Thisbreathtaking move was attempted to resolve the growing crisis.It generated some concern at least growing awareness to a broad spectrum of the population,by late 70s and so brought even more perplexity when it was obvious with escalating evidence that it was a global problem that practically very fewwere willing to entertain a response,let alone hazard a guess.Adequate funding was hard to get in view of the misconception,the ecological horror was truly regional or local innature,which largely undermined research on global grant.Given the scanty evidence as some concluded at the time,were skeptical at offering full support.He was consoled with the little growth in awareness with"real progress on several other fronts."This persisted until the December 1980,immediately,before Reagan inauguration"in the lame duck session","finally succeeded along with congressmen Jim Florio,Tom Downey and others,in passing the Superfund Law,to clean uphazardous chemical dump sites".He did exte
nsive study,on nuclear arms race.
nsive study,on nuclear arms race.
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