growth of moral inadequacy in mainland America and the institutional restraint to impede emergence of equalitarian politics.Where are the informed and elite class of the groaning minority seeking attention instead of spreading humanism?To be honest mordern man thinks highly esteem of his privacy and the protection he deserves.Though strictly limited under certain circumstances for the purpose of national defence,nevertheless guarranteed by the constitution to whom all citizens swear their allegiance.Did the American civil war of 1861-1865 ever settle this difference once and for all?Or the reconstruction era and the civil right movement of the 60s any better off?The latest highbrow raised by Ms.Stacey Adams a politician over voter's...


Just below the plateau of the Acropolis,Athens,there was an old theater that is you can see the old Dionysius theatre.It is probably the oldest theatre in the whole Europe where the great tragedies of Ausychylus,Sophocles and Euripides were performed in the times of Socrates.A spiteful comedy about Socrates as the buffoon of athens,was written and popularised by Aristophanes.The ill fated king Oedipus was performed by Sophocles.I think that whenever you stumble upon this type of headline research,it could probably have been motivated by politics and intrigues might not be original.The credibility of the ancient Greece seriously beg for interogation given that they were nothing but plagiarists and Greeks'philosophy is nothing but ancient Egyptian stolen philosophy.Hesiod and Homer taught them to steal and colonise other lands including their resources for their own national use.Infact the history of Plautus(c.254-184.BCE) was also riddled with fraud.Count me out to rate them and then we move onto England..


Hodda Gabler,A Doll's house and a host of others particularly illustrate his distinction,in the pantheon of published plays.Let me not forget Oscar Wilde that Irish playwright and global acclaim.In the case of Sophocles,out of 123 plays published as speculated only 7 plays have survived.I do not agree with poor clarity and specious speculation.'Oedipus the King'was based on irony of fate and other survivors include Philoctetes,Antigone,Electra etc.Chekhov a Russian playwright wrote a lot of short stories and was famous for his plays.The Russian master of Realism became illustrious with some of his popular works like Seagull,Three Sisters and Cherry Orchard to name a few.I still spare criticism for Chekhov at this point and if there is any bashing whatsoever,it should begin with the Greeks,the acclaimed inventor of the western theatre.Then we can move down to Britain and later France andsettles in America to compile our own list.These countries contributed towards evolution of both ancient and mordern theatre.


It is not as if he was notinformed giving us tips about thepotential candidates to make the top 10,but our mainbone of contention was begun when the friend of mine raised concern about the intrigues imputed or attributed to shortlist that left out our great kongi.Then i also concluded that would be a disservice to humanity to ommit Wole Soyinka from that glorious list.This scholarly disputation of this type directly informed the basis of article as we often did with our protracted debates sometimes at public park,fastfood and a promenade.If Moliere a French playwright is the greatest master of comedy in western literature,where would one put the place of Aristophane the inventor of comedy?Some of his greatest plays include'Misanthrope,The School of Wives,Tartruffe,The miser and the Imaginary Invalid'.Need i remember Henrik Ibsen was also included in the list which i could not dispute being the most cited playwright since shakespeare.His works include 'Peer Gynt,An Enemy of the People,Emperor and Galilean,....

May 15, 2020


When finally the colonies spoke on July 4,1776 they spoke not as British subjects but in terms of the rights of man as necessitated by the political liability of the period.The success of American revolution and declaration of independence led to the formation of new government based on the rights of man.This indicates that the obligations of the subjects to the imperial king like taskmaster was replaced by rights of man not under yoke of slavery as was prevalent during the slavery and feudal era.This transition did not abate on american soil of the same norm in which early republics was moulded,transforming status into equal right of the citizens.The civil war of 1861-1865 settled this matter once and for all and today every one agrees that privacy is a fundamental human right and the true basis of all freedom.Frankly speaking still before 1890 there was no evidence of that provision in the american law.We cannot disagree both men that crafted the declaration of independence and the bill of rights amendment


With the exit of thirty years war, mordern nation-states emerged.Still they were not guarranteed any legal right whatsoever nor one sanctioned by ubiquity.Not even when Puritans settled in New World,they barely laid claim to the rights of man but as british subjects.Within a year of war with the colonies,the same priviledges and rights that ought to be accorded to the Englishmen were denied them.Even when they petitioned and presented to king George 111 through their second continental congress with an Olive branch to recognise their rights as British subjects,did not change their condition.However,this obvious ridicule and public contempt caused by the king's ill advised policies tilted their golden resolve towards independence accelerated by Thomas Paine's common sense and the Hamiltonian philosophy of freedom to save their destiny.When they relinquished these rights as Englishmen a status recognition challenge and forfeited suchthirst a new dawn was begun in the political destiny for the rest of mankind.


Human privacy is of utmost significance to the sanctity of livelihood everywhere and should be a cardinal asset of personal development and healthy lifestyle.We have no reliable alibi to benchmark the entity of human aggregate a prime networth of human dignity and the influence of its social esteem to the atrophy of environmental sanity.History has shown that the right of man fluctuates with the ecological volatility of this personal freedom also known as privacy.The evolution of the right of privacy for a vast stretch of mortal history has not for once been exempted from the concept of right.They are both streamlined within the confines of legal freedom.At one time the American way of life hardly exist and government did not accept this concept of right.There was nothing like dignity of man and the right of man and held man rigidly based on status.Were he a noble man would have the right of a nobleman and same with slaves with no right or a clergy.At a time there was slavery and later feudalism displaced....

May 12, 2020


Knowledge is power and we cannot cowed by the opinions and judgement of rational and be so bemused with the so called quality of their to subconsciously lampoon our moral precedence.However,the best option in a contrarian prejudice is to often take a stand and trust your own verdict enough to jettison the logics of the imperialists who arrogate to themselves the sancrosanct position of the hollier than thou rationalism of the incontrovertible hagiologies.I was sensitised to a link to twitter page of one Professor Ricardo Duchesne who concluded his own list of the top 10 greatest playwrights of all time.He listed them as follows in that order:Sophocles;Aeschylus;Moliere;Johnson;Chekhov;Racine;Corneille;Plautus;Shaw;lonesco;Pirandello;O neil; Brecht.Then a cerebral friend of mine Ola Ogunyemi a polymath in the making was forced to throwhim bricks.I was beefed too to challenge his verdict with my pointblank bellyaching of that ridiculous order of verbose synopsis that had no bearings with historical expediency.

May 10, 2020


Freedom is not partisan anthem of a ministrel who hides his intention strategically behind the lyrics of the heart to compose melodies of the soul.The voice of freedom goes beyond the crescendo of its decibels to be raptured by finite catchy tunes of demagogues,whose gladiators and reactionaries constitute the prime motives of social freedom,to which outlay is funded by pubic perception of the human empiricism.They contend for freedom within the strata and prejudice of this operative prism dictated by public perception.The quantity of vast information production assembly available to run social psyche within this groundwork provides human and material resources for the refinement of public perception.The legal framework of freedom enterprise rests largely upon this wizardry and wisdom of the public perception.To generate quantity of human empiricism must not be mistaken with the richness of human and material resources to contrive and equally defend this quality of freedom much sought for by mordern society.

May 7, 2020


demanded by the State.The surest route to social retrogression and to stall economic development even before it is stratospherically ingrained and institutionalised is to permit the freedom of the majority to be moulded and assaulted in the opinions of organised nihilism.Organised nihilists are those cluster of opportuned assemblage dismembers equalitarian motives of freedom who defines freedom within the confines of developmental separatism to mortgage the lukewarm motives of subjective followership.Unfortunately the global crusade of freedom for a vast swathe of living history is encapsulated within thesynopsis of this golden axiom.The battle of freedom is an all encompassing crusade that requires firingfrom all cylinders,the revolutionaries should be heavily obsessed withthe inspired motives of the inherent ideological freedom instigating the movement.Those who conceptualised infractionfree ethos ought to be its first martyr and the last to die and every glory their respite call to heave a sigh ofrelief.


A stronger immune system is vital to fight infection.Vitamin A can be found in ewedu and pepper in combination with Beta-carotene and such nutrients help improve eyesight.An indication that the meal is good for healthy eyes.The meal provides nutrients and other benefits such as calcium for healthier bone,iron,copper,magnesium,pottasium,vitamins,zinc that helps in sperm motivity and several other minerals.Little wonder,our forefathers lived much longer than the present generation and those before them.I could still recall that my immediate grandfather died at 120years and their eyes barely grow dim,stronger bone and life expectancy highly impressive.We have seen cases of 150yrs even 200yrs quite unbelievable.Given the high cost of health management,the gap between tradomedical and orthodox medicine and alternative medicine on the other hand,and challenges of capacity building and service delivery,it does not make sense for grassroot people to keep suppressing their tradition all in the name of mordernity.


Cancer.There has been extensive investigation of Beta-cryptoxanthin in red pepper which helps prevent lung cancer the highest cancer killer worldwide.It can be caused either by direct smoking or second hand smoking harmful to health.Both red pepper and tomato comprise of Carotenoids that assist in lowering the risk of breast cancer.Other antioxidants also found in ewedu can contribute meaningfully to lower cancer risk.The dietary fibre in Amala reduces the risk of Colon cancer,impeding hazardous compounds in food not able to affect the Colon mucosa.Similarly taking a healthy amount of Amala and ewedu stew helps to instigate weight loss.Pepper has a chemical compound called'Capsaicin'could spur up metabolism,prevent development of immature fat cells to grow weightloss.When you combine this ability or benefit with ewedu with lowcalorie with healthy amount of amala that has low GI,promotes weight loss.Amala meal comprises of severalvitamins and diverse antioxidants clears up prooxidants for strong immune system.


When you take Amala with ewedu(jute) and stew made from pepper,palm oil,water,salt,tomato and seasoning you enjoy wide range of health benefits.They include management of diabetes a metabolic disease inflicting the society with uncountable deaths with no lasting solution to the ailment problem yet.Amala from yam flour is known for its low glycemic index that barely cause rapid rise in blood glucose level of the diabetic patient and less aggravation of the patient condition.With positive effect of antioxidants combined makes it very good for management of diabetes.This kind of food is good for cardiovascular framework and dietary fibre in amala is catalyst for reduction of low density lipoproteins and pepper utilized in making stew.This impedes build up of cholesterol in the body and ewedu tends to impact heavily on cardiovascular diseases.The meal can also help in lowering the Cancer risk.Given the fact ewedu and stew comprise of several antioxidants which aid mopping up of prooxidants that could instigate...


Cassava flour is extracted from cassava either pealed or not soaked in pure water for three or four days and then it turns soft.Broken into pieces bit by bit,dried and then blended into flour and often white.Amala ogede the third type is extracted from callowed plantain.The plaintain flour has low cabohydrate content makes it a good option for diabetic patients and several other ailments that require less carbohydrate intake.It offers solution for weight loss especially when it is easy to digest.Nutritionists say human being requires food to grow and reproduce without with the body could not survive.This enables bodies to start warm,repair tissue and maintain hearbeat.You recover faster from illness and avoid diseases by eating right foods.Nutrients like protein,carbohydrate,fats,minerals,vitamins and water are the chemical substances in food that make up the human bodies to be able to perform specific functions as highlighted above.The full health benifit of the meal is in legion for the wellbeing of humans


The fiesta was supposed to be annual food pilgrimage event every december.The commissioner Toye Arulogun unveiled the fiesta logo,that had symbols of amala and all favourite accompaniment of 'Gbegiri,ewedu,plus orisirisi or misclelaneous,also introduced the Amala Fiesta ambassador Mr Gboyega Latunji who was labelled Encyclopaedia Amalika a typical native with robust amala palate and with indepth knowledge of amala bukas and their specialities and delicacies.And for bringing international flavour intothe amala experience,buka owners called him Oyinbo.Apart from beingtaken with different soups like ewedu,gbegiri(blackeyed beans soup),orisirisi or assorted meat,it can also be taken by Ogbono and ila.Amala can be prepared from Yam flour,cassava flour.The one from yam flour is called amala isu,and the latter,amala lafun.Yam flour derived from yam is often peeled,sliced,cleaned,blended and dried into flour known as'elubo'.The amala is turned into brownish colour after preparation but initially yam is purely white.


cuisine is undoubtedly the best bet for insulated healthy lifestyle.It was an interesting day for fellow Vanguard reporters like Wole Balogun and Laide Raheem who were live to cover the epochal event'Amala Fiesta'popularly called'Ajodun Oka'in local parlance.It was a three day fiesta that was begun on December 15,2016 at the Trans Amusement Park Bodija,Ibadan.The aim was to preserve and promote Amala culinary heritage techniques and the event was held just eight years after the death of former strongman of Ibadan politics,Alhaji Lamidu Adedibu popularly known for his amala and gbegiri politics.This food and cultural tourism opened my eyes into the health potentials of african cuisine for the first time,which i did unravel by sifting through my files and archives.The event was coordinated bythe then state commisioner for information,culture and tourism.Its global acceptance was phenomenal and could be seen also in Peckham,Brixton,Atlanta,Brussels,Maryland,Beijing,Brisbane,Stockholm,Brooklyn,New York,Texas etc.

AMALA.Part 1

We live in the era of mordern civilisation and the fruits of technology found at our doorstep have made life so much easier than we or our forefathers could imagine.At the same time the chronic sideeffects of this civilisation too have skyrocketed,both environmental,morally and healthwise.The growing risk of unhealthy lifestyle is increasing and more civilised people experiencing ailments like never before.Cases of heart diseases,STDs,tuberculosis,cancer and diabetes to name a few have in due manner ballooned.The ageold long adages regularly crop up that'health is wealth'and 'prevention is better than cure'.Patients with various diseases stand a chance to live much longer by taking much nuances in the local cuisine than cancer enhancing western food.I pick one of our best food brands'AMALA'a foremost Yoruba culinary to become some sort of food pilgrimage in America and for the rest of the world.Nothing can be compared to it,given that our forefathers live much longer consuming this kind of food.Hence,African

May 6, 2020


to the growth and development of mordern civilisation.Mankind is an exponent of biased freedom and sectarian justice and the arbiter of its institutional chaos and organised nihilism.It is not peculiar norm to the west as the pacesetter of the abrasion and those region of the underdeveloped world should take a cue from the strategic imperative of great charters and growing demand of social justice.They can erase moral inadequacies and set uncommon precedence to grow the quality of economic development vital to ensure market egalitarianism.This invariably has been an herculean task to attain in this hapless region given the low ratio of highly informed and objective followership population.The task of economic development cannot be complete to the atrophy of its equalitarian ideals purely speaking the institutionalisation of this cultural objectives of the state.We agree total intellectual freedom may not be possible but operative margin that is adequate to grow the proportion of economic development demanded


Brandeis concept of freedom does not seem to enforce strategic ideals of democratic justice.To the observant,it is a common knowledge that he held sway over an unjust system like majority of more than hundred supreme court justices of the American extraction that passed through that imperial judicial system over the last 200 years of American independence.Blacks are heavily humiliated and culturally ostracised from the same economy that they lived to enrich and defend.To make matter worse,their last hope for justice the judiciary gang up against them and many were rewarded with imprisonment and death.We cannever be totally freed when we are found culpable to jeopardise the freedom of others and we cannever be born into freedom if we keep still majority as slaves.We chart a new dawn when we benefit from the reciprocal effect of granting others freedom.In this context,simply by this art of humanism,we can truly be freed.Freedom is the means and justice is the ends and both cultural objectives inalienable to


at countryclubs,frequented country and western melodies and seconded by countrycousins and spendthrifts'avalanche.Now threesome siblings from the covergirl out of wedlock who being a covetous coy had drawn a covert to unravel upstart's overnight silverspoon and barely minced to crackdown him as a kleptocractic crank of the crabbed gulls.When the tabloid dished out inglorious paradox,public irony and bullyboy guillotined,her crossgrained crocoddile tears dancing feverishly on smothered spots not sentry smitten to foresee damocles,darkhorses demonised by darkdays.A depredator with the sheepskin,but wolfclothing unseen at the country pub,one of the countrycousins pacified distress of forlorn sloth.She gulped the lucre,a desperado,a deprecatory veil deserted her when a little bottle of wine descant her ramrod.Devious colleens,today's heirloom,devise and bequeathe as coquettes on the dappled streets.The ballad not to be marrooned from its didactic bank,to diddle predilection from dieback of who the dickens are?


at countryclubs,frequented country and western melodies and seconded by countrycousins and spendthrifts'avalanche.Now threesome siblings from the covergirl out of wedlock who being a covetous coy had drawn a covert to unravel upstart's overnight silverspoon and barely minced to crackdown him as a kleptocractic crank of the crabbed gulls.When the tabloid dished out inglorious paradox,public irony and bullyboy guillotined,her crossgrained crocoddile tears dancing feverishly on smothered spots not sentry smitten to foresee damocles,darkhorses demonised by darkdays.A depredator with the sheepskin,but wolfclothing unseen at the country pub,one of the countrycousins pacified distress of forlorn sloth.She gulped the lucre,a desperado,a deprecatory veil deserted her when a little bottle of wine descant her ramrod.Devious colleens,today's heirloom,devise and bequeathe as coquettes on the dappled streets.The ballad not to be marrooned from its didactic bank,to diddle predilection from dieback of who the dickens are?


A Londoner to tease a bit your buoy.Was i not bequeathed a chatteau and yacht abroad."With brouhaha to knit her brows,browbeatened her to stupor,to repel her childish bugaboos.A companionship that was begun at alehouses,rode roughshod with concupiscence."A Londoner?A chateau?No more a bellboy?Your nimble sloths you like a nomad and a nightmare,tore down by scylla and charybdis.Your buffalo still should buckle up for smashhit."He charters nuts into nuts into her sanity and nuzzled her numeration,till charterboxes cold as charity,grin like cheshire cat,chilled the chevvy chatter whoremonger and the Cinderella got off chump for the nuptials.The chuckles of the cocked hat congealed congeniality at the conge."For conscience sake,connive no more a confute of nuptial."Then she conked up her nose to blow a windy kiss,boozer consigned posterity into incertitude.Do they coquettes really detest cockscrewed amorous advances and be adjudged copperbottomed at the funfare?With his whoremongering parvenu,they honeymooned the

May 5, 2020


For the umpteeth time it is not naive to affirm the fact those who peddle their sense of freedom and the notion'born into freedom'are they themselves worst slaves in living history.And those that nature had entrusted with providence to manage the global enterprise of power and power market economy are enjoined not to suppress the overriding objective of holding it basically vanguard the welfare of justice.This is not impossible after the safeguard of great charters of liberty to whom all civilisations had failed to protect and also a determinant factor for their crash.The notion of being'born into freedom'a fatal fallacy and savaged heresy,should be told to the marines and those who champion this supremacy fails to interpret the cognizance of lifelong social slavery into reality,to which they have been subjected upon breaking parental bond.However i make boldto assert as soon as we are freed from nature perhaps through death we extinct.We can only be freed when everyone is freed to attain theprincipal welfare


and his opinion not of himself but of his neighbour.The educated ones are ominously the worst peril ever lived for they have been sold as intellectual slaves to master their brains and borrow the intellect of others to survive.It does not truly make any sense to agree with Sophocles and enthuse in like manner that'free men have free tongue'.As long as we are slaves to the opinions of others supposedly our intellectual superiors,it is inapposite to assume men born into freedom could repel the suppression of their rights.Every society,every civilisation even in mordern times thrives on slavery and the fundamental bedrock of mordern civilisation is catapulted by institutionalisation of ancient and mordern slavery.Industrial revolution of the 1760s to 1900s that was begun in U.K.was built on slave trade.It has not gone away nor completely eradicated,merely changing its facial garb from racism at one point for instance case study into racial profiling probably after the Civil Right movement of the sixties.


gins to jocund."If perspiration and sacrifice be the golden seeds to the greenfields,to pay the true price of liberty,opulence should not be famished.Jettisson the vulgar penchant.Gnomes of zurich earnestly i nubile desire to tie the knot.Penury is caustic a wasting disease.You nincompoop,extricate your bowel,forgo casuistry and we shall be gone from the fracas tempest!"the Catty's blast of catcall and catawauls caulks the cavalcade of a cavalier.Champ at the bit,not too warm on her electric charmer's proclivity,like sheep to the abattoir still lick her chaps."To shelter you from the storms,mine avocation not too cheapjack."His words are brutes overflown its solicitous bank.She budged and buckled,but with the buckshot,buggerlike like sodomite spared not the slaughtered sheep,bulged at the buffet.Was he a bullyboy beaten up the medley with bombastic badinage?With bunny hair feet slippery shod fails to bunk."Be not bumptious to bump off my bull's eye.Aint'no bellboy who was born within the sound of bowbells.


Be fair with thine lips of abeyance."A playboy where passion keeps his riverie.Isn't it a brainwave?"Airily,he rolled his cheeks in the aisle,stranded the genius loci's."Goddamn it!Godforsaken,a vulgar penchant?A breach of miserly peace,brainwashed and a bravura of brainstorm."saith in ire."Does that breach you?A breach of the promise!"Braggadocio knuckled wore its kinky braid.Barren eyes as if with catatonic shizophrenia grey upon brickbat."Is hallucination,so much a deadweight o bellboy to eschew or abscond?Persipation and sacrifice are golden seeds for the earth's green fields,upon its burnished furrows lay the mortal heirloom,libertas bequeathed by law of nature to multiply".What naive delusion makest fairer sex gone to nethers as reprobates and stripped of celibacy too soon?Why the goof to sigh extracelestial sigh to cool wrath of karma's descending sun?She lays upon his broadside,to extricate her inclemency where pleading garb bristles a douse.His primrose fingers bottled around her neck startling feet,

May 4, 2020


Her bromine chin,callowed and bedewed with befuddled beef still makes a beeline with besotted beseech,benumbed at the calaboosed nuptial knot.Canalised he like a callisthenics,this gumptionlessness prettily entreats them,from her contending blockhead till his bingo binge the bitch's bird eye view summersaulted to the calorific bullyboyhood.Her bittersweet memoirs'gins to blink.'Would she be a canard,fired as cannonfodder with its cannonballs in cannonade of Venus,the goddess of love that the candlestick of her candour barely matters?This canny canopy of candour welded in capacious canvass,who being ducked capriciously not to be blinkered in capapied caparison to capitulate to the blunt of bombastic blotto and querried cardsharp."Have i not been wooed by your war of attrition to blot my escutcheon?To bolt off the boiling hot who covert your captivity and vile tempered steel?What avocation to insulate the impending betrothed household?"quixotic,"Avocation"saith the bellboy,stood behind bowleg astrayed"......

May 3, 2020


Petitioned with dumb sport engirts of the lutarious obsession.Disgusting delight,ticklish tragicomedy,hunting affection like burning coal of his auntsally.Not really auriferous auspices wrenched in this asphyxiating war of attrition,sometimes chanting auldlangsyne with the guiltless avowed aupair girl and barely part with aurevoir to burst lascivious halo.Alluded with automatic eroticism,they might be famished to grave for aught i care.Pleads not avarice to avaunt,a puppet of his own melodramatic megalomaniac and so the puppeteer pleads him to lewd.A razzling razor edged mule whose milestone gone jade where he teases with servile frangible crest.An awestruck auxiliary verb who sees his own gluttonous eyes with coarsed hoax of a rudderless coxswain and darns earth's sweet music dour.A verisimilitude of heavenly moisture bereaved afar pounced on the weakling's honeypot salivating like hungry wolf shot down by Venus eroticism.Had they not eyes nor deaf to the banquet of abstinence beaten blue by abnegation?

May 2, 2020


A bolshied bold faced suitor like the bole of a tree makes a cunning bait.Impenitence radiates and appends his swollen passion and furnace tremor doth he spur at ingratiating aspen.Wafting convex contrition with high wind to bellyache and bellylaugh.Gazes upon neighs in a bogus boggles and kindled bohemian.And lo, gratifying of her partisan heels outstripping innundated chemistry with bad tempered crows.Wooed her beyond spurts of melancholia cliffs,with the enveloping artery of its resinated sham.Chaffree lovesmitten unruly beast barred only by Venus,goddess of love assuaged at vertex where its solace lies.Libido a plethora of parlanced hoaxes endearsthem to box and cox,enamoured and drained bonnets and cheery cheeks,Swarmed over frenzy of contemptuous and tightfisted trollop and the whoremonger.An obscene tigress upon which on her tits he rises and on her tits he falls.Upon same torso,stood his trunk to tame the torsion,venus.Creepping seethe lay them in this trench unfair earth mongering sands petitioned...

April 25, 2020


We know Germans are bloody racists.Why did Trump pour racial derogatory remarks on black community,when he lamented their little success?Hear him according to Washington Post analysis,'Why is it that the African American community,is so much,you know,numerous times more than everybody else?'he asked.Then he concluded'it doesnt make sense and i dont like it'.You could hear live and direct the racist intention of Jim Crow era coming back from the dead and we might not be surprised to see proliferation of racist institutions like Klu Klux Klan(KKK) returning from the dead too.Was it not true that the Chinese accused America of planting the virus in Wuhan,China after the October World Military Games?Trump had already made know his intention with that racist remark and his interest to revive the Rockefeller Plan toward reducing population of the world.With the outbreak of COVID19 worsening their extant social and economic conditions,everywhere blacks are dying and little wonder the New Yorker called it the 'Black

April 24, 2020


I believe COVID19 in mainland America is nothing but pure racism and extreme racial profiling.I think it was introduced as a racist propanganda of Trump administration playing to the gallery of the Republican tea party guys in capitol hills,industries and other secret places.It had nothing to do with China.The intention was to wipe out black population from America for good.It sounds disgusting but i was not surprised because i have seen it coming and i thoroughly debated itas one major items of intellectual debates we have had for more than two decades before i called it quit in 2019.In those days,as a jobless man i frequented newstands in ikeja under bridge where they distributed papers for vendors and later ikotun roundabout.My family later moved to igando where we discussed topics with few eggheads in the informal and street debate sessions.I did the same at Odo eran newstand where sometimes i was mistaken for a lunatic fringe.I saw it long coming but i never knew it would assume this heartless method.


had not yet been bashed this discontented eyes,for men will kiss freedom far away from where impenitent dogfight was ducked.Efflorescence from the north,not too eggheaded a patella of egshell chinese but effrontery stuck effulgence.Happygolucky triggers of bazooka,grenades,muskets and munitions at Abesi harum scarum bloodthirsty.As if they wore hobbleskirt,hobbledehoy handicraft of dogged warfare beneath wooden bridges,godforsaken.The infidels were exterminated by golden boy gangsters.Not gratifying too quirkily with bland heighos stuck with greenfingers.Grotesques and inelegant,Abesi stood still,intractable and invidious.Irruption itsybitsy broke the jinx and jellied at Abesi not impetuous but imperious and impervious,implicitly as explicitly impounded Abesi and drove Maximus gangsters back to northcountry and launched hecatomb in reprisal of the assailed realm.With vengeful spite shall never regard,taken captivity captive of the impostured hamlets.How like a jade this goldenboyhood stood like gibraltar to


Careen darts forth the fire from their bone.O were they invincible,battlements were done with livelihood.Castaways and cauldron of Carcasses burnt between this corrosive and forest cause celebre.A cavalier the golden boy predisposed from the northcountry,eastern skies'peeping Tom peevish to annex,Aluplutans his pebbles on the beach,with certitude gazing the cerrulean sky.Nay more than chauvinism,for the cheery at clamber clobbered.What tis to clutches they clutch?How stranglehold of clutches clattered!O had Alupluto not borne so combative mode and craven spirit,she hadnt brought forth this triumph.Deadshot and decoy of deadblows clumped momentum.What were they by all ramificationthat they couldnt contempt it?Or what ostentatious peril defecates upon RiverAbesi?What were thy retribution,'saith kismet'so demeaning for one tardy feet?We aver debilitating stances to speak fair at the battlement.Nope,providence to detonate where one derelict or its detrop detours.Over this clueless hood discomfiture boisterously

April 23, 2020


I do not agree with Louis Brandeis,an associate justice of the United States that"Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel the invasion of their rights by evil minded leaders".He wrote,last emphasis mine that"the greatest threats to liberty lurk in the insidious'minds',well intended well meaning but without understanding".I beg to disagree with learned counsel in the first submission and opine instead that no man born is free and all men are born slaves within the threshold of family patrimony and social groups respectively.And until the expertise of a given technical art is mastered on the homeground,the first battleground,a child is still slave under parentalcare for purpose of growth.As soon ashe burst the steam of parentage,he assumes another cycle of social slavery,tied to the apron string of peerage pressure and social groups.It is a lifelong slavery,even worse and practically very few men,attains intellectual freedom in a lifetime.A child now man at this stage,has lost his mind and his opinion


The magnitude of freedom equitable to every generation and the quality of its disposal and material impact can be inextricably linked to the grandeur of the extant maturity of facts at hand.If harvested with appropriate theory would create leverage for a golden age of unprecedented development.This unarguably for the irrefutable evidence of history was transpired in the west with the catapult of industrial revolution and various revolutions of the last 200years since Adam Smith wrote Wealth Of Nation in I776 and more or less in the United States during the depression era,when Maynard Keynes churned out his total spending theory.When these two strategic positives coagulate,then a wise time investment makes a solid return.The maturity of facts at hand does notnecessarily correspond to the necessity of times and when it does this leverage with nostandard deviation is morethan possible to author human civilisation.Men with such discretion,are equipped with the stamina to triumph in the battlefield of freedom.


We harvest a given plethora of facts and figures for the purpose of freedom given that they are born by necessity of a period.It is the greatest sacrifice to be made for the true price of freedom to be paid from the complex factory of history that provides the logical framework for the vast production of material facts.When we have gathered a rational momentum and freedom unleashed by all its ramification as stipulated in the great charters,the appropriation of mainstream justice should not be lowered beneath its standard benchmark.The material fruits of mordern science and technology are secondary outputs of the linear and non linear retrogression and linear and non linear progression of history.The proponents of the great charters are extracts of the victorious struggle that availeth much steadily when mankind positively interpret the cummulative relics of history.To pay solid attention to its lines and verses ordinarily culminates to activism of the great charters,with evidences of sustainable institutions

April 20, 2020


Nations and societies bedeviled by dark age malediction in this context are climes suffocated by dearth of these interpreters and theorists.Theoretical ambiguity besides,the tardy level and depositional rate of development in those climes barely go away.Unless they grow the equiproportional rate of intellectual freedom ordinarily supplanted by same class in competent climes,the malediction of chronic underdevelopment in less saner climes could persist.When we juxtapose equally the development empirical trends,in both climes,to share expertise and information makes the world a better place.We are not perplexed when strategic ideals are stranded and it behoves on human persons and nations to stake intergrity for accomplishment.Every one fight for a place in history and we are justified to enthuse in the pride of doing so.The weak would fall behind and the strong sets the pace,giving direction to the wherewithal of history.Sometimes the pride could damage the unity of mankind from the bland disunity of history


There should be tradition for every productivity and without art its belief system and the environment that inspires it,there can be no tradition let alone productivity and the growth it mobilises.We know a society by the quality of its tradition and can vividly measures its benediction or its lost cycle of productivity it incurably aggrandises,through reversion to cultural engineering.Growth architecture and development engineering begins by comprehending the science of human culture.Hencehistory opens frontier of new world of civilisation when the ideology,science and technology of humantradition and that of the society man's most sacred patrimony,also known as history is heavilyevaluated.Cultural engineering or rengineering perhaps haphazardly begins by history,historicism and historiography.To unleash growth and development like never before it is invariably the last bastion of human civilisation and the security of the unborn times.We are bewildered not by its richness but by its dearth of interpreters


We pay the price of history for every livehood and until we have fully paid this price the true price of freedom cannot be truly paid.To those who have been truly brainwashed that history travels in a linear space to defy exisentialist facts of history and opined not to adjust their lifestyle for purpose of change,they might have traveled too fast only to beshamedby villains of history and be shocked forever.We cannot truly deny the outcome of our actions and invariably be detached from its glory or vainglory.Every art carries its magical spells its own consequences,yet the crowd barely deny to share ovation of a glorious art.Mankind is heavily divided along this lineand no mortal hardly ever associate with the ridicule of season,contempt oftime,true villains of history.Theworld of mean and golden peopletakes little cognisance of this checkered meaness of antecedence to promote mankind gullibility and moral insecurity of the next set of antecedence.The stamina of freedom is declining,for the true price.


We are what we are a mere earthlings of passing shadows untill we have found our cogent bearing.We are not yet a nomenclature of apotheosis untill the bearings of denial and extreme sacrifice has made life so much uncomfortable for we the journeymen in the wilderness passage and still bade momentary pleasure a farewell in the face of extreme despair and grief.We are not the fortune of this passing shadow but the greenfields of the everlasting sands of time wherein we write our history with our hands.We might choose to write it either with mean pen or golden pen.A mean pen for the vulgar writes meanantecedence but a goldenpen forthe goleador writes goldenantecedence for which the ages barely disrepute.In reprobate we aretold of mean antecedence,if we are written of mean pen;for you write as you think anddo.Take hold of your time,write your own history with the goldenpen,let no one do otherwise.As you lay your bed,so shall they lie on it.We cannot be rewritten bythe hands of an alien folks,once written forever.

April 16, 2020


THE MARSOLIST MANIFESTO AND THE ABRAHAM'S LAW : THE TRUE INVISIBLE HAND.18.We should identify, social poverty cycle,an economic environment from which debt cycle can be floated and then transition process begins.
 These economic agents in the credit cycle,spend debt income, awashed  with debt purchasing power,or so to say debt oriented purchasing power parity, grows in multiples with such unique,highly distinguished, unorthodox and unprecedented intermediation process,where the debt cycle,debtflation cycle and development cycle respectively,interact together to grow GOCAP/GAP, sometimes by 50 per cent,in the debt economy,unthinkable by mordern orthodoxies,especially where radical approach is undertaken.
By so doing, the debt economy and mainstream economy intrinsically and extrinsically interact to grow the broad economy in multiples.With such growth in multiples,debt economics worry less about inflation and recession,as old economic twin evils,but with new evils,where sustainainble growth and development is perpetrated in the plethora of poverty reduction and decline in the inequalities of wealth .
With sustainainble high debtflation,spreading material wealth position,inflation and unemployment or recession,cease to be the major operative burden of mordern economy, signifies emergent of marsolism and neomarsolism epoch.Marsolism's quantity theory of debt money emphasises steady growth rate of debt money,to attain in full the Abraham's effect,where universal prosperity is achieved.


HE MARSOLIST MANIFESTO AND THE ABRAHAM'S LAW : THE TRUE INVISIBLE HAND.17.and undue pressures.In fulfilling this prediction and mandate of universal prosperity,the central bank for microfinance-CBM worldwide are supposed to use their expertise and credibility to ensure and guarantee sucessful debtflation.Otherwise ominous betting games could be hazardous,that is to say debtor-creditor investors will make irrational bets, that could launch the virgin system into tailspin.
The Lagos school of economics as opposed to Austrian school for this reason,shall be responsible in forming the consensus for the marsolist movement and stresses the need to adopt its quantitative model for the purpose of universal prosper.Debtflation refers to an increase in the quantity of debt money,averagely equiproportional to correspond growth extant,in the ratio of debt needs, sometimes proportional rise by volume,value and quantity at a given period,with expectations that proportional wealth level,will follow.This is possible as people take advantages and opportunities,that balance  of credit payment,provided to every economic agent.
Monetary debtflation,can be regarded as sustainainble rise in the exchange and circulation of debt finance and debt velocity.We call it  the Abraham's effect when the process is undertaken and succesful.Debt cycle transitions indicate when the debt markets,slowly move up the debt cycle and debtflation cycle respectively.
The term debtflation also refers to not only..      


THE MARSOLIST MANIFESTO AND THE ABRAHAM'S LAW : THE TRUE INVISIBLE HAND.16.the velocity of debt money is affected from the short term to the long term and output in the long run is determined by the productive capacity of the debt cycle movement.So movement along these cycles enables us to  view debtflaton rate.Other common measures of of debtflation, include GAP debtflator and GAP deflator .
While the latter measures the prices of goods and services, in the informal sector economy.The former deals with debt trade undertaken by debtor-creditor consumers  or a measures of all debt prices of debt oriented goods and services,in the debt economy.The Nigerian investment Assembly, trade and investment department and equivalent  assembly budget office and bureau offices, both should publish the GAP debtflator/deflator series, including the CBM Bulletins and official sources.Now,for the informal sector GAP defined as nominal GAP measure divided by real GAP measure.       GAP DEBTFLATOR/DEFLATOR=Nominal GAP÷Real GAP.
The assembly bureau of labour market statistics, publishes regular regional debtflaton and breaks down CRPI/CCPI calculation as it affects every region of the country,through this restructured debt economy. Economic agents through epectation,forecast and various adjustments on the balance of credit payment, are poised for winning strategies.They are supposed,to look into the future,to maximize their wealth potentials,and to often r
China's overcapacity easing: Deutsche Bank - Business - Chinadaily ...
espond to immediate opportunity cost and..


THE MARSOLIST MANIFESTO AND THE ABRAHAM'S LAW : THE TRUE INVISIBLE HAND.14.the gross and net multiplier effect of the disbursements.They should pay attention to this core debtflation grassroots indices or rate,to get better estimate of long term direction for the overall macro credit and macroeconomic movement.
Debtflation rate the most widely used secondary metric index in calculating debt cycle movement,exchange stability or spread and expected  changes in broad credit price indices,typically the consumer credit price index.This mesures general rise or fall in the broad economy's debt prices over a given period.Consumer credit retail price index contains a larger basket of debt goods and services,broader than consumer credit price.The method of calculation,is illustrated below , say in January,2006,the Nigerian consumer credit price index,stood at 200.500 and in January 2007, it stood at 200.200.Hence the formula for calculating the annual percentage rate of debtflation over a given period of time: (200.500-200.200)÷200.200×100. 
The debtflation rate is calculated using the metric above.Other widely used, price indices include:1.the creditor price index-:it measures changes in the debt prices, as influenced by credit capitalist such as institutional credit investors, for their debt trade,that they charge debtor and debt comunicism.It extremely differs consumer credit price index, in that price subsidisation,profit income and consumer credit taxes,may caused the received amount

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