March 9, 2025

The Possibility Of Dreams part 57

The power of public is not unleashed unless they could provide leadership blessed with earlier narrated features and a strategic thinker that could negotiate this mantra of paradigm shift could usher in the much anticipated historical milestones.Hence political justice dies away from the top etchelon heavily decelerated to favor the coronation of public justice in the followership genres of effervescent economic Justice and social justice rising obstinately from the rear.History and gaps of history that separate history of a fellow clime to the history of another clime could be easily dissolved and closed .
In the author's notes elsewhere the contrariwise position of power market bickerings provides the template for the remediation of public goods delivery when different types of powers compete in the marketplace for the procurement of nature and type of justice they require to acquire their isolated objective.All power market components strive to attain historical survival but with entry of this paradigm shift inculcating the right dimensions of public justice towards attainment of the commerce of history.
We do express optimism the optimisation incentives associated with the porous but consistent flow of information exchange is gradually shrinking the warped concept in favour of true historical progress being material properties of historical intergrity.There is no intergrity of history and historical tradition about a people and communities and nationalies until this change of direction is endorsed and adopted.The strategic consensus in the construction of historical progress betwixt right followership and right leadership greases the utmost transaction of public goods delivery.
Development arbitragers in counterpoise of the arbitration procedure often times defeated this empirical evidence of objective consensus.Does the free flow of information exchange able to break down this tedious politics of human prejudice?Of course no and of course yes.As free flow of information exchanges creates better choices and choices emerge on how to attain a specified form of freedom and justice the growth in the velocity of objective resistance also crystalises more ideology also start and growing from the most ideal to the most obstinate dimensions.Ideologies barely unite and hardly favor universal justice or public justice and public relations justice respect 

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