March 26, 2019


The higher levels of CO2,according to the don,would lead to greenhouse effect,and would cause the earth to grow warmer.Imagine the results of just less than a decade statistics and ever since that time,the author had watched the Mauna Loa reports every and to his consternation,the pattern has been unbroken and could have a disruptive impact on the global climate and the texture of mordern civilisation.When as a young congressman,eager to put to practice what he was taught and boldly invited his college profess to act as lead witness at the first congressional hearing on global warming,he was startled more than he had ever thought before,catapulted him more to action,terrified in the face of complacent folks unrestrained defenders of burning fossil fuels and mounting opposition in the congress.Then he did more studies,held more hearings,canvass for more research fundings and commensurate legislations,read more books and papers,and held climate crusades and sensitisation speeches nationwide,involving experts.

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