March 26, 2019


We stopped our Thoughtlessness Series at part sixty and is going to continue later even beyond hundred.Likewise,we shall adopt similar fashion in most of the running series including poetry and that is to influence our readers to stay tuned.The job of the blogger to the laymen including the arduous task of driving traffic of insane followership,is no mean routinethat must take a life of its own,fully by professionals.We have to a time,in which a rational blogger mustget his or her information,and this is imperative,given the strategic role of competition enterprise in driving the blogging spirit and bringing out the best out of every rational blogger.This challenging situation,in addition to commitment with the ambition of bloggers,tend to proffer solution to theirneeds and the purpose of that ambition.Like every trial in life,every step at creating a post,is beset with its distinction and scenario,a blogger writer is thrown into,by way of its liability and necessity to create a winning responsivestrategy

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