made them quake of his elohistic eloge prior to his elysian entry.
Bees reprisal was begun to elixirate and elutriate
And plunged into eluviation of deluvian elves festooned in their eluvium
To exauctorate resuscitated mutiny at alupluto,
Belched at the atrophy of pyrates' resurgence
This marauders untanned still with melted bridge
Had swimmed across the canyon, stealthily maneavered ashore with priestly garb,
Across the esplanades to the south of River abesi,
In casuistry of the unwary maximus looted his vacuous camp,
Replenished themselves with epigonous horses fleet and fled,
A recess in the open country for hedonism of stolen loot,
In the nocturnal expedition Sullivan's eminences grisses in connivant with his servant exopthalmous Hercules
in edifying banters was gobsmacked of the counter espionage's stratagem enroute Sarabesa's mound,to explore garrisons with ancient microscope,
Apprised Sullivan,basking with licked morsels of esperanros in the embiggened Sullivan's travels
Trapped them with unhallowed terror of empedoclean bees,
At the public square a stone throwñ to the king's palace.
And the empanadas of the bees reprisal was monumental and tragicomedy
To freeze the ergantandrous machupelahs and the ergatomorphic and ergatogynous vassals in the broken ergastulas ,
With ergatandromorphics bearing whooping brunt's,
Disemboweled from pitch-dark of embourgousementembow,
Were they not empiriocritical and empiriological with such impetus in the salvaging infidels of Vatican faith?
Savagery of excandescent ericoids and exendospermous exenterates still struck upon the eve of eschatology and exequies,
An enchantress had summoned them goofs at her encoberlment of encroaching cavaliers,
Encephalous smitten encelopaties on the rampaging bees
Smothered the ereceticolous savages as it were, intrigued by nuances in the oracles of the exercitant enchantress,
To Sullivan her exercitor maris,had succumbed to her prognostication to hijack the pyrates reprisal in the exordiality of expedition for his enthronement,
In ' ex nihilo nihil fit' and 'ex necessitate rei'
Now close to garrison in the auxiliary of Animus
Smothered fugue men and usurped their stolen fleets and footsoldiers
Some unawared of the broken gorges and change of guards,
Mounted the fugue horses, beneath golden feet of eximious Sullivan,
As Tumulus and Atesmus under penchant of ex Mero motu flocked to the battlefield
Set the castle's gates on fire aftermath of the fall of two exocannibalistic battalions fallen on their canvass,
Exsuflatted Sullivan vamoosed into garrison
To lower himself into the amphitheatre extemporaneously,
Exsheathed and expicated enroute the monarchy's bedrooms
Atesmus slaughtered garrison men at arms,
Animus stood still at explementary angle hovering at the castle gates
As Tumulus butchered the play wrights and the audience,
Maneauvering winces and antics Sullivan's auxiliary
Paced with three some men at arms into the palace throne
Communicative explicanda engrossed their banters,
Sometimes expostulative remarks tore apart dreaded atmosphere,
And often times they got eyes roll and pat on the back,
Sullivan not slack with the swords in the Damoclean wrath
Smote the drowsy monarch in the bedroom,
Decapitated and retrieved the electroplated 30karat golden crown, 👑
And fled into the castle gates
To commemorate with the Tumulus Animus and his footsoldiers,
A handful of pyrates' they had spared in the massacre
"Hail the king Sullivan the erstwhile king of bees
From a warrior to king at sarabesa
And lo king at alupluto".
The monarchy had dual coronation three deconiums from the jungle,
A palace at alupluto and a subordinate castle at sarabesa's.
He who takes sarabesa's is vested with the powers of the realm,
He forgave maximus long before watchmen and hatchmen at the garrison
And pyrates
Had apprised him of the counter espionage he brokered.
Who had ordained them to switch to swimming across the Nile
When the strait of abesi had long burnt into frazzle?
A forlorn and remorseful pyrate had confessed
Maximus detested Tumulus that plotted his miserable demise.
Sullivan's travel at alupluto exceeded the shortlived glorious fest of contemporaries
His enthronement unleashed wonderment at terrifying proportion
And bade mankind cheerio into space and reechoed his dreams of mankind as multiplanetary species.
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