March 10, 2025

The Possibility Of Dreams part 62

Quite funny to say you stand in the middle of the wild ocean patroling with tattered boat that could capsize and you suggest still your chances of not sinking into high seas bright and not possible .How dare you misjudge?I think that's the highest order of insanity to say the least a buffoon or a moron in the plow. That you forget that's a risky edge of the precipice and it could take the infliction of the hazard for the careless and brazen absenteeism of the supercilious folks to come back to the senses.Then you realize what size of billows fall on you as they say empiricism is the best teacher.The generation of the world wars 1and 2 who witnessed the nebulous massacres and over a hundred million deaths perpetrated before their very eyes including the perils of German holocaust that saw perdition of six million German Jews massacred in the gas chambers without pity and who saw firsthand what their brothers and fellow country men and soldiers faced during the period would never demean so low to utter gibberish that wars were a thing of pride to any nation including victors.
Above all the plight of justice was central to the outbreak of wars and crisis awashed in mortal antecedence.Still close to hundred years after the wars the sense of egalitarian justice hasn't taken off and mankind especially advanced societies still flex in the superior firepowers of their mighty cannons forgetting the calamity of forlorn years when they were held in the midst of pogroms,begging on their bended knees in the face of ravaging bullets, missiles and munitions flying with no clemency and regard to collective worth of mankind.Ukraine war quite a recent commodity that broadly depicts the dearth or the lack of conceptual clarity the global legal system is facing in the administration of justice.Most men who saw the way in their majority had gone and little ever remains and the younger generation hardly learn from them basking in the euphoria of 'this is our time ' and not to the pathetic position of what it takes to be a vanquished as to be victor.
I was wondering what was on Emmanuel macron 's mind despite lack of support from the United States decided to declare war against Russia with the support of UK.How dare you declaring a war against the same country that led to the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte prior to commencement of the battle of Waterloo still trusting the most deceptive supporter in great Britain to see you through?The great Britain that coordinated the battle of Waterloo under Metternich that saw to the final crash of french empire in Europe?He had forgotten you cannot change a leopard skin nor can you change a chameleon.These are frontline states who had experimented and fought and won and lose some of the fiercest battle in history.Perhaps the French basking in the euphoria of having the highest number of victories at the war front in world history followed by Britain could not think twice jumped to declare war on Putin.How on earth a rational mind could rely on support of great Britain and backed up by EU to defeat a nation that had the highest forms of nuclear warheads the world ever seen.He had forgotten the deceiver could withdraw support at any forking unforeseen times.Who finances the war in Europe with Italy and especially Germany biggest economy in Europe pulling out of the Ukraine war?Why ?Because they knew history that you never have to dare your superior firepowers of great Russia nor count on the deceptive support of great Britain.
Anyway our attempt not to lay out the historical struggles of the war but to influence conversation on what rational concept of justice should be that is beneficial to mankind.When we see opportunities to keep peace why don't we sanction or pledge our support for it?Why do we neglect peace to the adoption of national and territorial intergrity?We cannot dispute mankind has lost it and inspite of diverse wars for thousands of years the theory of justice for mordern brutes still not clarified.

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