March 26, 2019


They desired that the voices of equity and justice be silenced,impinging the need to obtain that compassionate redress,as logical and induring relief,from the heinous crime and vicious atrocities and grisly grindstone of environmental paralysis perpetrated against nature by mankind and callously catapulted by pariah nations and capitalists,of a dastardly act and relentless havoc,unleashed upon nature that support this golden nuggets of our priceless breath. What a parlous legacy tobequeathe to the unborn generation,who shall have nothing but contempt,ridicule and scorn,poised to rainimprecation or malediction remorselessly,upon this indolent and sedentary generation,before them.There is no end to ridiculous storms and comedies so to say tragicomedies where life or survivalism is concerned.I had just read the book by former American Vice President Al Gore,'Earth In The Balance'published in early 90s and sometimes cuddled like the bible.I make bold to call it myfirst liturgy or bible of climate change ever read

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