April 2, 2019


I mean precisely,that the west has been sustaining her civilisation,by unbridled imperialism and neocolonialism,making a mass rape of the underdeveloped regions,usurping also their natural capital and massive market relentless exploited to the boon of the west.It's payback time but unfortunately,even these underdeveloped innocent regions,are made to reap even more the dire effect of global warming.In the chapter under critique,he shows little understanding once again,of the gravity of yet undiscovered and highly undermined population war,when he says"The problem we now face is therefore more complicated than the one Malthus identified." Yet in the following sentence,he displayed little foresight,and still minced the larger picture when he says".In theory,the food supply can keep up with the population for a long while yet,but in practice we have chosen to escape the Malthusian dillemma by making a set of dangerous bargains with the future of theatrical legend that haunted the birth of scientific revolution."

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