April 29, 2019


He was in favour of what his reason told him rather than what his sense said.He believed that our senses give us fake evidence and incorrect picture of the real world that disagrees with our reason.With this submission he was obliged to fight all forms of perceptual illusion and deceit.Hence,he belong to a rational school of philosophy,due to his unshakeable faith in human reason.His contemporary Herarclitus 540-480 B.C.around the same period,in the opposing school thought otherwise.He was from Ephesus,Asia Minor and thought that constant change flows.He says"all things flow"and that was the most basic feature of nature." Everything flows"and "we cannot step twice into the same river".When juxtaposed,Parmenides says that nothing barely change whereas Herarclitus says otherwise that all things flow.That our sensory perceptions are reliable in contrast to Parmenides that sensory perceptions are unreliable. They were still burning in hell of disputation,when Empedocles c.490-430 B.C. from Sicily came onboard .

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