March 9, 2025

The Possibility Of Dreams part 58

What an impression of fastidious pounces and imprecation of nile to dissipate energy dissidents of true development discourse who hold history by the tail of this undiluted bias and not by chasm of historical intergrity?The endowment of rational perspectives alien to such shore explains why the distinctiveness between the poor and rich nations exist .The climate of shuddering embarrassment monumentally applies to the rich countries in the most intricate pattern of unaffordable concept of justice they enforce ignoring the shallowness of their shallow history that helps in the growth trajectory till date.
The medley by tradition go unto the economy to eke out daily livelihood,farming their choices of wealth generation in the atrophy of logical arts.Through a dint of human prejudice and gambling a handful follows their hearts and gain profusely from the betting fate to bid farewell to misery in life.Not mindful the illogical and sometimes logical path of those who fall behind on troubled times.They require the contraction of the bad end of the earth and hardly deserve the benediction of public justice that could go round.This is quite unsatisfactory to suggest the adequacy of political justice inspirer of inbuilt rancors over the years in the power market to settle the market  rift the plight of social problem and economic problem did increase and undaunted as political justice predominates with chronic attainment of it's wishes and imbecile choices.To those who are shortsighted in the direction of history we better do well by their avoidance.And to say otherwise we risk the loss of the unfolding nirvana in the human society.It is clear thought I thought otherwise that mankind fails to learn from history by objectivity and not confused in a rote learning by kindergarten kids buried in the same politics of human prejudice that left us as irreparably damage in our conscience as aliens against our very humanity .

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