March 30, 2019


When juxtaposed with countless esoteric mass deaths washed on the beaches worldwide,to nail the poser,there could bea pointer. Accumulated environmental stress had been fingered according to French Scientists to graphically the disappearance and rising population of dead dolphins,washed up at the Riviera.The stress made those species too weak to fight off the invading virus.It also explains the rise in sudden deaths along the GulfCoast in Texas of the dolphins in their heated ecosystem,same with deaths of twelvethousand Seals,washed ashores in the 1988 summerat the North Sea."Of course,the oil covered otters and seabirds of Prince William Sound a year later presented less of a mystery to science,if no less an indictment of ourcivilisation(pg.20-pg.21).Global warming is expected to push temperature up rapidly,as C02 levels rise,especially in the polar regions than otherparts of the world.The thinnessof the Ice will result from warmer polar air and we know the polar cap plays a vital role in our weather system.

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