March 11, 2025

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 66

The prime time of time investment begins from the unexpected voyage of dreamy process and many fail to realize fairly too quickly the significance of the process architecture even until the termination point .The succesful ones surprisingly too fail to decipher the mystery behind the organisation of the process architecture which they unknowingly converted into personal progress.
The corporate human governance ethics of personal progress undeniably at all times remains the stagnant ethics of hardwork.The ethics is subconsciously endorsed by the all genres of human species in their crossroads towards fulfilment and same ethics endorsed by those who fail are also endorsed by those who succeed.Life is karma accordingly to the law of the sower and the reaper.Only great vision makes a difference between the top and bottom,poor and rich great and small and the difference is the ratio of volumetrism.
Frankly speaking they re separated by fear to denote and over emphasize the fact that confidence or faith like a magical charm is the most important resolution and most powerful commodity in the farmfield's wonderful edifice.All men are therefore born equal but the inability for their price of aggression to overwhelm fear separate them into two classes of homosapien,the failed ones and the succesful ones.It is not by having knowledge or being knowledgeable or hardworking,or being able to sacrifice alot infact by too much sacrifice you may be loosing your glory.I rephrase Elon Musk's when he says don't give people a lot of advice if it fails you receive all the blame and if it works they may not give you credit.
You see that? Can you imagine?These are negative sacrifice that destroys and impoverish the lifetime of the giver.Why does that happen? Because the adviser is lazy and can't execute the task hand and ready to collect a pittance in the name of consulting or otherwise indolent unable to implement the advice himself;simply because he has no confidence in himself.At least to give advice you must have been successful and even at that if it is too much you loose your glory.Most successful men today are end-users of other people 's advice simply because they have extremely bouyant faith or confidence and their ability to manipulate people s time for their selfish wealth creation.When you have this clarity of faith you give bounties and bountiful energy to your purpose .Thence you build the field with hardwork and patience and enhance it with positive sacrifice.
Most sacrifice you invoke should benefit you knowing fully well negative mode of sacrifice stresses you a lot .Of course it will break you down one day.In most cases they are unmanageable especially when it drains your resources.I think positive sacrifice is better and remembers your welfare.
I laughed at some of my funny childish memoirs.The best law of success I doubt Elon musk or world most successful men do realise that it is selfishness or parochiality and you can augment it when you reduce negative sacrifice to the barest minimum and grow positive sacrifice almost 360 degrees.

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