April 1, 2019


They believed improvement rate,in the standard of living,through such application was understimated by Malthus,who had contended that living standard would remain at minimum subsistence level.If it grew,population would grow,pressurising resources and driving standard back again.That population would depreciate,if it fell below subsistence level,due to starvation and so resources would become bountiful,causing population to grow.Hence Malthus like David Ricardo,believed there were real limit to economic growth,that it would at last stop.The subsistence projection maynot beaccurate,but it is wrong to assume,given the low clarity in his work,to assume that he could not foresee explosive in technology.Adduced from a great volume of data,that with relative subsistence abundance,man's death rate tend to fall and birth rate rose.Giventhe birth rate prevailing in his day and a reasonable subsistence abundance,he projected population could or would double in 25years. Natural increase of 28percent per a thousand annum

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