May 13, 2022
Frutaneous the fuchsia,roseate,coral and salmon tamarisks on their
whitish gone grey where the lawn transition into the riverbank,bonking
fuddled.The horseshoofs and rampaging raids by dipsomaniac squirearchy
muddling,discombobulating their heads fuddle of bushy hairs and
guitless slant,fuddymuddy,fudgeand mudge the clouded,fuggy,dingy
fuliginous,fulgurating fuhrers emerging from soots'mill.November fogs
soon began after brimful dews of golden morn`s fulgent hues,full of
piss and vinegar,a pep of flight eyed and a ginger of bushy tailed
vivacious zingy full pratique at full throtle full to the gills
oddysey- jampacked theatre of dreams.Forest stems stuffed
up,whittish,grey,downward tapering
furfuraceous,branlike,crynbantic,furbuild,forloughing,numerous a
cyst,a bleb,a furuncle,a welt dainty lurks for captain hooks a
breastplate,a gammadion,a fylfot,a thoroughbred hakenkreuz alupluto's
trenchwarfare.Blatherskites,wocky,jabberers adorn him awe like a
dippy,a dipsy and diorama hesitate,wampum,choker
sunshine.Across the illfated capiche,the sunshine's capote coronet
soloit drills.And the capriole-intermittent brannigans a capstone not
yet hooked to the pyrhic vitory nor an insignia to salute captain hook
to assuage the capsheaf.Carabinieres masqueraded as gambol in the
caracole with decrepit belfry sits,still fledgling far flung from
infantry fledgling quip.A punt of canined laughter in the clownish
cantata's chou.Capituhim o attic belfry sings!Canting and cantilate
aluplutans-chanter-less calash and the caranvasary o soulless state!
Captain general smidgen bereft.No goodness forbid,let saturnalia boat
sings.And a decapod hardly appeased to the gods to poof,speck and punt
off caesura for pyrhic victory's temblor. Cranium o tease me
cranium,On attic captain hook the blissful expedition baron summon
sunny times!So much carnage to so much hues till so much sighs canst
dos to poke marasmus for beulah land.
Carbonised farmfields at the northcountry a catachresis,a carcinogenic
carcinoma drizzling like a monsoon cauterised peasants'toiling
klieglight a floodlight,a carbon arc lamps held aloft the catacombs
choked by mutineers in the cat and dog expedition.Did the catachresis
a lavalliere of the fifth columnists not persist long thereafter the
ill fitting, overventuresome, flabby,oversized exit of the
mutineers?Not much applause for epigram the obeah doctor,a shamanism,a
mundunugu,like a raft a catamaran floated over drowned sea to choke
this sore of overaching overdose enroute cadmean victory oft abhored
till the golden morn.A calembour,a paronomasia and a joke blazing
drill of california
sunshine.Canting,crooked,askanting,profiterole,cannoli struts
machismos'embryo cucullated and capistrate vain picador,a capeador,a
tauromachian,a tawridor of the raving monsoon lacklustre capiche,a
caparison of sardonic realm,caracoling canzonet and cascading
gulch,filamentous canyon,so much diffused in its camion,barouche via
A metric ton of oafishness demeaning caesura cauterised cocography at
alupluto.Cacology of Cacoethes laquendis oversimplied
blarneys,obstreperous flowing tongue,struts oversubtleness of
obsequious logorrhea,fastidious diarrhea of the mouth,cat and dog
weather of verbal diarrhea,imperious logomania and smearing chaste of
furor loquendi,as nebulous cafenoir enameling and calciminings at
calefaction.Aluplutans'cakewalk on the calamus,a calenture on the
cadmean victory.Hardly do they barbarians call the bluff ardoring
emasculated cappuccino nor the esspresso overmastered even at
abesi,rescinded to the cakes and ales of the demitasse a decoction
that held them in thraldom of the galipot,the blue funk.Grimace now
the blue funk's caliginous California
sunshine.Obfuscous,calenturic,calescent,sizzling and singeing like the
inferno,an object trouve california sunshine,ranting and
objurating,obsequious and brownnosing burns greedily at
Abesi.Outthedeepbluesea,the Squirearchy's battlement drivel a
carbuncle carbonised
in abesi's deadwood.Cantankerous easterlies detest ever twinkling
twinkling east street's palava tumbling eastwards raving rapids with
dense fogbanks.Easy as pie it came like falling off a log as like a
barrel's shooting fish ate the dust and it was gone eu-de-vie as acqua
vitae.A gag person with the gagrule like the windy sail gone gaga in
the gagshow galactic galerina, plumbean,plumbiferous pewter at the
tethering ends,could not console him,eloping brasstack.Amiss the
dinghy galleon galiot to capsize with saturnalia boat,a riverie at
alabaster even as gallstone of macabre humour vaporises,brasstacks on
the high sea flee to vain safety.To the mother carey's kitchen
screeching snow,gamesmanship and ganders at gangbanger,gaping coast
gloating and blinding at meagre parley of the gaff-rigged sails and
gallipot's thraldom,containment much farthest cry with no reprieve.May
we not be sloths in dainty times and blue funk the galipot with the
smoking gun bled the ilks'scorecard profusely in the emasculated
and the battle of abesi.Blunderous
blunderbuss,blunder-in-etiquette,bob a
curtsy,meaness-damned,efficacious slothed him dire.Now he smoke his
goof,a bobsled,luging,toboggan bodacious bodement.A bodice of bodhis,a
droll boffo bogard of bogeyman,bodysuited bodyguard bogged down
raptured too late.A boggy,paludal,quaggy,soggy,miry namesake of the
golden morn like ilks jubilant hills
bluecoats,goblins,hobgoblins,bolt-in-blues bollox up.Creeping bugaboos
as bon mot's bon appetit! creep vicariously the bouquet of
hautmonde.Refrain the bogeymen at alupluto,they connoiseurs and
bonafideses of vulgarian bon voyage.Brambled,muffled brake loose
blanchly braise,coddle,bake him cocksure,brashes,brash and
brannigan.Brashballs with dimples smoking brass knuckles.A dingle,a
brushwood,a chaparral,a coppice of egregious dimple brutuses of
counterespionage and earsplitting silvermoon,easels drowning easement
of the forlorn east street,groveling torrents of easterly winds
enrobed with vacuous vegetation,wild fire infernos in
his embroidery with panache and all the colours of rainbows coronate
him bitterstream midstream.Panache did he bevel,panache did he gavel.A
beseem,besom featherduster of white elephantines,besprinkled mensrea
bestrode spoof of gallivanting heels besieged commeupance at the
vestry,chantry of commeupance whereon he was betrothed between the
sixes and sevens,rockhard places,devil and deepblues and scylla and
charybdis,a hobson choice till ruse in a truce of wanton fugacity
unleashed epic of golden morn over the rainbow for the beulah
land.Clandestine at his navel struts he upon this bevel of happylands
drunk with promiscuous gallivanting hoofs tilts this goateed
bewhiskered bevy above 12'o clock at bewitching hour.Bitchy bit by bit
bit the bullet till bitten bullet more than he can chew primafacie.A
bittersweet blueribbon not the puritanical prim and propper prissy
bluenosed wights.Bituminous,obsidian,midnight
coalblack,bivouacking,staying on the treadmill,pretty punky frozen at
the eve of biten midge and battle
A spasmodic vacuole,vagarious,helterskeltering,vacilating,iodinophilous
contractile, seesawing,capricious,adamantine with trademark vade
mecum.Ebulient with a vanila of a moustache,scolloped round
neckvandyke upon its vantage ground of a vanward flight from ambiguous
shore,he walked the corpses dead grotesquely took off his vaporized
vaporware coast's blur of vapourous vista.A poofed ethereal,dashing
belly prodding vaquero not demystified vastitude of his variolate
freeware.Like the rumbling daedalean daddy longlegs and byzanthinous
beetles he was muffed with petite dainty pedigree,witticism,apothegm
as daffodils of silvermoon quakes upon secluded shoulders aloft.Not
daltonism nor its nukes to make him queer to the elixir and dance
ochestra of the dandified quixotic quips,a dandruff to elude pelted
cheeks and dangersome subcutaneous grim.A chamberlain of comedy,prima
ballerina,a hoofing figurante of dancing scorn,a darkhurled darkhorse
of the mutineers,a barretta of apotheosize,a womensfolk's besaint.He
I know he cannot deceive you you re intelligent.''To be frank i aggree
with him 70%of the time'.'you re a liar.''if you like gather all of
your iboguys from alaba,westminister,liverpool,ladipo etc to face him
you will loose your head.Am coming.`'Dont come i m going to alaba'the
phone zoomed off mark entered paragon headed for ladipo at
toyota.Dimeji dropped from the cab with nose mask headed for onelove
to the waiting embrace of the controversial yoruba kindred.'dimeji you
came late.''but the guy complained you insulted him''i dont trust
those people''we hardly trust each other too.''point of correction
please that is not the bone of contention.i didnt insult him either.we
met you know all of us at the newstand.The truth is this ilks of
disgruntled folks are invariably uncomfortable when they hear of great
achievement by the yoruba people.They feel inferior and to be precise
that was the genesis and to say origin of marginalisation
crusade.''uhmmm.....i dont agree with you because civil war set them
Stop wasting my recharge card.who brought it down to naija which white
people?''I beg shut up you re nauseating.Late chief obafemi Awolowo
did the magic'.the phone switched off and stood up and he left in a
huff.''Bury your head in shame.'Folu laughing hysterically as he
vamoosed from onelove's fast food transparent glass door.And the phone
rang again.'Folu.'Dimeji called.'yea,how re you.''have u started the
discussion?`Mark replied'of course''am coming near oko filling''Your
ibo guy just now in annoyance.''What? happened so soon?''Ask him'.And
the phone rang'Mark where re you?Folu said you just left.''Forget that
please today's talk is over unless you arrive too early''So you
thought white man brought TV like the rest of your kinsmen used to
think.I told you you ought to have searched online because he will
mock you.''come quickly please.'' know is an uncommon
tribalist yorubaman believed they laid the foundation of mordern
civilisation in africa''Are you agree with him?Tell me because i know
with maitredhotels,carhops swept beneath hysterical aphonia.O this
blackeye,booboo of ignominy`s macroseism,abesi's mackintosh frolic
macula contuised over maculated jungles stings drearily.Turbulent with
hornet's madness,when they fed him
houtecuisining and bhanging him with jutes,hashish,manila and abala in
abesi's bloodthirsty forest.Fuming obverse viceroy avers in
counterblast as if wacky and kooky like the apes of manic
depression:'O that manna from heaven sweet above compare stoke forest
fire as golden roses of adamantinous bustery bred us white at strife
with rustic fiends alike`.And lo pooved his heels'This manequins,your
dearest abala from manor house,jettisoned vicarage and trickish
manteau.Censure plead thee o censure,slash their mantlings,flowing
mantras,dolman,manteaus,fichus,mantelleta's flung at thy face and all
the goonish escapades;for they once marauders'frankeinsteinwhen chips
are down shalt be thy damocles'sword.'Macoma quiped
Hardly had the habitus with consuetude catachretic hachure halter'd
his bristling tantrum of the happyhunting ground,the hackamor'd
hacienda,haddest a tantrum haddest dib`d Maximum,hunting in
happycoincidence,god in the machine but loath'd he sloshed the
guffawed sepuku,har dehar'd harakiri hard and fast harbour a grudge
hardcheese hath him goose bumps,haute coutur'd,warweary and belveder'd
frothed Maximus makes high dudgeon unto high falutin for abesi`s
smother.And like a brash hyalined high man on the totempole,sportish
fugueman habitude carcinoma gushed him high jinks muckamuck.Thrice,he
hurl`d defiances at brickabacks.Not too huntinged for hurryscurry that
in hushhushes amidst the huzzah,makes amain with hutzpah unto abesi's
wartorn hyaloid.O that geyser hydrolysate of white
elephantines'betrothed at gunpoint,hyperbolic connubial
incest,hypersonic hypermetropiac senoras and schlumps
capsized.Sometimes at
dipsy,subterranean lewds,hypogeous with
the attainment of progressive needbased goals.The backward forces and
forward forces and we divide them into retrogressive needbased goals
driven by backward forces and the progressive needbased goals tied to
the apron string of forward forces.The best form of forward forces is
the personal motivation and public motivation in the backward forces
tends motivate graphically the individual choices by retrogressive
needbased goals.At this selfimposed organic trap cycle of needbased
hypothesis,the spectre of human development enterprise is haltered
unceremoniously and with sustainable growth and sustainable capacity
building murdered and the complacent retarded growth resistant
standard of living masqueraded as ideal choice of needbased
hypothesis.This is backward motivation and to compute cummulative
returns of time investment,provide by forward forces of personal
motivation,one is made to lament magnitude of cummulative losses
recorded in the needbased hypothesis of backward returns.
bottlenecks supplanted by bucanneers of justice who found their way
into the corridors of power unknowingly haunted by putrefaction of a
psychotic vagrant that sewers their virtuous crave of humanism
whatsoever as the case maybe.The world becomes much more polarised
against itself in the mean berserk,callous jettison and public
contempt of the golden sense of equalitarian justice.We are supposed
to find strength or fortitude in the much vaunted choices and
mechanical radius of our motivation so we can target selfactualisation
of specific goals.We can be sure most Maslowian needbased voyages of a
lifetime were driven by the helterskelter pursuit and
selfactualisation of lowercadre needs which when attained cease to be
motivator of bulge bracket cadre needs.This is what i
called'Maslowian-Abrahamic trauma or a need hypothesis or
selfactualisation backward returns.Most people settle for less at this
lacuna once lowercadre needs are met and upward drive evanesces.There
are two factors militating against the
Life methinks tends to baffle me alot and i still could not decipher
where,what,when and how people get their motivation and attraction
from and since sometimes i could hardly understood properly the riddle
involved in this manic depression of medula miasma,i make bold to
dissect and peruse my personal experience.And behold what i did find
was personally outlandish and left me macerated and gobsmacked.The
most important thing in any oddysey of lifetime investment is the
gravity of this motivation and what substantial outlays apposition
inclusive and the magnitude of outcome it could get to impact the
attention propels the passion and muster motivation of the artist
involved.However i do think the experience of lifetime of pursuit of
every homosapien is exactly the same worldwide albeit a little
alteration the primordial template for this method and pattern for
accomplishment have been standised by mordern civilisation exclusive
of sparsely distributed lacuna of regulatory bottlenecks left unmoored
by bucanee
factors noted not genderbased or by age.One is driven by behaviour and
dominant drive depends on life experience.They include achievement
that is determination to achieve and demonstrate competence.People
preffer self dependence and personal responsibility for individual
progress.The second affiliation refers to the need for
love,belongingness,social acceptance,participatory impulse in social
gathering and conflict averse or peaceful conduct.Power:power is
vital,people love power,love to exercise power and exert influence.In
my new book entitled:Neomarxism:How To Conquer World Power'slated for
publication in america,the blogger argues that power is the overriding
force in the world society either in politics or economy and the main
challenge to the operative task of capacity building is how to manage
this vastitude of power in the complex power market economy.Right from
exodus of life when you notice the persistent cry of a little child
sobbing for power to graveyard of passing man demand for power
include need for respect and recognition.Self actualisation needs deal
with opportunity for personal development,learning,fun,creative and
challenging work.Self actualisation is the highest level of needs to
which human being can aspire.People work together as a team in an
organisation to attain its goal and at the same satisfy attainment of
those specific needs to achieve equally the balancing act.In the
Hertzberg's two factor theory unlike Maslow it classify needs into
broad categories namely hygiene factors and motivating factors.That
hygiene factors would destroy the individual's motivation and will not
improve team motivation.Though hygiene factors not enough also
requires motivation factors and increasing the hygiene factors
decreases job dissatisfaction.Influenced by motivation factors or
satisfiers such as working condition,coworker relations,policies and
rules,supervisor quality.Achieving recognition,responsibiliv,work and
personal growth.In the McClelland's theory of needs about three
and led to proliferation of many motivation theories.We hereby examine
the top 5 motivation theories in the study of psychology.Abraham
Maslow's hierarchy of needs tops the chart and he identifies first in
his postulation,physiological needs.The average individual is
motivated when all of his needs are met though may later cease to be
motivator as he climb economic ladder and craves higher needs.People
work and contribute through their expertise.He created a pyramid in
the demonstrative chart and shows how people are motivated and cannot
rise to the next level unless lower level needs are satisfied.In the
hierarchy he identify physiological needs which includes basic needs
such as air,sleep,food,water,clothing,land,shelter and sex.Then safety
needs including protection from threats,deprivation and other dangers
such as health,secure employment and property.Social need deals with
sense of belonging and love.The need for
association,affiliation,friendship or camaraderie etc.He noted
selfesteem needs and this
prompting or driving it into action.`According to Michael Jucias it
is'the act of stimulating someone or oneself to get a desired course
of action.'Chuks Esogbue uncovers motivation as the motif of employees
workpractices'in organisation,provides definitive sources and the
theory of the balancing act in an essay published in defunct
postexpress(November 2,2001,friday,page 29) entitled'Motivating
employees in Organisations`In the types of motivation he provided two
types both positive and negative forms as strategy to motivate group
or individual.He noted negative motivation is also referred
as'wielding the bigstick`.When you explore the use of threats of
disciplinary actions,violence to cow but not motivate people into
achieving the organisational goal,and to work due fear,embarrasment
reason for punishment and reprimand,he classified it as negative
motivation.When you dangle the carrots which may be achieved through
the external rewards,increased pay,cash
disbursement,compensation,grants,award and promotion.
a balancing act.In this context it shows that to meet up with the
balancing act,author avers that'by deploying the right formula to
satisfy the needs and goals of the individual employees so that they
work together to attain collectively the goals of the institutions is
a primordial necessity`.Frankly speaking those things that satisfy and
attain employee's goals invariably motivate to increase dedication and
commitment to the chosen course.The balancing act categorically
speaking can be achieved by motivation and nothing but
motivation.Motivation is the organisational benefit a derivative of
well intentioned and dedicated staff the sole energizer that spurs
into action.infact an underlying force that propels into action the
individuals and prompts one's will into action.While Richard Hodgetts
defines motivation as'the process of creating organisational
conditions which will impel employees to strive to attain company
goals',J.C.Lillis says it is'the stimulation of any emotion or desire
All over the world human development is a concrete pillar of economic
development and people oriented organisations provide a participatory
platform for employees to work,explore their potentials and so
complete the strategic goals of human development.The most important
thing about the concept of economic development is the creation of
organisations for human capital development and places for employees
to work and so complete human capital development goals.People work in
organisations purposely to enable the organisations to fulfill their
corporate goals.On the other hand,employees and individuals who work
in organisations equally have their own goals to fulfill moving up the
bread basket and economic value chain and growing the standard of
living befitting of mordern life.Both bilateral goals must be met and
the moment both deviate from these goals organisations begin to fall
apart and employees loose interest.Although the strategic goals of the
organisation and employee extremely differ and so requires
May 4, 2022
my calendar.''You could borrow a thousand naira?''See,you polymath
atheist you hardly know simple stuff almost everybody knows''No,no o
stop abuse.When you load 100naira you get 250naira bonus on
trutalk.Economically you manage to browse.''That's life but if i may
ask who did i love to hate?''Now you re talking.Call your friend.Let
him tell you.He put on the dial and the phone boozed'Dimeji,how are
you.''Am fine and you?''Am okay.''You didnt come back yesterday?i
waited.....?`'Later,we ll talk later but please i wanted to ask you
something'when did television enter Nigeria or when did the white
people brought it down Nigeria?`'Are you mean you dont know that
simple question?''You better go online search for that topic because
that's exactly part of today's discussion`.You might be laughed to
scorn in Fola's presence.''He already insulted me.Dont bother
yourself.''Ah,tie ti bae''the grandmaster did the damage already.''you
mean already started the discussion.''See you re wasting my recharge
card.Who brought
who brought that to nigeria?When?''You re asking
me!See,yourself,blackman,a high school highboy for that matter.My
egghead cant you that?Everything at least can be googled but i can
help anyway with the the secmd question.The man you loved to hate
brought it down to nigeria.''Which man do i love to have?'he was
astonished with embarrasment fallen cheeks began to grope for the
dark.Luckily for us that gesture fits perfectly our mode of hocus
pocus today'.How did africans get mordern civilisation?`'Did we
discuss that?`he check the internet connection intermittently.'My band
is zero`'No data''Barely switched off my data previous
gone.''You re asking.Didnt you see the last text messages forwarded to
your MTN Line two days ago?''That line was off.Moreso,as i had shifted
my passion off that radar.I used airtel more to browse and i can even
borrow a thousand naira.So,i kinda patronize them more and switched my
allegiance.Sorry for that but i did check our meeting schedule
debating saturdays on my
The Sun was morose had stuck and glittering across the feverish
day,shot from the dank moisture and plethora of its parabole the
started in earnest when they met this time around in igando at the
newly opened fast food restaurant One Love.` 'Dont you
like this place?' 'Yea sound chilly.`'They are lucky and blessed even
with space so commodious like that`'Eko five suddenly became a
dream.`'That is the beauty of competition'.'Look at that program!''You
seem to have enough time for the television.Last time,we i noticed you
were so much glued to it.`'Dont you know what it takes to get
information?Media is one of the avenues to get knowlege` charge`.'You
re head when you pay attention to that intellectual box.``But i
prefers radio or the internet.''You re a journalist what do they call
with the newspapers.`'O Poor boy that's my alma matter they call that
'print media'.How many of us can afford the readership expenditure
today?So if you have smart phone read online.''When did they invent
that box?And
Infact,it changed everything i had proposed for my country and
included free electricity program.""'So,you get the free formula from
there.""yea not outside but right here in the country.""Gist me.i cant
wait hit the nail.""Cool down your biceps boy.Your varicose vein is
bulging.aba!""uhmm""lo,i glanced through the paper.It was the Tribune
edition of July 29,2001,pg.7.The column:'Pandora box`belong to Dolapo
Ogunwusi".There,i received the shockest heartbeat of my life.So,free
electricity is possible.Myto is complete fraud.Now i know why obj
removed Alamieyesegha cited corruption and leveled Odi.Who says there
re not related?The columnist ends the beautiful piece with'Why"is it
so difficult to learn something from Alamieyegha?"Iittle wonder it was
the only state not connected to national electricity grid way back
then.""Obj after he spent the widely reported 16b.dollars,we still
couldnt get light.""So you know.i thought you said we have to keep
paying for fraud so we could get light""nail the poser pls."During
Books and newspapers and we can show you trends even in my
barlines,unfolding nature of electricity industry's darkest days and
gloomy days.So i have a dedicated furniture parking close to it my
archival materials and rest of unorganised stashed pieces of
newspapers flying around my improvised alcove.The house was quiet and
sombre when my brother was away giving me quiet time to reflect with
files,journals,newspapers and books.One day i stumbled again upon a
fallen sheet of a tribune newspaper on the sofa.I glanced through and
i was stuck.""What did you find?""Can you imagine?That paper had been
with me for over two decades yet i barely paid attention.See,we cannot
dispute reading is the most effective artistic investment for moral
perception,matured reflection and personal salvation.I was surprised i
could not pay attention to that jaw dropping and eyepopping
intelligence hid under my nose my navel and in my closet.It means
mankind hardly pays attention to self reflection and honesty in a
lifetime.Infact it
mean rather than the aplomb cavorting the vacuous neighbourhood as
voluptuous elements do lock up yourself indoor to feed your
medulla.""reading that way comfortable?""That is the best method.You
read and write in bathroom,bedroom is easy like toilet.""Toilet?are u
crazy with stench flying like streak of lightning?""much easier just
sit on the basin.""what if another desires the use to defecate how
manage?""i ll vacate and return there to read again when he finishes
and stench subsides.That happens sporadically with my brother when he
returns from work.Moreso as i have the often lonely house to myself
especially quite beneficial for the eligible bachelors.That was my
most challenging period and my formative years as writer before we
moved to banana island and we celebrate lollapalooza.I even celebrated
the bliss with a poem and the same diction,'lollapa....absolutely
amazing to hide your self in your
alcove.""uhmmm,.......interesting"."Now to back your point because i
have almost 40years archives of journals
annually in total revenue from the new tarrif,cash problems with nepa
would be over in the sector and efficient services guaranteed.What
have they not told us;all blatant lies and still power outages
persist.We re in 2021,2023 going to 2024 do we have stable electricity
now?intelligent man talk now.cant u speak?"" re right,but
it will take time..,""You re totally insane a bigger fool insanity is
your trademark your mine.Since 1940s my forefathers told me the same
old slogan of up nepa hasnt waned and they believed we will pass the
same hackneyed old slogan to our children and for eternity we will
never get light in naija.""spare my your spitting and saliva because
you havent prove your case.""Now listen.One early morning i left the
kitchen after dining and satisfied with my concoction prepared from
food parcels my brother bought the previous day.The following day i
started my solitary confinement headache"."headache?""i mean my usual
hour of imprisonment""imprison....."stuttering.""i mean rather
mr re like them""So you know myto?exactly!where did you
then get your insanity?"keep quiet !you petrifying
pestilence,vitriolic indigo.""uhmm,...he too can dabble oratorical
atom.chei."he muttered in gutter silence."myto for your information
to me as cub reporter was introduced in 2008 with terminal date of
2013 to stabilise the price of electricity services and to generate
more funds for electricity industry and government.That grew revenue
with the newly reviewed tarrif from 1.1tr.naira per annum over
that five years period.Now they claimed that old revenue was gross
inadequate to guarantee efficient services to the
consumers.""Uhmmm.,.so point taken,u understood that verily verily
well.thumb up""i do,because i did cover energy beat for solid 5
years.i should know better than you,a goonish member of free readers
association,mere verbose discussant frequenting newstands riddled with
complex bigotry.Open your mind.The fraud is just too much.They even
told us with 1.5tr.naira annually in
Methinks this might be the most powerful piece i ever wrote."i said to
myself as i put pen on paper to write this wonderful piece. Oh you
mean free electricity is possible in naija?You've always been saying
it.Are you insane?Why do you like to deceive yourself to stupor with
satisfaction so that you deceive others without you ever knowing
it?You must be out of your senses.Are you truly out of your
senses?""Anyway listen you wretched of beapole highboy,let me talk
please"."Oya go on with your rashness of clueless cheeks.""Beg your
pardon dont abuse please mind your speech.""Mr knowhow you are
insane.You don't know anything.Who would shoulder the operating cost?i
ask you.You re not even rational coming at a time when the chairman of
national electricity regulatory commission NERC reviewed an increment
in electricity tarrif from 8.50k to 10.00naira per kilowatt per hour
in compliance with 2008-2013 regime of multi year tarrif order.""MYTO
right that fraud i know""fraud!wont we pay for it?""You can
April 23, 2022
Wish is my command.Henceforth,let my Queendom cease bellyaching.
Queen:Alcibiader in this case frees Socrates from death.`
Alcibiader unchained together with David and the Queen`s escorts,now
freedmen left the palace.
Waltzing along the park outside
the palace David patted him on the back and sarcastically interrogated
Alcibiader and poked fun to buoy his kindred spirit.
David:Did you
put Socrates to death with hemlock? Alcibiader:Oh no my lord
your golden memoirs is as sweet as history could remember.The land
rejoices we resurrected Socrates the arbiter of justice.Now he has
written the great missing but much vaunted books on equity and
justice.Return not at night but in the morning of no defeat.Your days
shall harvest avalanche in this context,we shall lie down in
tranquility.We came in here as slaves with no hope of freedom today we
became freedmen.Send your men at nocturnal hour to witness the occult
of the Squirrels. David:Alcibiader of the ancient put
And Homer,Of Eric the Red and Scandinavian Vikings of the days of
yore,vissitudinous vicissitudes to belch the carthasis,wights in
gaol,gargantuan medley in troth to the mother carey`s wanton.And
lo,they grooved sinecure for rampart,the bulwark of engraved
silhouttes.The street minnows,mischievious animalcules cruxed as
lilliputs plough on the haphazard berserk,simulated in dunghill
metaphors fortified forays.Ambidextrous gangsters,reticulated
torpedoes of sensuous arts to the galls.Vicissitudes so says the
grandmaster occult at the frills of proteges,robed with
sojourners`rucksacks,'that ruddy rubbles glaced with rubicund
rubicon,a rubberneck of time`s versatile rubric and fugacious
punditry,pugnacious hewn to grease the nature's retractable
claws,voraciously rugged rubberstamp mothernature.So much rumple,it
rumples nature`s deign to deem fit spasmodic green rule of the
thumb.And behold for the rumpus earthlings to ruminate and ponder them
clamour,for moult,their rummy rumbling feet like moving vehicles
From off a valley,neath the hills,did we savour vicissitudes.Bestrewed
by this crucifix,did we lay the wedge,punctuated by evasive
pentagram?Incandescent folklores not so benighted crimson days
alight,waylay humourous humor for the apogee.Satiety of vintage
vicissitudes,stares blankly,atrophy of the ages whereon gods and
goddesses of kismet,lionine paces on the canyon uncouthed.So much
applause,a hilly beans abstruse desecrates oblong trajectory of the
netherly traverse.Circumference of salad days,omnipotent bedevilled
artistry of art and we wail so carious seabirds,incumbent
downhills.Mavericks of the cosmos,beyond anathematized arrows of
anathema,above the crimson scooted.Gregarious chants,we castrate!O
castrate!O gregarious chants!Across the waterlogged,arenacious beaches
and sandunes of dump,damp bitches and witchcraft of the Arabian
pyrates,nature hurls prejudices to the vociferous serpents ,to
beleaguered dreamland rampaging gaol.Pyrates of dreams,pyrates on
land,pyrates on sea of Hesiod and
April 19, 2022
hung over prevision,the songs of freedom my alma matter.Long may they
sing for i a troubadour as the minstrel from alupluto,in the mackled
sight of all seeing sun speaks of libido and medula engross of
psychophysico therapeautical abracadabra of yearning Jacks for the
silvermoon.Beyond anthropodous gardenvariety and goddamned apobiotic
gargoyle of dreamland`s dancing rythm,goblet of all sight seeing
sun,idiopathic gambling wheel,roulette of dreams and rafflewheel of
hardihood,whisk me and mine ethnography across timeless
shores,fortune's wheel of vintage circa pounces upon my kismet for the
cupola and gambrel of silvermoon.Time`s bogeyman of freaking shores
intermittently freaks gobsest of underworld rantings and behold
muddled lollapalooza that once bloats afar creases nigh its blustery
tide of furlong frills.From the idiopaths of apocephalous
vertigos,physiocractic phenophilia of the anthropogenous strikes sunny
nozzle's philophenic philophylous idiokinetic isolatry in dungy
earth.Yea a uphill supratachoid.
driveling,neither bounce nor jounce,with africana jones a dingy coast
of penniless banters whereon zeutergeist at my endothermic riverbanks
beckons lollapalooza.A periwinkle,a magenta,a violet,amethyst,a
lavender hails earnest for dreamland kyphosis.Sunny side on stormy
earth.What an applause for kudize!Africana jones across the feloniuos
felonious gambang, marimba,strawfiddle,kayu quakes glutonously at the
wonderdrug`s phenomenon.And the beguiling strove`s tuesday,mardigrass,
pancake tuesday`s silvermoon,what marasmus!Cento dubiety,the elegy of
the cuffs brandishing damascus blade smothers gallantry.My
mazumba,cabbage,lucres,quid and daddy warbucks ample rotund in my
jar,ewe,urn,my kregspiel? My John henry,brined in the marmorealed
marinade.Above my limping crow`s feet,my crow`s nest jubilates
cruciferous time.Not a craven coxscomb,to witness creme de la
creme,couplet of covetous coupons at my lollapalooza genuflected with
silvermoon.Despair at konzenstrationslagers,retreats to yonder seas
hung over the
April 16, 2022
price of liberty.The price of liberty is paid by those who make
history rich.
Alcibiader:O Lord my Queen we should be
exonerated for great is the offence and allegations made against us.And for the
record,those who commit mutiny were nonetheless the squirearchy in the
northcountry.`The Queen`s petulancy rose a notch.
trusted villains?'
Alcibiader:yea squirearchy.It is they who deployed
us as hireling to till the farmfields at your kingdom borders,pirated
the towers bullion,treasure troves and heritage of your
forefathers.Hence,with the hostile pyrates from the border countries
plotted against the land.They set your orchards on fire,chained us in
the midst of inferno and absconded.Greedily,we beseech your throne
empathy and we plead us liberty.Hewers of wood,drawers of waters,in
open grazing fields sonorous fields hapless souls and wandering
guttersnipes in North country groaned for your hardcore
respite.Helpless holy lands in merciless shores.
Queen:Now my spirit returns.Call me Quebec,the army chief i
resign.Grade the calaboose for their freedom and wait for the palace
David:Your wish
right hand spurious fed me?
DAVID:Oh my lord let
them speak,let them speak.....let him speak(pointificating).Hoopla,let
them speak the truth to be unveiled.Let not your emotion prevails over
discretion for the orgy of truth lays in the testimony of
confession.Of the queen`s english and etymology,witterest sands shall
Queen's carthasis returns with its cadence to her throne as she
sat for solemnity and heave a sigh.Then cometh the testimony of the
Queen:Will i not cut off their heads too should
these claims be true?
Escort:O my Queen rash
judgement,rash judgement given the boot beware.First,let avalanche of
evidence show otherwise.
David:Relax my lord the Queen
let him speak.
Alcibiader:kingdom rises and
kingdom falls but as the arbiter of time truth disposes though man
proposes.With a voice of liberty a good price of verdict more than
makes you a manure for the true price of history even as your reward
is a good
As the oggling gasbags and purported baby buggies,ran fluxes with my
punsmithing gritty in gaol of mucky,drudgy interlocutors,summer
complaints and backdoor trots as if ailed with aztec two steps and
montezuma`s revenge? My checkered antecessors Shakespearian
oeuvres,Soyinka's oeuvres,Derek Walcott`s anthology and aping
appanages to my candid anaphora at mine extrapolated juxtaposes paled
into obscurity,the wonderous terracotta of my ballbusters. My
saltating balderina,Laniyan's oeuvres! Screed to muster nonpareil and
sans sourci oft solitary confinement the hillock,humock,ridges,burrows
and sandpiles of the golden sands of sahara,my bootyraceaous
apotheosis. Whereon this saltest knoll they the
sandyhired flaxened and auricomous species adumbrates and lay with saw
mind's eyes,punsmithing salt and pepper and formaldehyde salutiferous
smitten.Pay it salaam,my chestomathy,salts of the earth not as if to
be hypnotised by alakazam.My stellar hoots,my affianced aeronautical
I am nothing but an armementarium of nebulous obscuratism whose
apollos and appulsed argots drew upon leery and aporectic arioso of
parodies and apercu of antrorsed mesmerism and skyward punsmithing.To
the semiliterate folks,save the atypical athenaeum,au
and otticity inauricular. Backstreet
backstabbers,defective quislings on the plow,applepolished backhand
compliments. John Does in John Blows,Jane Does in Jane
Blows,crotchety babblers,back to the wall baby blues,balchant baby
elephants`calumniators,annurans,polliwogs,the abracadabras of aphonia
clericolum,aphonia paralytical,aphonia paranoica and aphasiac
aphrodisiac,argufied chlorosis,asexualized aplastic anemiac and
ishemiac armadillos abode medula trenches. Submerged in cephalic
trenchwarfare,narcissus dropped them'neath narcolepsy,encephalitis
lethargica,swooned catatonic schiprenicals,everlasting dunes and
genetic dunces
and disparagers.Nor to be appulsed by the egregious
antipathetic,acquamarine,antilogy,antipode of obscuratism`s apples and
oranges.And its coatails,cannape sloshed upon its obscurantist silver
white proteges twerked aside,the arboraceous aristarchs,pitched by
mine verses'slingshots.What antipasto,a dip,an aperitif,an apetizer
for the peroxide aristate cavilers!Sequel to the autumn of life and
auldlangnsyne,auriferous Shakespearan oeuvres drilled
appropinquitous,obscurantism whereon Soyinka`s Oeuvres hid as nuances
the adytum therein.Upon this abraxas do i pluck my furrows abscinded
from egregious dimple the farthest shores nigh.My agony of
mind,arching heart my jutting piece,vault end and
poppery,ortho,emissary and particoloured aftepart abstract
thought,beyond held in gaol in boondoggle and boondocks of
botheration.To ablegate introspection oft this abutment and
idiosyncrasies of modus viviendi doped infecund psyches antidepresants
and ablate trenchwarfare of medulla depresion.Au revoir medulla
My oeuvre,my analect my mencius,my miscellanea,my chestomathy,my
classical anthology and behold my homologous autogenetic gong,peal and
lyra of autoshediasm.
Hypnonalysis!hypnonanalysis!hypnonanalysis! Anastomatic bugwears welds
to the anthropology of my aardvarked and edentate oeuvre.Dactylic
verses and ballads swooped from boondocks of mine chestomathy`s
enucleation and accliurgy,chink in the armor for the achromous
preliterate folks and argent dilletantes,who at the tapering
point,clabber,cogeal,condense,clot and botryose grew dingy of my
achroamatic and acetose punsmithing.Wail this artrioventricular
bundles,bombastic autumnal equinoxes,the inertia and acedian ilks
envenomed with flatulence bleached with
nausea,dyspepsia,racemose,funereal and bistered.Sunburned
cheeks,brownfaces and caliginous suntanned heels,robed fast and loosed
rebukes.I was still hypnotherapising although not to be lulled into
intermissive apologue,whereon my pearly lingo and patois,argufies the
aristarchs,defamers and the
you have done?" "i really dont get it?" "that is distraction and you
could be forced to quit." "Oh that`s the average advantage of a
credible creed or you hold your custom.You re right." "Exactly,that is
why it is called a routine,a custom,a doctrine,you stick to it given
that they re tied to your purpose." "Sacred wits.Uhmmm....." "Yea,your
bible,you quran,your analect,your papyrus your scripture.You must
follow it.And you know achievement is possible" "interesting" "You
gather crest and fly yonder seas.You celebrate them so they can later
celebrate proffess them you confess them" "From sunset to
sunrise" "Exactly.Does that not sound like an enchantment or alakazam"
"interesting a voodoo.i remember the kind of hardship we passed
through in this part of the world.Well let's start from contraption of
my vicinage and see where we re headed.i knew who we were as a people
of course that detest go the whole hog that satisfaction to toe the
line of least father called that sinecure." "What..
estimated best in man." "You re right specifically as the prisoner of
conscience,you have an ambition and ambulance to insure your risk in
case you loose your head." "How does that jargon come to be?" "What if
you re lullf into serendity?" "What do you mean....serendi....what?"
"Thought you re a wordsmith like Soyinka?" "No,no you re nigger bugger
bigger than wordsmith a punsmith the patriarch of obscuratism in the
continent.You bard of alupluto lustrous than kogi" "Let the whole
world judge you" "Are you gotta a nobel already?i knew that afterpart
of a place in the guinness book of record." "Whatever!you mean in your
research you re whisked into another impromptu discovery like Thomas
Edison unveiled new discoveries in the stead of extant research that
led to the discovery of electric bulb.Your might be distracted by such
abnegation which could annex original interest for novel discovery
that he later made.That is serend..What if you barely use new
discovery well or that serendipity process,what would you
Dancing rythms have pleasurable balms How oft when men dance away
grief and despair To merry where conscious psyche disdains till the
tambourines'rythm pulsating never dies.A sigh before relief.O how may
i not my grief dislodged when beat the nerves and moxies in the quick
lightning of its triumphant fire.Dancing rythms have blissful
ends.Your writ like passion is akindled by thine own defence.As
passionate as the motif cannon fired doth hurry from the zealotry
fathom bullied.That i have a rythm and visor that could tell A dancing
forays in a fair mettle's proven for never was a story of grief
stricken freedom than this dancing rythm and her therapy Dances sat
like dance in a monument smiling at grief Hath the rythm slain himself
that dancing vowels and consonants be cockatrice to seize on the white
wonder of mystic riverbeds where the rythm may flies the death darting
carrion of vultured despair. Do not your thumb bitten at damoclean
sword let your rythm smite the choking gall.That she has foresworn to
Gallivanting aeon at my rumbling navel could not tame the windy
breastplate and kolkhozing my ever koing eccentric,laissez passelled
africana jones, funky,kooky,cranky magic bullet,peyote,microdot ala
ergonomics befuddled.Equanimity on pins and needles gone
bickering,gone berserk castrating the khamsin a degringolade,on fritz
not out of blue sky but by dedition of kismet.Decagons of
tempest-rigmaroled weary sands enroute the gherkins,dill pickle and
garlic pickle and kablooeying outrigger mauled at kairotic moment
outwitted at sea.'Neath my John henry`s egregious dimple,Joe
Doakes,John jane q.publics quakes the raincoat windbreaker, dappled
temblor,juicy morsels of subterfuged
vertex.Macules,smuts,smutches,smudges as mad as march hare and wacky
as ape do not frivolous mad cap grind to a halt,dreamland interment at
witterest sand beaten blue.Lollapalooza my lustprinzip,my lullaby in
the dehydrated jalousied realm. Behold,a life jacket,maewest made
concave,limping,a life vest,a frock,a mackinaw,non-made boner
insure allegiance? Alade:And then i shall be one man standing,a lone
ranger in the midst of bullish storms.A tyrant in my command,hope of
the masses.We shall cut off the head and the body shall flee.
Osho:If you fail you shall bear the consequences,take your retribution
in good fate and tis the passage of time shall show difference between
heaven and hell,where your reward and karma stinks greedily.O,you
shall not have rest? Alade:Verily,verily i tell you the weakest runs
from fear into slavery who shall not challenge injustices in an
imperial clime ruled by unfair kings.By this time tommorow we shall
revolt?Osho:what kind of noise is this ?You constitutes to the
environment.I would not regret you for you have been forewarned.The
forefathers shall be spilled again. Alade:How come you forget so soon
they were ritualitists and not so much defeat as you think where
injustices creep adinfinitum.We shall invoke the golden powers of the
gods.May the gods remember my father master of oracles,head of the
Others? Alade:Be not dismay,you goof for my cultic motherearth would
provide. Osho: You are playing with fire for the king itself is a
custodian of our great tradition and fully armed with best medicine
men in the land.Wither now your thought and die your intents with
silence.Do not die a violent death. Alade:Your comments make you a
thoroughbred weakneed and he that runneth away shall surely return to
fight another day.You re a slain a robot of whims and caprices
thrashed by the fear of death man's greatest enemy. Osho:Do not dare
where the vultures feast. Alade:Our masters at the king's court not
yet armed and until they do,will verily verily with discretion show
the way. Osho:You Cleverdick,shamanism in your blood? Alade: Yea,far
too benign with alacrity.The head of village farmers guild
collaborators my unfailing cult. Osho:Ah,you`re doomed from day one
for he stinks greedily with corruption.Apostasy galore,brigandage
avalanche.Guildsters are gangsters,the king`s apendix.Can you lobby
loyalty and
In the morning and not in the night when we have no
strength.Yea,freedom cometh in the morning of golden dawn spurned by
golden strength,then we shall be freed otherwise when night cometh
freedom flees as a fugitive and serfdom our heirloom of captivity when
we cannot beat a fly and never returns.Of course we shall not be freed
when we cannot beat a fly.With this fate shall i know,freedom keeps
revel only for the bold and not for the weak.Let us fight for the
freedom in the golden morning of no retreat.We shall not be saved by
condoning slavery but by fighting slavery otherwise we'll be slained
by robbery forever and posterity would not forgive us. Osho:How do
you save your wretched self in this very mockery of your insanity?How
shall you escape this wretchedness,rashness of ego and not paid the
price dearly with your death?Would you save your wretched self with
butts and facades with the armies,munitions,swords and arrows,bucklers
and bayonets and not get hurts?How will a fool save himself so he
could save
Two farmers enter stage with hoes and cutlasses,village sons of
gunsmith. Aladekomo:Osho,how many ears do you get?"
Osho:Two of course. Aladekomo:And how many times have i called you?"
Osho:Once. Alade:Tommorow,you shall act on my terms.We shall not pay
the king`s royalties. Osho:Hey....hey,did i hear you right?You are
playing with the king's wrath.Do not kindle the fire you cannot
quench.You re playing with death.What gave you the audacity to revolt
against the custom of our forefathers as if yesterday was not
today?You must be a bastard. Alade:Me a bastard!You call me a bastard!
Osho:Yes,i mean real bastard.That's what you are. Alade:Have you gone
insane?That i should pay and enrich the king's family with half of my
earnings on the farm for me is far too much to bear and i said no
more. Osho:You re indeed a rebel waiting for the slaughter or the
guillotine with the king's wrath. Alade:Let me be a rebel if indeed
by so doing shall i regain my freedom.I shall be a rebel to be
freed,for weshall
Homileers hardly curtail them even bottles do not matter again where
broken troths of irresistible derision made men savages to their own
blood.The forester undeniably hid the staunchy brook stenches like
halitosis.The fugue couldnt find once the massacre was alone
completed.On the stampede,did they meet the daughter to quell them
madness for the foxhuntings who upon belling gunned him down in his
prime.The Coroner's household swung to work then
torchbearers,barbarians and knights yell and sing at the retort of
episodes and coroner inquest reports.'mark my word mark with my trigger,i'll spare
no asshole'maximus was furious like burning hell.'Revenge the best
weapon of defense`Mark retorted.'While you live shall i live,your
defense shall be my weapon.Strike quickly being the meanest beige
straw to defense.`Maximus volley fired in reprisal.'Until you run out
of options behind you vessels thrust to the war,defense too quickly
will avenge the avenger.` 'The quarrel is betwixt two cities two
nations at merciless daggers drawn over ethnographical malediction and
power hungry hegemony for the wealth of nations and abesi in
particular.` 'And the mystic dillemma, voodoos of the mystery book?`
'Probably a conjecture?' 'My patriarch brokers the truth a truce when
i clocked a dozen of my purple birth.` 'Why and where did they hit
it?`Maximus petulantly enquired.'At the pastorium over the canyon.`
'Pastorium over the canyon?this is strange.` 'sound fiery' 'uhmm...Go
get the guns and go after the goons and locate them with force.` 'Get
O empiricism the taste of bitten apple o empirism the taste of broken
fugacity that wast the forest to the hurt that ages mendest foul,then
tinkers in fiasco.Seasick pithy hounds hunt the sitting clouds,upon
the breast of sweet mothers frolic lightning keepers call,junketing
volleys for which yesterdays and on the morrow sweetly as gauntly they
their inkling doth belong.Tis farthest backward look hold a patency
for opulent forward gazes and students of history became the face of
history". Let she not slain herself for the gilded faces of poisoned
chalice withers even though the sacrifice of reason,not for the quible
spring of infested ganging gang up to rape proprietary and truth.From
Abesi to the Mantua orifice of puzzle and knights unloathed the yeoman
truthful purge.Mandarus,king of Abesi at the bland rivulets murdered
in his sleep by Maximus,the protagonist of the fifth columnist.His
suitors fled in renade of dread and unfair treatment.
o mensrea than to his betrothed land.If she had the haven's strength
would be her home;if she had the lust of the opposite sex,machos would
lust her to meed and meed shall she meeds till all percepient sun
gazes down upon her sloths.Unless due diligence was done speak not
guille unto her ado,masticated by blurred serenity.Over his vivacity
and exuberance of ineptitude will she dunk her spiteful hell of
venom.Wherein to wit as violent eruptions have outburst ends to
ridicule.Ridicule the insensate's intergrity if there be any.Let
concealment weary the day out till one day in turn weary out
concealment with the ageless angels of perception beautiful as the may
morning queen and ravishing as the knight of old.All history is
clothed with the same embroidery,for never was sorry story of more
truth and golden hays than this romance of concealment and fading
monuments of mendacity cloned roses.Hagiologies do not count though
change speaks vile,then later counts while golden effect unbowed
history jealously takes.
deign why all encompasing sun a devout replica of the nature`s eyes
barely saw her match?And derision often drowned her lot when they blot
her comest high thither.To burst stony limit,where frenzied sky could
go,And time's hags maid meed on the back.It's not sunset yet yet
danger a stranger to the lost two summers,ere they they think poorly
appaled to think that she merry recalls them.Well Annabella was too
voluptuary but she was not too good for the brutish earth to
summon.Yet some consequence misgive the causes as well as the effect
hanging in the stars.Her fearful remorse dank with acrimony frizzling
to fiend the broken troth.Derided sloth better hazy than a dreadful
slain and too light like lightning which doth cease
everlasting.Flattering sleep doth not its thwarted intents morose and
sea bottom fallen contradict unsavoury glues.A dram of potion doped
with lucre will not matter its dispersed veins,seabound weary barks
fallen drudgery stars and crashing rocks.Desperate disparaging dote
him battered to
to blot the blue sky.They beat the hollow earth with hollow breast
famished by sucking infants,disgruntled by a thousand days. Enter
chorus. A household and a household either in distress neuter in
prison and trudge maketh the later toil on farmland in unfair abesi
land lays their comeuppance.From the dreary break,piteaus breaks out
of the kingdom mutiny.Where civil wrath brokers insurrection and
unkempt prowls so undignified.Hence from the fatal edition of the
simmering bruises,A pinnacle of the mutants'penitent dissipation.Death
darting forth fire of the freedom cravings overthrown tis posterity a
lacuna self imposed yoke.Alupluto's continuum discontinuity of the
broken gourd exceeds the powered drawn sword of the stage hurley,which
for the barbarians barely chose to be penitent where naughtiness shall
melt and dismissed. Barely a decagon thereafter the merits that if
they with intergrity saw her fain none else saw her fain.With ghostly
gone farthest away not to be broken and forgotten by dead men and
emperor with no haven levity whatsoever with stars hanging in the
sky,dreaded days and nights not revels to extinct them.Ill-drowning
souls,lamentable dours for froward star crossed lovers,fireeyed fury
not harangued to dispatch you straight off the dinggle.Who will pithy
nor pity you where fluttering dovecotes persist.The doveyards had to
droop from the clouds be.As soon as she was weaned,i shall
recall,mountains and fyords quake.When she broke down into tears ere
his browbeatened spears of awry brow to merit disguise of backward
bitten drool.Whispering tales of awe,thought-pined and green with
melancholy where love tis love sat like a monument for saints of the
whiterobes to genuflect.Dreary earth shall find crooked hearth astray
and its peers shall never find,tis awkward earth tribulate darting eye
of cockatrice venoms its defying slain.Here fury at courtship in white
robes doth demeaning defile broken troths and broken gourds to blot
What varmint velvet brow his vicarious vertigo eluded,darkly
wanton,highpitched balls,stuck in her face for the avenger."Shall i
show in thee to make thee,whitely blue eyes endart thee,barbarians to
grovel?For where he biddeth and moonlight doth mine darkens maketh him
dreary eyes vommiting vomit.So shall you share her spites when she
comes around and utter and wherefore orchard walls sinking as the
sunset in the east.To warrant the toilsome in your delight's drudge
for lewd jokes cast aboard where summers and winters wither in their
sullen pride.The meanest as the lowest i ve known for ages refrains me
as mutant to be purged by axiom that love`s load is light and yoke
bittersweet and guerdon questionable and circuitous a lifelong revel.O
Where eve shalt be fortune adam the imprecation,all her maids lying on
her back,serendipitiously emasculated,unanimously unappealing and
unapproachable to reignite same tragedy of heterogenous
heterodoxy.Damn goddess of girth as firth tempest forsooth,when tis
she's gone
Broken tentacles,pecking leaves daintily,flit they from startled
night.With the moonbeam parting rays,sinking behind aloof hills spray
carols by lovely Whippowil,over yonderwood crowned hill its curtain
twillight drops,sofly over fields to hear Whippowil sing.His song bed
veiled,dusky with music throbs and thrills,adorns the nightways with
warm and musky over meadows`fluting cry ghostly grim startling,charmed
out of twilight esoteric dim,solemn lay birds,lay lonely in joyless
Carrion in the palace of skulls,crown's splinters enthroned on
scaffold bones,chirping birds in golden feathers,in rain soaked
awesome weathers.Solitary flight faintly,dizzying height,like towers
and molehills,sure like emmets in sunsets'sky.Storming petrels,a
thousand miles from land,roaring seas tossing,billow to billow
cast,fleecy snow on stormy blast,scattered sails like weeds,quivering
reedlike shaky masts.Seabirds that float upon the waves,the youthful
sea-mew,on waters blue dreaming,the seagulls with stormy wings,gray
spirit of the seas,turpedo of wild waters,neath the sky tumult plumes
gray wing roaming,trouncing distance from ocean's dimness to lonewater
ways cliffs empurpled cerulean bays,rocking cavern emerald
gleam,cartest souls of halcyon,not pine away little beachbird eclipses
with melancholy voice,boding cry in the flying waves,bade farewell to
fairland in rejoices.
Carrion in the palace of skulls,crown's splinters enthroned on
scaffold bones,chirping birds in golden feathers,in rain soaked
awesome weathers.Solitary flight faintly,dizzying height,like towers
and molehills,sure like emmets in sunsets'sky.Storming petrels,a
thousand miles from land,roaring seas tossing,billow to billow
cast,fleecy snow on stormy blast,scattered sails like weeds,quivering
reedlike shaky masts.Seabirds that float upon the waves,the youthful
sea-mew,on waters blue dreaming,the seagulls with stormy wings,gray
spirit of the seas,turpedo of wild waters,neath the sky tumult plumes
gray wing roaming,trouncing distance from ocean's dimness to lonewater
ways cliffs empurpled cerulean bays,rocking cavern emerald
gleam,cartest souls of halcyon,not pine away little beachbird eclipses
with melancholy voice,boding cry in the flying waves,bade farewell to
fairland in rejoices.
hem.Golden rings on clever faces,sparkling feathers,restless
hearts,parakeet all day chatter.The sparkling deers on the slope of
summer morning mist,blithe bird spirit in golden lightning of clever
sunken sun,over bright'ning clouds,pale purple melts around this
golden flights,heavens'stars in broaddaylight,shrill delight with keen
arrows of the silver spheres,intense lamp narrows in white dawn
clarity of then sunken earth and lonely clouds.Celestial beams of the
moon rains,singing hymns in gliding rainclouds,roses embowered in
green leaves,deflowered warm winds,vernal showers trinkles on
twinkling grass and rain awakened flowers,fountains of happy
strains,languour clangor of the waves and sky,keen pyrotechnics of
sublime wedge,dust pavillion,serpent gleams on sunny mountains,hideous
light in tempestuous glitters.Harmonious laughter screams at the
shadow of this sleeping satiety.Sweetest gale on storm's sore could
abash little birds,plumpy,fatty,sleeky pompous with meddled
sighs,hardworked oxen maimed grits
Crooked hands cringing upon the mountain walls,ringed with caged
birds,in Sun's lonely,beneath him crawls the wrinkled seas and
thunderbolt falls,nether caws purloined by thunderstorms of the azure
castles and caves'walls.This pure brows of mysterious glimmer
steams.Fairy little elf,awkward rosy noses and floppy cap upon this
boodle,white eyebrows flaring and flating over jaunty steps across
bonfire glow of the muddy pond,golden gleam,his sentinel cast down the
coarse darkwood,sunk hearaches,dull opiate of the numbed pang,drains
melodious promenade of beechen greenfields and numberless
shadows,purple stained pale of the haply queen moon,embalmed verdurous
blossom and the winding thicket of the grassy fruit tree wild,pastoral
eglantine,white hawthorn and faded violets,muskyrose,endeared to dewy
wine of groaning flies fret upon summer eves.And to sing they
sing,ears in vain,a sod high in their requiem,to which my songs sing
and jubilant as the old sleigh bells.Forlorn lands and forlorn seas
could not contain
is a counterfeit,a thorough evidence to the competitive inevitability
of power market aggression.However,we are endowed with the tireless
gamut of checkered antecedence that affords us the golden chisel with
which we could chisel history with insight and therefore prevent
perpetual reoccurence of the recyclical insanity of golden
history.Acording to a polymathic friend of mine Oladimeji Ogunyemi in
our usual brainstorming punditry at local fastfood and hear him he
says'violence is a veritable tool of power and it is a political order
that gives birth to a legal order and not the other way round.`We both
shared polimathic bloodline and when interogated and critiqued further
for indepth analysis he concluded and says'A political order is
usually established by violence 'and he cited empirical and historical
evidences.That British rule was established by violence such as the
invasion of Benin in 1897,the Ijebu war and then Lagos invasion.
The olonial era,Roman rule and most voyages of political expedition
by the oriental and western powers lend credence to the
truth of this letter.And that the price of aggression is a tortuous
long road to be travelled a golden sacrifice to be paid for the price
of freedom to be truly paid in the long weary sojourn to summon
triumph in the great battlefield of freedom.Commercial enterprise in
the most productive form opens the aggresive frontiers with the
aggresion of political order,to create a solid platform for the
beleaguered economic order though could first malnourish prior to
nourishment and evolution of its robust rudders to free mankind from
the erstwhile and still explosive unrefined aggression of old
political order.That political order should be relegated to backburner
and economic order as golden pact of economic power be grafted to
dominate power market as social power reins from the rear.The
polishing of human arts collectively and nonaggresively social arts
otherwise also interpreted as social liberty.This ushers
philogarchy,new global system of goverment to replace democracy.
no one barely get it right and those who did were unusually almond
eyed picketers of the rechristened jungle pelted with ridiculous
pulses of the tinkering puzzle.The weakneeds are forced to join
established aggresors in the saturated aggression market where men
sell their souls after all other strategic choices badly needed to
compete have been exhausted.Aggressors would never stop to maintain
their field influence.Given that they could hardly alter the velocity
they are forced instead to adopt mode of humbled aggression considered
sometimes outlandish to the trademark of mainstream aggresors.There
are those who enter market to pay revenge,retaliate and hardly anyone
persuaded to snob their chosen course.In the competition of aggression
variegated parties involved are emboldened to contest for a reward and
bigger the reward the bigger the aggression including the commitment
to the competition of the struggle.Those who have ample resource
hardly loose over the longhaul,let alone an injured youths notfully skilled in the lore of artisanship or
Nevertheless original template for triumphant aggression
or aggressive triumph sometimes lay hidden to apathetic and
nonapathetic aggressors.Dominant players in the aggression market do
emulate their downlines and subjects who might be opportune someday to
turn around the table of aggresion when organic pacifism turns sour
for the weakneeds.It might be disproportionate but it tends to
introspectively instigates change of minds fueled by erstwhile
subjects'revenge or reprisal and given that aggression risk is
practically constant,no one is ever saved in this insanity of
revenge.Needless to say that the pattern of competition for either
revenge pay off in the opposing verdict quite dissimilar and the
bottomline much more counts where the onus falls.All things being
equal commensurate provided and provided they are blessed with vision
and right mindset,aggresive individuals get things done easily.Infact
reward for humility as the best antidote too have a price.
It is embarrasingly obvious that the latter looses so
much proportion of priviledges prior to grand fulfilment.The strategic
options to adopt such critical measures lay in choices human self
reflection makes when it decides to undertake on a course of
ambition,aspiration and in this context,the prospects of material
fulfilment.Strategic choices basically speaking not decipherable until
a bonafide condition has laid bare the nature of aggression
market,including the psychical category in which mental artist
falls.The patchwork of climates and circumstances which fuels this
demutual concept of competition differs and is considered alien to
moral choices we daily take that is most consistent with the positive
outlay or most beneficial outcome that defies standard
orthodoxy.Profit as a principal motif of a commercial enterprise
depending on the concept of competition,they embrace in a given
marketplace requires methodical assymetry to succeed.And we can affirm
that anything to the contrary is a
hat the sole panacea for paying the price of aggression in the
context of commercialisation of wealth,equity,justice and freedom
demand as well as the intensive absorption of mass development demand
lays in the agression.Aggresion market is the most ruthless power
market and a ferocious freedom market untapped without which price of
aggression might perardventure be judiciously justified.Therefore too
much aggression sometimes deployed in the growth and development of
human arts and socioeconomic system being the metalegal arts of the
society at large, should not be discouraged.The brutal leverage could
pay off sometimes in the long run when tardier approach to tacit arts
recourse compromised and counterproductive.In the
architecture,ecological,psychological and sociological progress of
aggression and agression weights and measures,the mutual economy of
aggresion to be succesful relies on timing forecast,strategy,strategy
options and pricing method,logistics,side
reflections,distraction,anxiety anD apposite technology.
This does not exclude the primordial human
resources to be deployed at team building inclusive for the
workability of ambition's pragmatic work practice or extant
project.Power market aggression offers the sole panacea for the
fulfillment and extermination of
dreams,aspiration,yearning,passion,ambition and by and large vision be
it small or big secures the barndoor.Only aggressive arts achieve and
always at a cost of the space and horizon they occupy.The sloth before
aggression could crystalise into pugilism or energetism by the moral
dissidence of competitive resistance.Otherwise immobile sloth before
aggresion could ignorantly price destiny away and does not spare most
intelligent,most interesting human mind around.Alternatively to eschew
the hard way and the tacit way,you deploy technology to enable and
accelerates productive activism at the ministry of
Empiricism has shown that as soul purity purifies the human
souls those who are left behind in the successive generation of the poor were compeled to
initiate new strategies and technology to close the gap between rich
and poor.Infact technology if pushed too far can be the worst weapon
of aggression.Strategic thinkers,scientists and technologists have
introduced seamless model at generating income and wealth.Hence
closing the gap between them and challenge of misery,inequality of
wealth and therefore making fundamental elements of marsolist dream of
universal capitalism possible.The price of aggression is made thicker
by those men who make the earth bleaker.Not left behind include
staggering proportion of artists in the masquerading of this hard
approach fall behind where only a handful out of the whole lot
succeed.Does it make a sense to avers that only a miniature could
manage to sustain what they attain by the price of aggression?Tireless
crusaders on the march!We cannot uncover our apex allotment by destiny
and as a matter of fact cannot reach the alpine without a logical
The world is full of aggression,agressive people and aggressive nations and only a handful of world powers controls the true global politics.The blogger ibikunle laniyan in this treatise is advancing a world where political power is relegated to the backburner and economic powewr followed by social power ar allowed to control the global community of power market currently under control of political power.He called the global political system PHILOGARCHY.eNJOY THE READING.
The price of aggression is not estimated until the crucifix of the
agressive effect has been terminated and paid accordingly.The
woebegone effect as well as the post traumatic bliss is not well
estimated till aggression exit is fully felt and impact
amplified.Aggression frankly speaking methinks mediates a little above
standard orthodoxy and far below unconventional norms as the
ordination of best practices.The price of aggression is paid a little
more by artists under the imperial motif of competitive
resistance.Resources differ at each artist's disposal vary with the
scale of aggressive drives depending on the articles of faith and
action deployed.Aggression is the best strategy to motive mass
enlightenment and also a strategy invariably capitalised by aggresors
to beat market competition beyond extant capacity.
There are no
concrete pattern and exercise of expertise to master aggression until
conditional threats enables human selfreflection to initiatiate
intellectual insanity at primordial threshold of strategic thinking.
Subjective factors like fear of
marginalisation,agoraphobia,zenophobia,claustrophobia as symptoms of
inferiority complexesloosing relevance and
battle,failure,threats,slavery,unfulfilled dreams ordinarily speaking
can influence texture of extreme motivation for inordinate triumph
causes stressful mankind to adopt unholy methods to outlive and beat
competition.Unfruitful aggression is no winning strategy,lacks
merit,when quantified by its field tactics making requisite expertise
outdated and moral capacity to suceed where there are no graphical
strategy to get a reward from the true economics of agression or later
indiscriminately terminates causes for every failed effect
detonated.When mankind turns standard rationality upside down then it
becomes a fact that market agression is finally crawling out of
standard orthodoxy,intoxicates the artist involved over its market
To create wealth aggression is needed and grow standard of
living and maximize wealth,it can takreflectively several dimensions
based on the existence of aworkpractice or aggrandised delusion of
emotional arts.In the projectof ambition,measure by the scale of ambition there is a strategic
demand for the mobilisation of artistic aggression that appreciates
the quality of arts robed with the latent sedentary technocracy.This
cannot be demystified in the face of failure threats,growing much
vaunted expectation and immense pressure to succeed beyond garb of
immediate environment.To protect checkered antecedence,appropriate
scale of ambition is vital to maintain the intergrity of such
antecedence and to effect such protection,succesful aggressors go to
any length to pay the more exorbitant price for higher form of
aggression to get amplified reward.They can mobilise resources for the
extensive capitalisation of aggresion including its pricing method to
outlive congruent and incongruent competitors old and new monopolising
or oligopolising the robust cartel of aggression market for many years
to come.Note
April 15, 2022
of the witterest sands. O Cerebration,celerity plead my cerebrum to
the antechamber of this commerce.Clinkily foregathers" Do not
swear,they spoke in alibi,cloudless torts to clutter.This
merchandise,witterest sands foated over the realms,boundless shores
and farthest seas not encroached nor constipated by the laity. Jungles
and bohemians,oddyseys and course lovers,Sweetest faintest spurious
succumbs.Tis at someone`s coattails,circumstances as cobber of
slothful coastline catapults Jack Robinsons. Like coagulants
they clobber at this sound bank to chisel pedigrees and landmark
coincidence.Not the cognoscenti to infatuate cold comfort.Homely in
your drift,plain good spoken confession resides, 0
Where hip rises like fair mound. If that be the measure of joy,let
ages plough fallow in the farthest seas.And to the public gaunt and
mensfolk`s haunt,let ages fair justice speaks. Subjects!Not the
mutineers,with the prisoners of wars`camp?Does it sound rational to
avers that your sovereign
as my villainous guests and be scorned to stampede at your
solemnity,portly aversed to your bitterest gall,the golden memoirs of
purplish blues shall not renege pious obeisance of empiricus cheeks.
And it abounds as vintaged mulcts in the kismet,Her substance fair
not much less epitomises fair sun that kills envious dusks and
pugnacious simoom." "Now with my body politics hamstrung beyond
body blow,whereon bob`s your uncle,my boltholes abide." "If
thou dost not love,not much shalt thou avers this boon as your boon
companion.The stiff upper lips'walls abide. Perforce did you
tremble,tis your butt the bull's eyes bustery shots.As butch'n`butches
refrain butchers your byword of a stigma your calaboose of a caged
birds cacophonous groans. Fain not farewell compliment.Does your
kismet not abideth this orgy of passionate eyes?" "O gentle minds
lead in your counsel.Carouse cat and mouse to my casus belli
constant.And my ensure this witterest sands that tender thee.Retreats
from catholicity of
at scant show of seeing sun,runs the strutted jest that cannot be
drooled but inflect her with sedentary sun and lo trudge merry mien in
sinking sands. Lest if be wit,passionate eyes doth not
aloof deformities cure. To stay reverence to the stickiest
ears,from daylight lull,betaken within boisterous prolixity of the
winds and bounds. Over frozen bossom of the intemperate
and intemperate claws,it lays its bed of substance,fair and unfair as
fugacious pinnywheel. To turn on dewdropping and jaw
dropping Pentecost of fair writs and fair wits.The pentagrams is it
fair?To the forfeit of the much villest sands of untimely much
frivolities of time.What verity`s sake which doth them the passing
moon of yonder knights?O now i know tis pumpy see wits scathed you
mean vulgarian au contraire the cheerful heart`s incision sweet beyond
memoirs" "O Your holy radiance come hither,embroidered with
gory of scornful spite. When the weary days and weary nights shall
spent as my
The Merchandise of witterest sands.The king enters palace and alone
with him his heir aparent.
A windstormed coxcomb of a winebiber shrouded in an evasive
windheater,threshed for the wickerwork and wildfowled for the
Not a whit of whizkid,this whoop of white hope gone whoopee to make a
whoopee in dingy sands.To whimper the whipping boy of an impetuous
greyhound over whines of whimsies and whiffy gooses,wherefores the
wheedle out wheels,fair mounds of thumping threads in the rubicon
sallow. What a wetdream? Waterbirds dislodged from the
windjammer,were wetblankets,waspish in the whale of time,wangling war
neves,drowned in watercourses. "O this emblem of glory too
fair to bliss me benumb.Too despair to vow me foresworn.And to
liberty,my crucifix shall not deny. Now to your glory
of posterity shall i add more grease and craves for freedom brows,in
fair brace stricken in withered summers. Heretics
feast on the berserk splendour
he practice of nationbuilding begins with robust legal system to
ensure equity and fairness in the dispensation of justice and order in
a sensitive clime.Infact human capital development not just
sustainable economic and political development is impracticable in the
atrophy of robust legal system by ensuring first and foremost that
personal liberty or critical access to personal liberty as sancrosanct
fundamental human right of the citizenry is heavily protected against
odds as it may be in critical times.On saturday,of april i was
arrested 24 hours at the igando police station without access to fair
hearing or my right to fair hearing as typical trademark of the
Nigerian police force was abused.Tackling the spiral of illegal
detention or illegal police arrest of a suspect or defendant in
general is a critical challenge to nation building.
Nevertheless there are critical legal instruments that guarantee personal liberty as a
core ensemble of fundamental human right of the citizenry can be
tackled effectively.For instance section 35 of Nigerian constitution and article 3 of
african charter on human right(Ratification and
enforcement)act,cap(A9)laws of federation of Nigeria 2004 save as
otherwise provided by the law,police have no express power to detain
any one.However section 38 of the police act 2020 allows police to
arrest with condition.The criminal law does not empower police to
arrest unconditionally in contrast to gross abuses by the police
officers abusing the power of arrest,donated by section 38 arresting
and detaining citizens like me indiscriminately even in civil
matters.All international human right provisions not excluding
nigerian constitution oppose illegal arrest and detention without
sufficient evidence.Freedom from wrongful or false imprisonment or any
physical restraint either in prison or on the street is defined as
personal freedom.Hence, personal liberty of a person may be
contravened exceptions in section 35(1)(a-f) of 1999 constitution that
indicates personal liberty is suspended once there reasonable
suspicion of a suspect having committed criminal offense.But if made
within confines of the law maynot constitute a breach of citizen's rights
No matter how short adetention is can be breach of citizens'right section 5(1) of the
police act made provision to protect personal liberty.Section
35(2),(3),(4) of 1999 constitution and section 35 of police act.Any
breach leads to illegal detention with or without trial.Nigeria is a
signatory to UN Charter or UN declaration of human rights and african
charter of human right and had domesticated those treaties and laws
specifically the section that guarantees personal liberty section
35.Hence it must be protected or controlled or encumbered by due
process of the law.That is to say through court order execution and
also guaranteed by ACJA2015.Any violation of this right no matter how
short like my own experience is a breach given that arrest and
detention especially in civil cases are unconstitutional.
Infact such arraignment of that person and of subsequent arraignment cannot or
would not cure the illegality or unconstitutionality of the arrest and suspect`s
detention in contravention of section 35.Abuse of landlord power is
quite sickening and in my case demeaning.Whereas my landlady boasted
behind me according to what my brother told me after i came home from
detention.She said and i quote,'kunle is stubborn and i will teach him
a lesson`.The arrest was driven by wilful prejudice and the fact
presented ommitted the much earlier actionable offense of tresspas and
interference perpertrated earlier by the landlady.That is he made
forcible entry to effect repairs no notice between 24hrs and 48hrs
prior to entry and he did it twice and the second while checking the
man hole to detect repair spots.In the lagos criminal law forcible
entry is an actionable offense.And in the law of equity it says'he who
goes to equity must go with clean hands'
According to that section
35,it says'Any person who is unlawfully arrested or detained shall be
entitled to compensation and public apologyfrom appropriate authority or person'.
It was unfortunate that even thepolice woman that did the arrest shown
only her police identity card and claimed she had the power to arrest.
Whereas the law mandatesinvitation letter or arrest warrant before any arrest which she
disputed.The warrant ordinarily must be signed by a judge or
magistrate and when the IPO came there was no such warrant.Hence i
have the right to sue for damage to be awarded me to compensate for my
unlawful arrest and illegal detention.As an aggrieved person,i have
the right under the law of tort to sue the police and complainant for
malicious prosecution and compensatory damages.I didnt resist the
police arrest which is risky,can cause harm and criminal charges.I
followed the police woman according to my lawyer's ordnance and headed
to igando police station inside Marwa tricycle.Section 35(3)of the
police act 2020 answers the rest of the proceedings which talks about
contact your family,friends and relation with the help of madam
blessing a local police woman.
With the exception of cases like murder and armed robbery all boys and
girls,men and women at the counter should not be held in prison in the
first instance,more than between 24hours and 48hrs and any longer or
further detention can only be done by a judge and a
magistrate.Wrongful detention is quite common.Does it make sense to
charge a suspect with serious offence just to have them detained yet
make little effort to investigate them?The police woman ought to have
investigate my case properly before my arrest and my right to fair
hearing unimpaired by landlady's prejudice branding conflicting
evidence.Whereas she perpetrated tresspas first begun actionable made
forcible entry to effect repair before my allegation of wilful damage
was leveled. In the statement i made at the igando police station,i
complained too about my trampled right.This include 1.lack of tenancy
aggreement;2.non issuance of receipt:any nonissuance in context is
100k fine or 300k for 3years.
I Complained bitterly before she brought
fake receipts for rent increase since 2019 over which there was no
offer let alone an acceptance or contract.Lack of tenancy aggreement
does not give her the locus standi to issue quit notice and am
entitled to 6 months notice and a 7day quit notice.It is fraudulent to
collect rent and yet refuse tenant entry into their tenancy
period.Whatever quit notice you issue terminate the moment tenant pays
new rent,yet my landlady refused refund of 100k i paid into first bank
account on march 10.This landlady wanted to evict me before december
and gave only june to vacate the premise.When we moved in 2012 january
period of subsidy protest,we met the house uninhabitable for which
there is pictorial evidence.Yet she accused me of willful damage to
the house that wasnt habitable and toilet and bathroom doors badly
dilapidated.My complaint to landlord fell on deaf ears claimed we
bachelors are irresponsible but provided new doors to our
cotenants.Unfortunately when they left the so called responsible
couple badly damaged their apartment
In the Lagos criminal law in part 2 of Offences against public
order,chapter 8 of unlawful assemblies ,Breaches of the peace.It talks
of forceful entry and later forcible possesion and shed more light on
threatening violence.In chapter 9 of disclosure of official secrets
and removal of documents,talks of wrongful communication of
information.In chapter 11 of offences relating to administration of
justice talks of fabricating of evidence and false accusation.
Chapter 35 of unlawful damage to property also talks about unlawful
interference.Wilful Damage:My brother was accused of wilful damage and
that was quite unfair considering the earlier durres of interference
and forcible entry made by the landlady.A true definition of offense
and actionability in this context also blamed the landlady as the
instigator and accomplice in the wilful damage.Both offence carry
similar penalties.Let me go back to Chapter 29 that talks of offences
similar to stealing talks about fraudulent appropriation of power and
the landlord is guilty of power abuse,threatening violence to evict
gullible tenant, cheating,forceful entry and attempt at forcible
possesion etcetera prior to exit of tenancy period. My learned counsel
let me reiterate my concern over regularity of illegal detention in
our country prison and police system two principal of the legal
system.In 2012,over 38,352 or 71% of nigerian prison population were
perpetually detained awaiting uncertain trials.
The proportion of the pretrial detainees is quite stable in the last 2 decades. I was
shocked by innocent boys at the igando police station detained with no
wherewithal of defence for days or weeks behind counter
urinating,eating and sleeping in the same gaol,some menstruating
ladies immobile and unkempt spreading odour in the congested
incommodious room of 33 prison inmates.According to Nigerian prison
service in 2006,pretrial detention lasted sometimes close to 4 years.I
was awazed with the case of alade vs federal republic of nigeria.He
was brought before the magistrate court in yaba,lagos on allegation of
armed robbery that lacks jurisdiction over the case brought against
the suspect.He was remanded in custody and then held in maximum prison
at kirikiri for close to 9years.In 2012 ecowas court released him.I
dont know:why should they detain suspect above 48hours?More boys were
held bars on account of 'holding charge`which means indefinite
detention of suspects without charge or due process of law.
According to supreme court,it upheld that over 70percent of nigerian prison population comprises
of pretrial detainees and close to a quarter have been behind bar over
the years.We have overburdened justice system and distorted court
system.What was the profit of 2.7m.naira compensation paid to alade a
man whose golden strenght was squandered for almost a decade?We have
been unjustly treated and we desire that justice prevails.I do not
know where i would find rent to last till january.In the law of
equity,it says equity aids the vigilant,that he goes to equity must
not delay,and that he who goes to equity must go with clean hands.I
Plead you my notary public,my legal counsel.make haste.
April 1, 2022
mauls avalanche of golden memoirs lost to its riverbed.Waning
reflections on bedspread divorced from mystic flight.The nebulous
psyches being termagant jettison resurfaced masked at betternoire
exultation.Ostentatious flashlight,flashes forth from golden
memoirs,vamoosed in a klieglight into vacuous space.Woke up in the
morn too late to recall,trances and seances wrought in suspicion and
thalidomide baby.The magic wand of the uppermost custom and behold how
i with vicissitudes had sheathed the fortunate but famished road to
distress gales forlorn asundered into silvermoon's gilded
chamber,crystalines glistening goldplated castles'abode breezing with
yachts of golds avers fait accomplait over my cay's seagreened searoom
unfurled.May i know vicissitudes!vicissitudes! vicissitudes!Over its
canyon peyote cries.Let me know the microdot and shall i not grimace
adinfinitum.Forlorn machismos beseech to know the magic formula.O
pentagram the pentagram evanesces gales enroute the canyon.May i know
you o pentagram?
I stormbound a mothercarey`s kitchen impinged by stormcloud. In the
rickety gale of storm trooper,trenches in subterfuge though. Ruckus
and rumpus in a nick,straddling and straggling over cracks and howls
of vicissitudes. Trapped in sordid feet.To break the stalemate and
stratosphere.And clutches at straw without bricks to make a
straw.Gathering vacuous clouds like a streak of lightning for the
vamoose rolling stones. Waifs and strays upon the lour of sullen
earth.Gathers strands with broken cheeks and pinky navel.I of my taint
and blue funks,only so much irascible sinew it can afford.Obscene
permit me to take umbrage may i not goof!Sometimes it deemed fit a
sumptuous fiddle.With windswept over dancing gallery of distant
gales.Peradventure misdemeanour as malfeasance had flooded sinking
bridge and sour grape pellets overgrown orchards.Avarice books
tempestuous telex beyond its modulated frequency.Dubious terrafirma
and blokes of wrinkled petals oft tenderfoot slippery roughshod
unflinched.Midnight sun mauls
March 31, 2022
I do not blindly believe you could live off creed?" "Oh,do i need it
to get results?" "So,you dont know what do i mean by creed?" "And if i
may ask?" "Your doctrine of course" "And so what?Please spare me rod
of that garbage.I dont care a fig am a farmer and i live big in my
farm.Go tell it to the goofs"morose strickened looked away."Oh you re
farmer,you already have one like any rational element." "i dont care
tell it to the mountain." "That sound sachariferous!" "Oh you punsmith
a bit too." "Do you have problem with that?" "uhhmmm..." "When you
observe them you re living on purpose and that's your last rites".
"Yea" "You hear me that right?Your sacred wits,sacrament of the
sick,your holy oil of the sick." "u mean unction divine?" "whatever"
"okay okay""oh my sacrament,my liturgy,communion,baptism.Yea i have a
custom.Should one does that you multiply your outcome with that
viaticum.Otherwise you ll be salubrous or abrasive." "exactly.You
kinda noticed custom or habbit formation brings out the estimated best in man."
"You re right specifically as the prisoner of
conscience,you have an ambition and ambulance to insure your risk in
case you loose your head." "How does that jargon come to be?" "What if
you re lullf into serendity?" "What do you mean....serendi....what?"
"Thought you re a wordsmith like Soyinka?" "No,no you re nigger bugger
bigger than wordsmith a punsmith the patriarch of obscuratism in the
continent.You bard of alupluto lustrous than kogi" "Let the whole
world judge you" "Are you gotta a nobel already?i knew that afterpart
of a place in the guinness book of record." "Whatever!you mean in your
research you re whisked into another impromptu discovery like Thomas
Edison unveiled new discoveries in the stead of extant research that
led to the discovery of electric bulb.Your might be distracted by such
abnegation which could annex original interest for novel discovery
that he later made.That is serend..What if you barely use new
discovery well or that serendipity process,what would you
March 29, 2022
The shrinking mouse,a modest
violet,sheepheaded,unbusinesslike,shimmied still at the doppelganger
of the shingled sidestreet and embelished blackstreet,broached from
shooting blank shivaree.Still,the shivved impale,toting,jerked and
shleped by shoo,scat and hightails of Sherlock Holmes,the shogun at
his county,constituency.Sometimes
and shrunken at the shuddersome shuckjives.Insulated by the
Holmes,mystified,clueless,bewildered,schookest and bolixed,stroking
sometimes his erried moustache and shrunk goatee,soothed himself with
ballet dancers,gogodancers,showgirls and danseuses in culdesacs
culdesac.Turning inwards,distress tales hangover,funfare pubs at the
sympatico mobile canton,buzzed he
tabletop,solace in the rustic paparazi,the shutterbugs,alehouses and
fattidic sinfonietta,sibilation of the scuzzbagged chorus
girls,bunnies,kittens and sometimes guffaws,anecdotes and
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